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Good news and bad news - All good things come to an end

by /u/NamasteLSD · 0 votes · 29th July, 2020 11:45

Dont worry: I wont be going anywhere anytime soon, DDOS'ing and FUD-campaigning competition can suck my xtal laced cock <3

Bad news first: Still no update on the store. I have to be honest: i never anticipated this. /u/Hugbunter has always been reliable enough to at least check in once a week to offer support if it was needed. In good faith I reminded him a few weeks ago that I still owed him 2.5k USD, i rounded it up to 3K eur because most of the money goes to keeping Dread and Recon etc online, which is important. I now regret doing that because the downtime and non-support is beyond unprofessional.

I am honestly sorry for all customer affected by this. I have been working real hard on providing the best products for a cheap price while at the same time improving my shipping speeds. I keep getting hit by drawbacks such as my store being down, competition DDOS'ing or fudding me, Corona delays, etc. I never expected Hugbunter to fuck me, and by proxy my customers, over like this.

The good news: Recently I got help from my dear friend and trusted partner who you all know as /u/NamasteLSD_S . He helps me with support but also handles market related stuff so I can focus more on managing everything else that needs to be done. He and I are working real hard on getting a new store up and running soon. Even if Hugbunter gets my store back online, which I still expect happening, I dont think its fair for any customer that they might be put in this position again. Once that store is up and running I will start resolving paid but unshipped orders from my old store too.

If you have any question, please me know.

Thank you for your understanding, continued support and friendly words. It means a lot to me.

All good things come to an end, only for new good things to flourish ;)

Edit: Forgot some good news: Once my new store is up and running I will be adding lots of new products, with shipping from France too, with very good prices. I am 100% sure I can offer better prices and better products than anyone else right now. From pure white xtal to my own and exclusive press of 2CB to ketamine and 4MMC. You name it and I will be able to supply it for the best price possible.
And this is also the case for MXE. i heard lots of people asking for it and if time permits i will look into finding someone who can make a fresh synth.

Since this is /d/rcsources id like to do an interest check here: if i where to be able to source MXE how much would you be willing to buy and for what price? im not sure how much the synth is going to cost but i have seen insane prices and dont want to do that. just fair prices but for that i need to know what people consider that to be.

Comments (8)
/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 30th July, 2020 - 06:16 · Link

Thanks for the update. What some vendors either do not know or do not care about is how important communication is when customers are owed delayed packs. Keeping customers informed is very reassuring to them.

/u/NamasteLSD · N/A votes · 30th July, 2020 - 10:59 · Link

thnx friend i think its only fair. you trust me with your money and i couldnt face myself if i went gambling with it or something haha.

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 30th July, 2020 - 23:07 · Link

No one can blame you for spending it on hookers had that been the case but at least you are upfront about it.

/u/ScottyNoname · N/A votes · 17th August, 2020 - 10:50 · Link

as they said in the wolf of wall street "cocaine and hookers my friend how the fuck else would you do this job."

/u/gardien · N/A votes · 30th July, 2020 - 08:25 · Link

I mean kilos of MXE depending on the price. Don't know what's reasonable but used to be able to get kilos for like $3-4 thousand? Don't know how I'd feel if the price was double but let us know.

/u/topicguy · N/A votes · 30th July, 2020 - 14:40 · Link

I would be highly interested in an MXE synth. The real thing would be being able to show proof of a quality product before a major investment. For instance, if there were people (including myself) to test out the product, to say sample a few grams for an introductory price, and confirm a solid batch. After such a trial, I would happily go in for larger quantities. I agree, seeing the prices people have attached to their supposed MXE sales in the last few years is absolutely insane. I think the RC market should never be run like a "Get the last few grams of this mystery product for $XX++" business. It should be quality controlled, without the pressure of scarcity! ...If only.

/u/NamasteLSD · N/A votes · 30th July, 2020 - 15:13 · Link

yes friend really aggree with that..!

/u/XonexAC · N/A votes · 30th July, 2020 - 15:35 · Link

Ship to the US?

/u/NamasteLSD · N/A votes · 30th July, 2020 - 17:07 · Link

worldwide yes friend

/u/XonexAC · N/A votes · 31st July, 2020 - 02:34 · Link

Awesome I would definitely be interested!

/u/Banana_Boat · N/A votes · 31st July, 2020 - 01:54 · Link

I'm not a customer but I do think this is really awesome info. I've avoided Intl ordering but I've recently popped that bubble and I love 2C-B. I'm just a really fortunate person I guess for most stuff though, I used to get MXE but I never had to pay for it

/u/pandaman · N/A votes · 5th August, 2020 - 14:50 · Link

It's like the golden age of dissociatives man, I doubt anyone would want to pay more than 60-70$/g for MXE even though it's a legend. Because right now, there are so many good alternatives including 3-ho-pcp, DCK, MXiPr and many more. In my opinion, it definitely doesn't worth it, hence no one really even has tackled with it so far despite the demand.

/u/rrpscc · N/A votes · 3rd August, 2020 - 18:21 · Link

Fist time on dread so sorry if I've formatted this wrong or anything. Any update on the MXE? or MXE Synth. I'm looking to buy a small amount at first but then would definitely buy a much larger quantity. Any idea when your getting any or if you already have any? Thanks and once again sorry if I've formatted this wrong or anything.

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 31st July, 2020 - 02:00 · Link

All will be good

/u/Vendy_McVendface · N/A votes · 10th August, 2020 - 20:23 · Link

Hey, its been FOUR MONTHS you've let the (uncompleted...) private sites you sold us vendors stay down. THAT IS SOME BULLSHIT. Not a single word from you. Just straight up ghosting, letting your PAYING CUSTOMERS hang in the wind. Go fiddle with a fucking captcha, because surely THAT would be the best use of your time and effort...

/u/Vendy_McVendface · N/A votes · 10th August, 2020 - 20:25 · Link

"the downtime and non-support is beyond unprofessional." Quoted for truth. You don't get to ignore us for four months, let us lose money with the sites WE PAID FOR being down, and drop some stupid four line comment like WE ACTUALLY THINK YOU GIVE A FUCK AND ARE LIFTING A FUCKING FINGER

/u/gardien · N/A votes · 31st July, 2020 - 05:41 · Link

How intriguing to see you active

/u/ScottyNoname · N/A votes · 1st August, 2020 - 03:15 · Link

Do you have a estimated time line for when things will be good again i've got some coin tied up

/u/ScottyNoname · N/A votes · 17th August, 2020 - 10:47 · Link

is there anything in particular that's holding things up and is there anyway anybody can help? if its money I'm pretty sure we can start a donation/gofundme or somthing or do you need to put in coding work? or is there anything anyone can do to help speed things along?

/u/NamasteLSD · N/A votes · 23rd August, 2020 - 14:47 · Link

this shit is totally fucked up. im in such a mess due to this fucking shitshow. customers are rightfully so fucking angry and i cant offer the support i want to do which makes people now say i fucking selectively scam them. fucking shitshow /u/hugbunter i never expected this of you and i cant think of a good reason where you are able to post this and be online on jabber but cant reply or give us access to the full sites so we can help out our customers...