
N/A subscribers


The hidden contest ended - pt.1 Poll

by /u/BehaviourAnalytica · 0 votes · 2024-04-28 14:05:00

Question: How many times did I get my XMR?
EDIT: You can send a DM to /u/fohshizzle2 for free XMR - limited to 50 users, be fast!

Some of you may saw this post /post/cfa3b529af65b3adba42 - it was created as I sent each participant of my hidden contest a message, asking for their price money back, as I'm in emergency.

The participants were the winners of my last contest: /post/79d7039545069be0856b


I send this message to everyone:


I'm really embarrassed to write you this, but would it be possible for you to send me the money back to my XMR address? I fucked up and overspend and could really need these funds right now in an emergency... 

XMR address: [removed by moderator]
Please send me the TXID too, so I know it was you who refunded me.  Thank you so much...

I received a message back from everyone, so I see this contest as completed.

To verify it was all planed, before sending everyone price money I created this /post/99c7ed1085960b56979f
I outline my plan and write a bit of my thoughts to make it more dramatic.
You will receive my private key to decrypt the messages in pt.2 of this post, as I wrote too much shit and you might have an easier time guessing the correct answer to my poll.

Price money
Whatever a person would have send me in XMR multiplied by 5.

Now it's up to Dread, from 7 participants, how many send me back XMR? Would you have send me back XMR? Why or why not?

Correct answer was: 3 lads did! They all got their money by now * 5

Comments (14)
/u/bravo25 · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:09 · Link

I said it in your dm "The pgp message is for dread staff right? Just a way to safeguard yourself when people start talking about this right?" I've said it ahahahahah I called it out

/u/BehaviourAnalytica · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:11 · Link

No, it's for everyone, in pt.2 of this post, I will give it out so everyone can verify what I wrote, I fucked up with some updates though, and I can not reveal it now in pt.1 as it could influence the poll. :)

/u/bravo25 · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:12 · Link

Yea i know i wasn't right with the dread staff part but it kinda was to safeguard yourself. This was hella fun, you are crazy bro some cicada type shit

/u/BehaviourAnalytica · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:13 · Link

Yes, you really got close.

/u/bravo25 · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:18 · Link

Thank you is all i have to say man... You are crazy bro

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:20 · Link

Ok so i'll basically explain what i already DM'd you earlier. I legit intended on giving back the money, i even replied with "Yeah sure man, what's the amount you need me to send you back?" to which you replied "something around 1 XMR, I'm so thankful". That didn't sit right with me so i was already DMing with /u/bravo25(he can definitely confirm everything i am saying here and i even dare someone to ask him to post screenshots of our DMs). I asked Bravo if he did received the message /u/BehaviourAnalytica sent and he told me he did and already sent the XMR back and we started speculating on whether or not Behaviour got hacked because come to think of it, everything was suspicious. Behaviour had been hosting all these competitions, claimed to be a millionaire that fucks 2 bitches everyday, has been giving way more than the prices he states in his competition so we thought somebody targeted him from doing all this wonderful stuff for us dreadheads. Then i went on a personal mission to warn everyone else who won in the previous competitions if they received the message and a whole bunch of people messaged me back and i think 4 people told me that they got the message and some of them gave the money back so that's why we collectively went into high alert and /u/miner21 issued the thread that was linked in this thread. Hell i even messaged Shaky and Paris about it. I eventually sent another message back so that they don't start looking into it. I honestly tried to do everything in the best interests of everyone involved.

/u/BehaviourAnalytica · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:29 · Link

Haha, I'm sorry.

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:32 · Link

It's all good dude, congrats on those who took the massive risk tho cause it paid out big fucking time for them. I almost feel fucking retarded for having tried to make sense of all of this.

/u/AutoModerator · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:32 · Link

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/u/BehaviourAnalytica · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:33 · Link

Hahaha, I think I should have setup a PGP Key prior to it, so no-one would have guessed I got hacked, to get better results, but this is fine, was a lot fun.

/u/bravo25 · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:36 · Link

Yea bro i checked your profile like 10 times today waiting for you to upload a private key disguised has public on your "Public Key Button" on your profile ahahhaha

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:36 · Link

True because both Bravo and me did look up your profile's post history to try to find any kind of giveaway that you were hacked and we did talk about that weird subdread with all the pgp messages in it at some point. Bravo told me he thought he was onto something but would never elaborate on anything because he told me he'd give me any leads once he's a bit more sure of himself.

/u/bravo25 · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:37 · Link

I never got sure of my self that's the problem ahahahaha

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:39 · Link

You should've talked anyways cause i was trying to put my critical thinking skills at work. No biggie, congrats again dude!

/u/miner21 · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 04:47 · Link

This was insane man. I read your message, and sent it back. Then I saw u/Phobos36 message to me and honestly it made all the sense in the world. Someone got into BehaviourAnalytica's account and basically scammed us all. I am happy I won, but it was still a lesson. I dont think I will send any funds like that again without PGP. I thought if you had your public key in your profile, you probably would have had 2fa enable. I bet we all would have sent it back if we knew for sure it was you. You are a legend u/BehaviourAnalytica

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:08 · Link

Dude, you really had everyone of us going and thinking somebody hacked your account. I can't believe you just straight up played us like a whole ass orchestra.

/u/Zunero · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:09 · Link

Typical /u/BehaviourAnalytica moment

/u/BehaviourAnalytica · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:36 · Link

It was fun, thanks for playing. :)

/u/zheshichunyang · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:22 · Link

I explained that It's not possible because I already withdrawn the money.

/u/BehaviourAnalytica · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:29 · Link

Can't win em all.

/u/zheshichunyang · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:33 · Link

when will this contest /post/c4e54f958ed6ae2ce574/ end?

/u/BehaviourAnalytica · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:36 · Link

In a couple hours

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:27 · Link

classic pyramid scheme in the making

/u/BehaviourAnalytica · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:29 · Link

I think we agreed you get a cut and we do not speak about this...

/u/SeductiveCatMeow · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 14:50 · Link

HAHAHAHA THIS SO AWESOME I think about three gave you back your XMR! Would I have you given back your XMR? Yes of course hubby!!! :3

/u/miner21 · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 04:29 · Link

u/BehaviourAnalytica you are out of control man!!! Very grateful. Thank you very much!! :-)

/u/deerp · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 18:10 · Link

Is anyone getting messages like this in their inbox? /u/NeedYourHelp Score: 0 Reply 28th April, 2024 /u/NeedYourHelp Hello, I have seen you have won the contest from BehaviourAnalytica. Life has been a bit rough after the Incognito and Cypher exit scam where I lost a lot of money... would it be possible if you could make my day a little better and give me a portion of your winning to me? 84bwKSCktZSSqwV5yShV4e3XLyWDg8Dy7TPDMKusDQSQBPCoj2dTo64b7zHb7JFgZeYNhf2V2tXHHQXR35sA8P8KKtd2yhN I will be forever grateful, even a small amount would make me very happy Make sure you send me your TX ID also please, I will cherish you forever. Thank you :)

/u/bravo25 · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 20:11 · Link

Yea, i sent him 0.64 xmr, probably it is just someone impersonating BA he is already banned but either way i don't normally do this and I didn't do it waiting for a return,i just hope he actually needs it if not, it is what it is. Today someone taught me that honesty pays off, i received a big prize from BA so fuck it i haven't sweated for this money, i just hope he actually needs it cause i don't do this everyday

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 20:54 · Link

I messaged Solar about it and my guess is that he ended up giving that account the cement shoes treatment if you catch my drift.

/u/miner21 · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 05:09 · Link

I got a similar message. If I knew some how the guy actually needed it, but there is no way to know. Brand new account.

/u/SeductiveCatMeow · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 23:50 · Link

Awww you're so kind! The money has gone to the right person <3

/u/SeductiveCatMeow · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 23:39 · Link

Oh crap does that mean that it might not be /u/BehaviourAnalytica? :( I got a message from /u/HelpSOS today saying this the same exact thing /u/deerp said! Excitedly (and stupidly) I sent him 1 XMR hahaha... I mean it's no big deal but yikes that's not good :(

/u/deerp · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 23:54 · Link

Fuck sake this is getting out of hand now. I'm really sorry to hear this friend. Honestly turns my stomach how these scammers are targeting people like yourself with an oscar worthy performance of destitution. I would speak to /u/solar or /u/shakybeats about this because it looks to me that fresh accounts are purposely created sending PM's in the style of /u/BehaviourAnalytica to quite blatantly rob people here. I have just spent my xmr winnings from a competition here on some fire dexamphetamine otherwise I would have donated some to you to make up for the loss you have had.

/u/SeductiveCatMeow · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 00:10 · Link

Yeah... people are too unkind, especially scammers :/ I have sent a message to the /d/Dread team! :) I still hope this is a whole mishap and in the turn of events it's actually BehaviourAnalytica all along! And nooo you don't have to give anything, it's not your fault! You should enjoy your cool fire drug hahaha !!! :D

/u/deerp · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 00:13 · Link

When it arrives I will dedicate the first line to you and raise a glass of beer in your memory lol

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 00:01 · Link

Report him to /u/Solar.

/u/SeductiveCatMeow · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 00:11 · Link

Sent a message to the /d/Dread team! If it's confirmed, I will create a post!

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 00:16 · Link

This shit is exactly why yesterday i was reluctant to give BA his monero back thinking he got scammed only to find out that it was just a competition then not long ago /u/NeedYourHelp and /u/HelpSOS comes out of the wood work and uses the info BA posted in this thread to try to impersonate him as part of the next part of this comp. They're definitely the same person and i find this fucking despicable for such a piece of shit to try to take advantage of people like that. Like dude, BA keeps shitting out these comps out of his ass like it's no big deal, everyone can atleast win if they put some effort into it.

/u/bravo25 · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 00:29 · Link

This is why /d/Contest is needed. We need a regulation for contests. I have warned everyone about this. /post/7b681b30b3bb48acfef3 BA just tried to do something fun and new, but there will always be someone trying to ruin this stuff /u/Solar /u/Paris Check my dread mod chat please guys.

/u/SeductiveCatMeow · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 00:38 · Link

Yeahhh I can understand why you'd be reluctant to give them the money back, too many bad people over here at Dread :( And that is true! So much hard work from and so much enjoyment in here and people still want to do bad, like why ?!?! Most definitely! I do not like those people, at all... party poopers hahahaha

/u/b0b4f3ttyw4p · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 06:32 · Link

I have a habit of checking messages before I do posts on dread. I saw the message and sent them like $10. I really don't know what to think, it could be someone who just really needs money and not a scammer. Either way, the way I look at it, the money came to me from /u/BehaviourAnalytica in a contest at a time I really needed the money. I sent whoever it was the ~$10 that was left out of what I used from the contest. I've had it rough lately, so when someone had the nerve to message asking, scammer didn't cross my mind. Maybe it was, either way, I'll be ok. But y'all sending half and whole XMRs, wish I had it like that right now, y'all can send some my way anytime. 😂. I figured I'd pay it forward. Hopefully that person really needed it.

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 12:28 · Link

Nah dude it's painfully obvious that it's some fucking dipshit opportunist who is well aware that there is a list of winners from BA's competitions. He saw this thread, copied BA's DM he sent everyone, slightly modified it to fit his narrative and then boom, he DM'd most of the winners from BA's competitions trying to fish for sympathy. There's no way it was really someone in need and even if it was, you gotta be on some weird level of selfishness to shamelessly come out of nowhere with a newly created account faking to be damsel in distress just to appeal to people's emotions in order for them to give you their money. I'm one to help homeless people from time to time but this shit is straight up fucking deplorable. Even if i technically didn't accomplish anything or worked hard for BA's money that i won, this is low as fuck and i refuse to give in this pathetic attempt at trying to scam people not only from the money they won but out of their goodwill. This deserves the ultimate asswhooping of a century.

/u/b0b4f3ttyw4p · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 13:47 · Link

I respect your opinion, I just choose to go with my thought that it have been someone who really needed it, Even if they did go about it in a somewhat sneaky way. But I just sent $10. If I sent a full xmr like /u/SeductiveCatMeow then I might feel differently.

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 14:08 · Link

Don't you think that the timing was odd(or rather too perfect in this case) for someone to happen to make a new account just so that they can pull this shit? I get that both you and /u/SeductiveCatMeow acted from a good place but we're on dread and there's alot of scammers lurking at all times. This shit has happened before.

/u/SeductiveCatMeow · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 15:01 · Link

I'm quite sure it was organized or otherwise why would they need the TX ID?! I think they tried to make people think that they would count their funding! Like how BehaviourAnalytica did when asking for your TX ID !!!

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 15:10 · Link

They didn't need it, did you read the part where i said that BA posted the DM he sent everyone in the OP of this thread? They just took everything and modified it to fit their narrative. BA mentioned that he'd send a some people a PGP key in the following hours he made this thread for part 2 of the competition and then a few hours later both of these accounts sent a bunch of DMs trying to get people to send their XMR to him. There was no need to ask for the TX ID it was just straight up ripped off from the original DM BA sent to probably add some kind of legitimacy to it or something? It was blatantly obvious that someone tried to take advantage of this situation.

/u/SeductiveCatMeow · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 15:11 · Link

Yesss! I am agreeing with you hahaha! :D It's so sad though :((

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 15:12 · Link

Also, the reason why BA asked for the TX ID was to know who actually sent the money he'd receive and then compensate in exchange. If it wasn't from that then anyone could've claimed to having sent the money and it would've made finding who a pain in the ass.

/u/b0b4f3ttyw4p · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 19:56 · Link

I don't have time or energy to focus on what could have been bad, if that person needed it that bad, and I didn't send it, I'd feel negative as hell, I see exactly where you're coming from, I just choose to focus on the positive. It's ten bucks. I mean yeah at that point it was my last ten, but karma has already came back around for me. Somebody that owed me $150 randomly showed up after three years to pay me. Would that have happened if I didn't send the money? We'll never know, but I choose to Believe in karma.

/u/SeductiveCatMeow · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 15:02 · Link

Hahaha yesss! But ahh it's okay don't worry! I've got money to keep the kitty afloat on the water :D

/u/SeductiveCatMeow · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 14:58 · Link

Haha aww that is so sweet of you !!! I hope karma does you good and gets you well :D Hopefully it was just someone who needed money and not a scammer!

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 12:31 · Link

Report, report, report. I gave Solar a heads up about /u/NeedYourHelp and i think he banned him cause it didn't take time for the account to get banned.

/u/miner21 · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 22:39 · Link

True I think all of us need to make an effort to report scammers rather than ignoring them. I am guilty of this

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 22:40 · Link

Yup, i'm not sleeping on those pieces of shit anymore. They always come out of nowhere and try to ruin everyone's fun. Fucking bunch of parasites.

/u/IDontSmokeMeth · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 19:54 · Link


/u/Steckie · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 21:44 · Link

You did get 2.67 times back your XMR from 3 ppl - Phobos36, Bravo and Me Would you have send me back XMR? I did, because i have seen you account was not compromised at that time. You posted normal things. Why? You helped me already.

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 00:43 · Link

Nah dude the 3rd person was /u/miner21, i hesitated and alerted everyone else instead.

/u/Hourglass · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 22:01 · Link

What a shame you didn't message me!!!!!

/u/adruguser · N/A votes · 29th April, 2024 - 01:26 · Link

i need some fuckin crypto

/u/miner21 · N/A votes · 30th April, 2024 - 05:10 · Link

u/samwhiskey I think this post deserves to be in your posts of the week, maybe the month? IDK it was super unique This had me on a roller coaster. Super excited that I won, bummed out that I thought I needed to give the money back, then felt retarded because I thought I sent my winnings to a scammer, then thrilled that it was all a game. I havent seen anything quite like this before. It was crazy, it was epic.