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New register process Archetyp; Read this!

by /u/FokkingFire420 · 0 votes · 2024-04-28 13:11:00

Are you trying to register to Archetyp but don't know what to do after you get to the encrypted message screen?

Basically Archetyp upped the security for new accounts. They now require each account to have a valid Public PGP key. Also they will have 2FA enable by default.

When registering, the first thing you'll need to do is paste in your Public PGP key. Then fill the other info like usual. (remember PUBLIC, your secret key is for your eyes only)
After you click the cut circle, you will see a page with a encrypted message. This message is encrypted with your public PGP key and only you can decrypt it.
After you decrypt the message with your PGP program (Best option is Kleopatra) you will see instructions on how to go further.
Basically you just need to copy the full link in the decrypted message and replace the old link in your browser with the one you just copied.

Are you still lost on how PGP works? How to create a PGP pair and how to encrypt and decrypt messages?
The DNM bible is the place to be. This website explains that and more. There's a whole section dedicated to PGP.
You can find a link to the dnm Bible here: /d/DNMbible and also on /d/DarknetMarketsNoobs

User: /u/Zunero

It deters customers, you are a vendor you're supposed to know this. No buyer is actually going to be bothered to constantly create a new PGP just to access a market and then see that the market is no good. Some buyers may not feel safe not seeing the listings prior. It's dumb bullshit like that and in my opinion those who get deterred from a PGP for that reason are just a bit of lazy pussies. Most commonly, a lot of my customers don't know jackshit about PGP so I don't bother using PGP which essentially streamlines stuff. I hate those customers who reach out to me privately and try to ask me to make the deal on a market (like Archetyp) and then say shit kike "uhh I downt kneow hoew 2 ues peegpee" like fuck off I am not teaching you that. I personally think PGP are an overkill also. I agree it serves a good purpose and I use it a lot to communicate with people but ugh I wish there was a way to streamline things with customers and buyers without the buyers having a learning curve. Also decrypting is so fucking annoying, I literally broke my CTRL, C & V keys because I bash them. Yeah that's my experience with PGP markets lol /u/newbieforever2018