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Dread automoderator configuration help

by /u/NamasteLSD · 0 votes · 9th November, 2020 13:25

hello! i want to change the automoderator in my sub so that it adds a new comment to all new threads but not to new comments.

does anyone know how to properly do this?

Comments (1)
/u/BadMedicine · N/A votes · 9th November, 2020 - 14:24 · Link

Currently, it's impossible, but a feature that I think would be very useful, right up there with configuring Automod to post its own thread every hour/week/month/year/whenever (like for Friday Free Talks or 4/20 announcements). Unless you put a big-ass sign on the sidebar saying "Make sure every post includes (random string of numbers and letters that Automod can pick up and reply to that nobody will say naturally), and our butler will be with you soon".

/u/NamasteLSD · N/A votes · 9th November, 2020 - 15:15 · Link

ahhh okay okay. yeah i thought about adding a rule to act when "E' is in a mssg but ofc that would result in automod replying on EVERY comment and not just posts. but okay thanks for the info! if its not there i can stop looking for it haha

/u/trumpsta420 · N/A votes · 9th November, 2020 - 15:19 · Link

/u/Paris new feature request?!

/u/NamasteLSD · N/A votes · 9th November, 2020 - 15:43 · Link

/u/paris /u/hugbunter is this something that can easily be implemented or done in the feature or would you say "dont count on it any time soon"?

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 9th November, 2020 - 15:45 · Link

I need to completely rewrite Automoderator, it was rushed like most things, but this was some pretty complex functionality overall. When I have the time, it will likely be scrapped and rebuilt so that I can remove the existing bugs and have a more intuitive user interface for adding/editing entries, with more configuration options. It would probably be good to be able to copy automod configurations between multiple subs too.

/u/NamasteLSD · N/A votes · 9th November, 2020 - 16:32 · Link

tnx for the information!