Search results


Good news and bad news - All good things come to an end

by /u/NamasteLSD · 29th July, 2020 11:45 in /d/rcsources

0 votes · 20 comments


by /u/NamasteLSD · 2019-07-23 18:36:00 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

0 votes · 0 comments

[ALERT] NamasteLSD Private Shop Seizure Notice

by /u/dontlaugh · 2021-08-09 11:05:00 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

0 votes · 0 comments

Posts by User

how do you guys access empire??

by /u/NamasteLSD · 9th October, 2019 17:54 in /d/EmpireMarket

0 votes · 26 comments

Just a few things to get clear friends..

by /u/NamasteLSD · 18th June, 2019 11:28 in /d/NamasteLSD

0 votes · 28 comments

Good news and bad news - All good things come to an end

by /u/NamasteLSD · 29th July, 2020 11:45 in /d/rcsources

0 votes · 20 comments

Dread automoderator configuration help

by /u/NamasteLSD · 9th November, 2020 13:25 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 6 comments

Comments by User

Hello Ketamine
- /u/NamasteLSD 9th March, 2020 - 23:28 thanks!!

by /u/freeman420 · 6th March, 2020 19:50 in /d/Psychedelics

0 votes · 5 comments

GBL where can i order it ?
- /u/NamasteLSD 31st March, 2020 - 11:31 i can help you out, only in bulk though. if youre interested, pm me.

by /u/willemoranje · 31st March, 2020 11:24 in /d/DrugManufacture

0 votes · 7 comments

WeAreAMSTERDAM - Selective Scammer
- /u/NamasteLSD Verified Vendor 1st April, 2020 - 21:33 dude wtf is your issue lol

by /u/sillyboy · 1st April, 2020 05:34 in /d/Reviews

0 votes · 22 comments

WeAreAMSTERDAM - Selective Scammer
- /u/NamasteLSD Verified Vendor 1st April, 2020 - 21:31 >NamasteLSD removes any and all post that are bad about him in his forum section.

what a bullshit lol. fuck off.

and thanks /u/shakybeats for taking the time to let /u/sillyboy know. i apreciate it man

by /u/sillyboy · 1st April, 2020 05:34 in /d/Reviews

0 votes · 22 comments

Looking for a vendor that has PURE MDMA that ships to the US
- /u/NamasteLSD_S Vendor 30th April, 2020 - 03:06 Nah, just dont like gossips/rumors, feel free to order from us when you get some money though, I can personally guarantee that it will arrive and the quality will be the best.

by /u/hellokittykush · 28th April, 2020 04:48 in /d/Mdma

0 votes · 28 comments