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- /u/PelicanVendor BigBird 3rd April, 2023 - 02:53 Yeah I was talking to Hug while the site was down during the DDOS didn't realize their was a mirror and it's back up. I would like to be back on the team I have been babying this for a while until all the mods I brought on went missing. Gurkin acidindia and the crew (granted that was years ago) I will be active again now that I know dread is back up.

i got like 80 notications to go through rn fml

by /u/gonnagoforit · 2023-03-02 22:37:00 in /d/DarkNetAustralia

0 votes · 24 comments is Tor safest compatible
- /u/PelicanVendor BigBird 29th April, 2023 - 22:56 You don't think clearnet services will give up info to the feds? If I had time I can find a very interesting report from HSI on how the flagged a package in a federal case was like 2019-2020

by /u/[deleted] · 2023-04-28 16:37:00 in /d/DarkNetAustralia

0 votes · 15 comments

Smuggling personal amount
- /u/PelicanVendor BigBird 29th April, 2023 - 22:57 This post is golden lol

by /u/OmarComingYo · 2023-04-29 10:16:00 in /d/DarkNetAustralia

0 votes · 21 comments

- /u/PelicanVendor BigBird 10th July, 2023 - 21:15 Rule 3 don't be a cunt.

You have been ever since I have you that 24 hour ban oh wait I thought I didn't do anything ever lol?

by /u/dontlaugh · 2023-06-17 13:05:00 in /d/DarkNetAustralia

0 votes · 111 comments

- /u/PelicanVendor BigBird 3rd July, 2023 - 03:01 He just mad that when I was head mod I banned him for 24 hours for legit having a mental breakdown and it was easier to just ban for 24 hours then have him cry in dm's for a few days

by /u/dontlaugh · 2023-06-17 13:05:00 in /d/DarkNetAustralia

0 votes · 111 comments