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The hidden contest ended - pt.1 Poll

by /u/BehaviourAnalytica · 2024-04-28 14:05:00 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 60 comments

[CONTEST] Larp as /u/Zunero - Win $50

by /u/Zunero · 2024-04-21 00:06:00 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 7 comments

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Tits get clicks
- /u/Zunero 18th September, 2023 - 18:52 We are simple. We see tits? We click on it :)

by /u/Paris · 18th September, 2023 17:27 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 21 comments

New register process Archetyp; Read this!
- /u/Zunero 29th April, 2024 - 16:13 It deters customers, you are a vendor you're supposed to know this.

No buyer is actually going to be bothered to constantly create a new PGP just to access a market and then see that the market is no good. Some buyers may not feel safe not seeing the listings prior. It's dumb bullshit like that and in my opinion those who get deterred from a PGP for that reason are just a bit of lazy pussies.

Most commonly, a lot of my customers don't know jackshit about PGP so I don't bother using PGP which essentially streamlines stuff. I hate those customers who reach out to me privately and try to ask me to make the deal on a market (like Archetyp) and then say shit kike "uhh I downt kneow hoew 2 ues peegpee" like fuck off I am not teaching you that.

I personally think PGP are an overkill also. I agree it serves a good purpose and I use it a lot to communicate with people but ugh I wish there was a way to streamline things with customers and buyers without the buyers having a learning curve. Also decrypting is so fucking annoying, I literally broke my CTRL, C & V keys because I bash them.

Yeah that's my experience with PGP markets lol

by /u/FokkingFire420 · 2024-04-28 13:11:00 in /d/Archetyp

0 votes · 45 comments

So, you want to make your own SUCCESSFUL darknet marketplace...
- /u/Zunero 29th April, 2024 - 15:57 I've heard ballparks going from 50k for an average startup and some even 100k for successful ones.

by /u/Giffie · 2024-04-28 13:01:00 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 23 comments

How does Dread respect our privacy ?
- /u/Zunero 17th September, 2023 - 18:40 It's interesting to hear that this website could potentially be operated by NSA (but of course that's not true). As Paris said, we should assume all sites are compromised. Never wholeheartedly trust a site. Always have your guard up and never trust a person wholeheartedly either. Private messages aren't really "private" but it's for the right reasons. They are private in the sense that no regular user can read those messages but the Dread team can. A level of surveillance is needed by the Dread team just to keep everything under control and not have any ongoing scams going in place. It'll be pointless for them to say that our messages are encrypted because Dread is closed-source and without it being open we could never validate their claims. Anyway, any private message you want to send, you could send it via PGP :)

by /u/Razorbeard · 17th September, 2023 17:40 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 5 comments

Could this work?
- /u/Zunero 12th November, 2023 - 14:35 an insurance payment

I think this answers both are question - /u/mrchrisdolmeth

by /u/Ox4rd · 11th November, 2023 17:23 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 15 comments