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WeAreAMSTERDAM - Selective Scammer

by /u/sillyboy · 0 votes · 1st April, 2020 05:34

Type of order - Purchased a sample pack - variety of pills, speed, K, MDMA, GHB, coke, LSD, etc. Totalling $120
Order - Nothing ever received
Countries - Canada:
- - Rating
Service 0 0
Shipping 0 0
Stealth 0 0
Communication 3/5 Vendor was responsive at first, and said they sent a reship. Nothing ever showed though. I asked them about the reship after a month of no show and they said they'd look into it, but stopped responding
- - Product info
Quantity - Nothing received
Price Value 0/5 Scammed me out of $120
Aesthetic 0/5 0
Reagent - N/A
Pictures - N/A

I had high hopes for working with this vendor, as they had mostly positive reviews. Despite pretty quick response time and communication, they are selective scammers, so I suggest going elsewhere...

User: /u/NamasteLSD

>NamasteLSD removes any and all post that are bad about him in his forum section. what a bullshit lol. fuck off. and thanks /u/shakybeats for taking the time to let /u/sillyboy know. i apreciate it man