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Smuggling personal amount

by /u/OmarComingYo · 0 votes · 2023-04-29 10:16:00

Hi, glad to join, my apologies for a horrible post, and also if its in the wrong subdread I searched and searched but I guess Im the only one stupid enough to ask something like this.

Unfortunately I am addicted to heroin, I need to enter Vietnam from Australia for a few weeks with a return ticket and all accom booked.

I am not known to police, I have a stable job, no record, white, aussie born young male, will be travelling with friends, unfortunately I have to go, I cannot simply not go .

I know, Im a deadbeat, a loser, a fucking moron. However I need to take in at least 2 grams to sustain me. Ridiculous hey!

I understand Vietnam has some of the strictest drug laws in the world, however it is hard to research what the charges would be if I were to be found out. I know death penaltys are some of the highest in the world but the articles Ive found is for drug trafficking within the country. Im sure theyll treat importing just as seriously but I would think 2 grams would be a much lesser sentence.

At the moment I am considering properly anti dog wrapping/sealing and then storing in my rectum, and option two was dismantling my laptop and hiding it within a laptop compartment such as the battery and try to match the battery shape etc etc which would go thru checked luggage.

Send all the hate you can , I know all of it will be completely accurate, but if theres anyone out there who can clarfiy what the charges would be for 2 grams, and if the smuggling ideas are plain stupid or have a chance of being successful.

I know its not worth throwing my life away, but unfortunately this is how it is for me right now.

Thanks and peace to you all.

User: /u/PelicanVendor

This post is golden lol