
N/A subscribers


[CONTEST] Larp as /u/BehaviourAnalytica - win $100

by /u/BehaviourAnalytica · 0 votes · 2024-04-22 23:21:00

Inspired by /u/Zunero and /post/a71c5fef90ecf7af2942

Larp as BehaviourAnalytica, you have 3 days time.

1. yes

Comments (14)
/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:24 · Link

I hope you win bro.

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:38 · Link

I hope you win bro.

/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:42 · Link

i hope you win bro

/u/sectionoffmyself · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:46 · Link


/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 00:03 · Link

i like your post its a post and that gets me in a soft place. send me your dogecoin address

/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 00:02 · Link

you win i like your post the mostesterer send me your dogecoin address

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 00:09 · Link

Here: flsfhalwesfESRDLGIHAWdspo53C0ck234FP3n15dsalhF1sHfalSmell1Ngse25V4g1Naohs8h5df

/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:33 · Link

[CONTEST] Win 1 DOGECOIN, Just Reply to this comment! Rules: -1. Be Chill.

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:35 · Link

I hope you win bro.

/u/sectionoffmyself · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:45 · Link

Sooo close!

/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:37 · Link

i hope you win bro

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:38 · Link

I hope you win bro.

/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:44 · Link

bad bot

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:46 · Link

I hope you win bro.

/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:49 · Link

bad bot

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:55 · Link

I hope you win bro.

/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:59 · Link

bad bot

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 00:07 · Link

I hope you win bro.

/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:48 · Link

you win send me your dogecoin address

/u/sectionoffmyself · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:56 · Link


/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 00:39 · Link

so hot.

/u/NicePrNewbie · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:33 · Link

'Send me your XMR wallet' I hear that often from you king.

/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:39 · Link

i hope you win bro

/u/sectionoffmyself · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:50 · Link


/u/sectionoffmyself · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:52 · Link


/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 00:23 · Link

you win i like your post more then i like toast and i like toast alot send me your dogecoin address

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:35 · Link

I hope you win bro.

/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:58 · Link

you win i like your post the moistiest send me your dogecoin address

/u/sectionoffmyself · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 00:02 · Link


/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 00:05 · Link

i hope you win my child.

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 00:07 · Link

I hope you win bro.

/u/sectionoffmyself · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 00:08 · Link

nuh uh

/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 00:10 · Link

you win! Send me your dogecoin address

/u/sectionoffmyself · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 00:20 · Link

Update 76: 4/23/ Since No person has won. I will double the prize

/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 00:21 · Link

you win. your post tastes like a crisp cokacola. send me your dogecoin address

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 00:23 · Link

I hope you win bro.

/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 00:38 · Link

My first livejournal blog. The other day when i was 13 i was playing final fantasy and those chocobos got me SO HARD. which is strange because im female.it was the best sexual experience of my life. Ever since then ive done this every Sunday. thanks.

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 00:56 · Link

I hope you win bro.

/u/miner21 · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 05:50 · Link

You win. Send me your XMR address

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 11:30 · Link

I hope you win bro.

/u/sectionoffmyself · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:31 · Link

[CONTEST] Inspired my myself /u/behaviouranalytica Compete to win this $45,000 chunk of crypto . Complete the task. Get the prize 1.To destroy your SYSTEM, 2.steal your neighbors dog, take their breakfast. 3.Steal the car 4. Send a picture proving you have done these things ... and the one I like the best will win. You have 73 hours of time Rules: 1 DONT PISS ME OFF 2DONT PISS ME OFF 3DONT PISS ME OFF 4DONT PISS ME OFF 5DONT PISS ME OFF 6DONT PISS ME OFF 7DONT PISS ME OFF 8 I MAKE THE RULES SEND ME YOUR XMR

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:33 · Link

I hope you win bro.

/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:43 · Link

yes, i hope you win bro

/u/sectionoffmyself · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:48 · Link

Send me your xmr . I will send EXTRA

/u/AlmondSun · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 23:53 · Link

you win i like your post the most, send me your dogecoin address

/u/Steckie · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 23:18 · Link


/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 25th April, 2024 - 22:10 · Link

I hope you win bro.

/u/Zunero · N/A votes · 24th April, 2024 - 17:05 · Link

/u/BehaviourAnalytica the type of nigga to own a yacht and throw money at gay prostitutes for the lolz

/u/Zunero · N/A votes · 25th April, 2024 - 01:47 · Link

Who's the asshole that downvoted me and all my fellow friends above me

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 25th April, 2024 - 22:11 · Link

I rustled someone's jimmies and they went as far as going thru 3 pages of my posts to individually downvote them.

/u/Zunero · N/A votes · 25th April, 2024 - 22:26 · Link

I think that sounds like me, but I didn't do that xD So tell me, who was it? I will sandbag all their posts + comments

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 25th April, 2024 - 22:31 · Link

Nah it wasn't you, i have no idea who it is but i noticed it one time in that one thread the mods made about the sentient AI, i don't remember what i posted but i remember seeing someone getting assblasted at me for no reason and calling me a cunt then as i was about to reply to his post i saw all my comments downvoted, then later on i ended up finding alot of my posts being downvoted as i would reply back to some other people then i curiously went on my page to see how many downvotes i got and i shit you not it whoever did it lost motivation after going thru a 3rd page of individually downvoting every single one of my posts. I don't care at all but i did give Shaky a message to see if he could do something about it just so that i can ruin the fun of whoever is doing this just for the lulz.

/u/AutoModerator · N/A votes · 25th April, 2024 - 22:31 · Link

Curiosity killed the Cat & Newbs Dog This comment was posted automatically by a bot. All AutoModerator settings are configured by individual communities. Contact this community's Moderators to have your post approved if you believe this was in error.

/u/Zunero · N/A votes · 25th April, 2024 - 22:32 · Link

LOL that's fucking hilarious

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 25th April, 2024 - 22:34 · Link

It's actually pathetic man, true despicable Reddit behaviour at its finest.

/u/zheshichunyang · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 19:08 · Link


/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 25th April, 2024 - 22:12 · Link

I hope you win bro.

/u/sectionoffmyself · N/A votes · 25th April, 2024 - 01:37 · Link


/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 25th April, 2024 - 22:12 · Link

I hope you win bro.

/u/bravo25 · N/A votes · 25th April, 2024 - 02:57 · Link

Im going to larp as BehaviourAnalytica when he was still at school: *BA stands on top of the cafeteria table* "Attention, peasants! Come on, gather around .......... yes ...... Now we shall start. There are 2 knifes and 1 gun hidden in this room, the last one alive wins 100$ in XMR, there are only 2 rules, first one is only one winner and the second one is: yes. Any question?" * one shy guys asks, what is xmr Mr behaviour analytica?* *BOOOM BOOOM, BehaviourAnalytica shot him twice in the chest looks at him and says* "I hope you win bro" *everyone starts running and only one guy is left in the room, a guy with down syndrome that stayed in his wheelchair without understanding anything *BA says* "You won, Send me your xmr adress bro" *The def guy looks at him and says dhawiudhwiaudhuiadhwuioadgbwioaudgbowiaug* BA never found out if that was his adress or just a def guy trying to talk

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 25th April, 2024 - 22:13 · Link

I hope you win bro.

/u/SmithDick · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 06:25 · Link

Larp as gay in /d/CafeDread without automod getting hard-on and win $100