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A line needs to be drawn with Incognito-They have taken this TOO FAR-lmk your thoughts on this proposal

by /u/QuickieFlippie · 0 votes · 10th March, 2024 08:06

Someone knows who these motherfuckers are, a bounty needs to be placed on finding them. I say we start a dn gofundme that whoever can provide absolute proof who where he is should get the funds. I know doxxing is illegal on dread but this one is different...there are exceptions to every rule. its one thing to rob half a million people of their money, we have seen this show more times to count, But now they are threatening half a million people's freedom by doxxing and its not right. What they are doing is pure evil. Is it right to dox 1-4 people to stop half a million people from getting doxxed? I think it is.

How about the rest of our community here? Please share your thoughts on this one exception to the sitewide rules of dread. I am asking moderators of this sub to leave this post up at least until /u/hugbuner and /u/paris chime in as well as other leaders of the community. If there are no repercussions then what will stop the next market that exitscams from doing the same thing? We can't let this one go guys. we have to draw the line with this.

So what are we going to do? this is not some vendor trying to dox a few of their douchebag customers, this is a huge market that has access to huge bulk buyers and vendors that I'm sure would be happy to fund a project like this to save their freedoms. So like I said before, should we make an exception to the doxxing rule with everything that is at stake right now? If we do nothing whether he is bluffing or not if he's not bluffing then people that depend on these drugs will be at risk the most, the vendors that use this way of life will not be able to take care of their families.

If the biggest, best, and most trusted vendors with integrity are sitting in a cell who will take their place? More scammers, untrustworthy vendors, and more markets that pull the same shit incognito staff is doing. We must catch and expose him and make an example out him of what happens when you mess with more then just people's money. We all can replace money, we can't replace the time spent in a cell.

The end buyer will be forced to source their products on the street, and put their irl safety at risk in so many ways. The DN will lose more trust because if he actually goes through with this shit the good ones will either retire or be rotting in a cell. I think you guys can figure where I stand on this but I wanna know everyone's thoughts whether your a baby bottle account or someone with 7 years and 12k dread points. I will tag some users/vendors/mods/and admins that I have respect for, some I know well, some not so much, some that I think are assholes and some that I love but if I tagged you here then it means that I thnk they have something to offer in getting this resolved and know what their contributions to dread have been. A

re we really gonna let this happen? This is one of those times where we all need to set aside our difference till we resolve this. But maybe im wrong and this is the darknet and shit happens. either way please give us your feedback whether you are for or aginast this idea, have something to add, or something that maybe we should subtract. Let us solve this together so that anyone else with this kind of power will think twice before trying to do the same. LETS CATCH THE GREEDY EVIL MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!

The list below are some people I think may be able to contribute in some way whether though wisdon, resources or financials. This list is in No particular order, just people I have known and seen over the years and believe can contribute in some way. A while back I thnk I saw that dread only lets you tag 10 people per post, I don't know if that is still the case but if it is then I will do continuous posts that will have all of the tags and post them, not to spam but just to make sure everyone gets a chance to give feedback, the extra posts I will lock, if /d/dread or /d/darknetmarkets lets this post stand please try to keep comments on /d/darknetmarkets, if not I guess its gonna be /d/cafedread. If I left any out I'm sorry but feel free to add your input as well and the input of anyone else you want to tag. This is not a joke so lets not just turn it into a bitchfest about incognito, lets share ideas and information to get these pieces of shit! And if anyone's tag is wrong lmk and i'll get it updated!

/u/densake-we know you have an opinion and connections that can help us whether you fucked us over or not, heres a chance to make some more money from us. This makes what you did forgettable and be a real DN here. /u/desnake, I never really liked you much but I do know you have reach that can help us. Please com out of the shadows and help us, we did after make you rich! do this one solid
/u/mr_white-if you are watching rn, we need you! /d/drughubstaff if you are in contact with him please, at least get us his pgp signed feedback

Comments (19)
/u/KindnessHeart · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 09:36 · Link

I agree 100% !!! Im cool with donating. There has to be a private chat or something because he's obvousily on an alt. So if reads everything then he can avoid it. Its better to surprise attack him !!! I know a really good hacker irl. I'm going to explain the situation & see what he can do. This is very personal to everyone at this point. If he were to just exit scam & take the money, then it is what it is but when he started threating everyone. Thats a different story !!

/u/QuickieFlippie · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 09:39 · Link

exaclty my point, glad im not the only one that thinks there should be consequences for this

/u/KindnessHeart · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 09:58 · Link

Karma is no joke either. He probably will get in a really bad accident or something. You would be surprised. He just stole from soooooo many people. Some of those people lost all they have to their name. Its a shame. Then wants to get more from Vendors !!! What kind of sick shit is that.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 10:16 · Link

He has a god complex. Look on how his ransom is written, when I contacted Pharoah I told him I could help with some stuff and he responded to me "Ask everyone, they all know how good I am with that type of stuff, I don't need help" and redirected me to Curly.

/u/BlackMask · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 10:02 · Link

I'm curious what are you gonna do when if you find them? Send assassins? Tell their friends on facebook who are they? If LE gets them, LE will get all customers data, I don't think it's what you want. Even if you do bloody punishment, it won't stop others, they will just think more about security. Anyway if LE didn't catch them, how are you gonna do it? Even with a lot of donations. Exits like that will be forever while customers let to do it. Everybody is responsible for own opsec. If this step was fucked up, have to accept consequences.

/u/AutoModerator · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 10:02 · Link

Curiosity killed the Cat & Newbs Dog This comment was posted automatically by a bot. All AutoModerator settings are configured by individual communities. Contact this community's Moderators to have your post approved if you believe this was in error.

/u/QuickieFlippie · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 10:30 · Link

I get your point, and if was a simple exit scam then thats all it would be, people would lose money and life would go on...the difference I see is that he not only a theif, hes a snitch if he goes through with this and no Im not hiring any assassisins but may a couple vendors that go to jail and or lose 100s of thousands of dollars will. The community gives the markets a pass when it comes to exit scams, but now its more then money, its destroying lives, good opsec or not what he is doing is pure evil, families will be destroyed by this act that didn't have to happen, and when he does turn up dead because of these misdeeds it might make a market admin like yourself think twice before trying to sink this low out of greed. He already got the money, now hes making it personal, and you are right, if LE catches him then that will just end with the same result of 200's of thouseands people being destroyed. Just sayin, if he goes through with this and comes out unscaved it will become the new norm just like exit scams

/u/BRITSHEROIN_LOVER · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 15:58 · Link

belive me, there is ALWAY a way to find pharoh if we are really smart! i do know 1 thing, its alway in our human nature that we alway leave some brrad crumb trail behind, all we have to is find that! and we find pharoah

/u/BlackMask · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 10:43 · Link

Incognito built monopoly for few years, everybody knew that, nobody cared. But should, there is no reasons for dnm to have monopoly except scam exit. For example I want to work as long as possible, I don't want to be top 1 coz it's too much heat and usually it's not long story. And I definitely wouldn't try to slow down new markets. ddf and tor.taxi had incognito on top and didn't list any new market for at least 1.5 years. Does it look strange? I'm sure they got regular payments from incognito. Of course they understood what was it for. There are many people helped it happen and they will keep doing it, new scam markets will come and history will happen again and again. I understand everybody's pissed off, but I think it's not something new, blackmailing happened almost every time. Even when Dream made honest exit, some mods starting blackmailing customers very soon. That's just evil side of human nature, called greed.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 10:56 · Link

Greed, that I don't understand. I have received money from working at AlphaBay and since the exit scam, I have always seen it as a poisoned gift. Most of those funds have been donated and little were used for my own pleasure which ended in a feeling of void. They probably made millions, showing lack of morals but ransom the community that have build their brand? This is way too far.

/u/BlackMask · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 11:14 · Link

As market admin I'm curious if it's even possible to find admin in case he used his brain a bit before starting. So let's see what options we have. 1. clearnet domains, they have bunch of them. I'm sure they were made with fake emails, won't find anything interesting. Only if hack email and find there some clues. 2. hack the market. Market as big and old was tested by every single person who thinks he was a hacker. They have paranoid nginx settings that makes vulnrs searching very slow and boring. And let's be real, incognito didn't add any features or even moved any icon for last years, it's tested as fuck. Even if pwn web server, can get db, but that's all. They know how WSM was dumped, vpn is not an option to connect to servers, ofc they use tor, so all ip of last conns will lead us nowhere. And I wouldn't except to have direct access to the wallet from web server. 3. investigation. Many people talked to admins, in personal chats they could mention something: country, city, some famous area, when and where they traveled, maybe admin ordered 1g of coke for birthday and in theory we can find who was the vendor and, maybe, he can find an address. So someone needs to play a detective, collect all clues, and catch the bastards. Actually it sounds quite fun, but it's serious work that requires background. LE, I know you read it, maybe you can give us special agent for that =)

/u/AutoModerator · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 11:14 · Link

"No matter how paranoid you are, what they're actually doing is worse than you can possibly imagine." Curiosity killed the Cat & Newbs Dog This comment was posted automatically by a bot. All AutoModerator settings are configured by individual communities. Contact this community's Moderators to have your post approved if you believe this was in error.

/u/LaurenSouza · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 11:02 · Link

This is a bad idea. Do not pay the extortion fee. Move on an learn from the lesson. Your fucked either way if he decides to release info to the FEDS ( he most likely wont as transactions lead to him) You hunt him down/ DOX then what happens? He gets busted and the FEDs have even more information on customers and vendors?

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 11:09 · Link

While you are right on not paying the ransom. Those data can be seen as fabricated in the court of law if they don't have physical evidence.They are not fucked, they have time to clean house. Incognito is the only one in hot water.

/u/CodeIsLaw · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 08:08 · Link

I keep getting notifications saying you tagged me in posts but they all say [pending approval]

/u/QuickieFlippie · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 08:11 · Link

yes, I tagged all the members I could think of to help take these assholes down with whatever they can offer, now im just waiting on mod approval

/u/QuickieFlippie · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 09:04 · Link

/u/codeislaw it should show up now, its been released from the queue

/u/strace · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 08:56 · Link

Ditto what CodeIsLaw said. I"m going to take wild guess as to what your post is about and reply that I've already been seeking the same ends. If you haven't done so yet contribute your links to: http://2lbxwmr2hqgmdsrrlsmzvlreflv4uxrarqfzmo2g7wlesqnhskojp4yd.onion/ He's got 3 years of battleground experience fortifying incognito with 99% uptime against ddos so it won't be easy. IMO it has to be massive coordinated group effort to focus all botnets on those mirrors.

/u/QuickieFlippie · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 09:02 · Link

you are on the right track, but ddos isn't enough for something i feel, the damage financially has already been done and a ddos wont stop the damage thats coming, when you read through my post you'll get what im sayin

/u/QuickieFlippie · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 09:03 · Link

/u/strace, it should show up now, its been released from the queue

/u/hydronerd · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 08:44 · Link

Something must be done to stop this behavior here and now and prevent it from happening in the future

/u/QuickieFlippie · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 08:58 · Link

thank you for letting this clear the queue, i really believe we as a community need to come together on this. I know I tagged a lot of people that have differences with one another but I have feeling many of them will find common ground on this one. you're a real one /u/hydronerd, thx again

/u/hydronerd · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 09:13 · Link

No problem mate! I hate getting robbed especially for 10k. But I was looking around and found this post /post/f8b3021944004d8ca3bc. Looks like we might be in good hands already.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 09:18 · Link


/u/QuickieFlippie · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 09:19 · Link

as long as it can be verified...DO IT

/u/KindnessHeart · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 09:54 · Link

Thats probably him trolling

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 10:07 · Link

I talked with CurlyDock on Jabber and Pharoah after the exit scam of AlphaBay to work with them as I thought they were genuinely putting work with the wide variety of services they had but after seeing the ransom announcement, this is too far and have to act on it. I have always been for the community and will always be.

/u/0verdosed · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 10:00 · Link

Its like a real life "Trolley Problem" Made an image catered to the incognito situation but dumpli was offline EDIT: dumpli is back online http://dumpliwoard5qsrrsroni7bdiishealhky4snigbzfmzcquwo3kml4id.onion/image/get/e02acbce89313828.png

/u/0verdosed · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 22:09 · Link

Here you go /u/QuickieFlippie a nice meme-ish image to capture your thought process

/u/AutoModerator · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 22:09 · Link

The Art of Memetics⚠️ By Wes Unruh and Edward Wilson This comment was posted automatically by a bot. All AutoModerator settings are configured by individual communities. Contact this community's Moderators to have your post approved if you believe this was in error.

/u/Rodeoweb · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 12:24 · Link

I just had to chime in, I don't post much but only use dread to be keep informed. I'm a long time buyer and been through exit scams since AlphaBay, I've managed to avoid most but this one I got caught. Figures, one of my biggest orders. First, thank god I never trusted that auto encrypt shit, second, fuck him, I'm calling his bluff. Go ahead and turn over the data but be aware, I only could speak to the US but the feds need corroborating evidence, which is HIM but since he is a criminal that doesn't count as corroborating evidence. If he did come forward the best he could do is get a plea deal, haha. Talk about cutting ones nose off to spite your face. So for me, here's a big FUCK YOU, I dare you to hand over the data!!!!!!!!!!

/u/Succinimide · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 13:44 · Link

We don't think this is the solution. The real solution is sadly much more simple and mundane. Exit scams are an inherent risk of this business as it is currently built. Accordingly, the old adage has always applied..."act as if.." So, when vendors and customers act as if a market is already compromised and protect their data accordingly, extortion attempts like this will merely cause an eye roll and folks will carry on. If all addresses, sensitive communication, and cryptocurrencies were handled appropriately per the DNM Bible and other sources, no one will care if you leak that shit. Until a fully trustless market exists, this is the way.

/u/BRITSHEROIN_LOVER · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 15:54 · Link

yeah i ageed with you, Pharoah may have made biggest mistake of his life, trust me, he will regret this because lm sure lots of people want him DEAD. this guy is fuckin scumbag in darknet history

/u/metalgeardonkey · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 17:12 · Link

whats d best outcome iyo?

/u/QuickieFlippie · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 18:49 · Link

that someone finds him and shoots him in the dick

/u/QuickieFlippie · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 19:26 · Link

or any ice pick in the pee hole

/u/metalgeardonkey · N/A votes · 12th March, 2024 - 15:44 · Link

based peehole destroyer

/u/Reveal1119 · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 04:40 · Link

i will slaaapabitch for write price and good attorney... just kidding... i mean in minecraft.. all expenses paid by giftcards... thx... in minecraft have daugter big bitch needs job... inquire within... sorry, no passport... j/k

/u/NancyBotwin2021 · N/A votes · 22nd March, 2024 - 05:58 · Link

You can't transform animals into humans by any means.

/u/ElCaptinoJackarino · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 14:08 · Link

I feel doxxing is a line never to be crossed, slippery slope and all that. But at the same time, exit scams have to be stopped. And we need to find a way to provide a compelling disincentive for future would-be exit scammers. Something that would make them pause and think, "Idk, if I do this I could be screwing myself for life" Perhaps this is a situation where an exception needs to be made for doxxing. A one-time exception the community agrees upon. The line must never be pushed further. But for exit scams that are confirmed beyond reasonable doubt, perhaps it should be allowed and supported. Just throwing the idea out there. At the same time, that's not enough. We should approve doxxing exit scammers while at the same time finding a solution moving forward that eliminates the markets' ability to exit scam. Anonymous smart contract crypto. Or direct payment to eatablished, trusted long time vendors with a fee set aside to market for facilitating the transaction (maybe vendor has to pay a percentage of what they receive to cover the fee, and if they don't their vendor privilege is revoked). For vendors not meeting that criteria, perhaps users pay up front still but the vendor is only allowed 3 sales in limbo at once. If a user contests the transaction like the vendor scammed them, their status is revoked until investigation can confirm one way or the other, accounting for buyer's reputation and history as well as the vendor's. 3 sales at a time max ensures if they do scam the amount of money they have at once is limited. Could also add a 1% fee for all transactions that goes into a community fund to cover any buyers scammed. Kinda like insurance, if you will. Since the market won't be a middleman, this fund could cover those scammed. And perhaps the keys to release funds are set up as needing 3 different keys simultaneously. One the market owner holds, and the other two are held by 2 other trusted individuals working for the market. That way it would take all 3 conspiring to scam the fund. Which, while not impossible would make it far less likely. Or maybe the 3 key approach could be used with the current system as is. So if the owner wants to exit scam they'd need to convince two others to get on board. Which judging by the Incog scam, the other refused to be bribed. People do have integrity. At least it would minimize the probability of an exit scam, even though it couldn't eliminate it entirely. All just brainstorming ideas to consider. Is it possible smart contacts could be utilized to bypass the middleman for escrow? I know XMR couldn't do it but many crypto can (ADA, SOL, etc). Problem is they don't have the anonymity. But perhaps a solution could be found. Idk how but programmers could look into it, ya know? Necessity is the mother of invention. We need an anonymous coin with smart contracts, do we not? Cut out the middleman for escrow, thereby eliminating the market's ability to exit scam with user/vendor funds. The markets could simply facilitate the transactions for a fee. Is such a thing possible? Idk. But if you/whoever knows any crypto developers perhaps you could reach out and ask if it's even feasible theoretically, and if so, what would it take to implement, and THAT could be crowdfunded. Could research Beam, Discreet Network, Secret Monero Bridge, or check out privacy coins one by one for anonymous contracts coinmarketcap dot com /view/privacy/ on clearnet has a list. I'm not knowledgeable enough but surely some are. This would revolutionize markets if some way to bypass the middleman for escrow was found.

/u/fetty_wept · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 23:19 · Link

Smart contracts are inherently transparent by design. XMR operates based on basic principals that facilitate the privacy it offers. Monero Features - Ring signatures: Allow multiple sender's transactions to be bundled as one - Stealth Addresses: Each TX on the XMR chain gets a one-time address (address generated on behalf of the recipient ) - Confidential Transactions (ringCT): The amount of XMR contained in a TX is obfuscated (hidden) HOWEVER.... There are ALREADY a couple of privacy focused projects that are worth looking into (Hint: Secret Network is the winner) 1. Secret Network (scrt.network) 2. Enigma Secret Network - Blockchain for privacy focused SMART CONTRACTS, which are called 'secret contracts' (go figure) - Offers interoperability with other blockchains (!!) through it's 'privacy as a service' (PaaS) - Devs can build apps that use encrypted data without revealing the data itself (even to the nodes running the network) - Uses Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) (mainly Intel SGX) to process data securely (this provides isolated environment to allow for secure data processing) - Network already supports things like private auctions and PRIVATE MARKETPLACES - Ability to facilitate cross-chain communication to trigger action on another blockchain (Think: Secret Network triggers XMR transaction) - This is very promising because the contents of the ledger are encrypted, so even though the data is available for everyone to see, it's encrypted (like PGP) - The first one to create a marketplace built on this tech wins. Enigma (this is the OG that has had ups and downs) - Enigma was born as a privacy layer for ETH and was one of the first projects to focus on privacy - Goal was to enable anonymous/private processing over the blockchain to allow data to be used in smart contracts without exposing the actual data - Enigma is decentralized - Enigma has gone through a lot of drama and is actually working with Secret Network Secret Network really is promising. It was built to do exactly what this ecosystem needs. Some other nerd who has the time (and skill) to pull this off will be rewarded with monetary gains as well as boss level clout.

/u/partytime · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 17:39 · Link

I'm going to copy-and-paste my response to another of these threads, mates: Thank you for tagging me on this. As I wrote in another thread, dread's no-doxxing rule is a foundation of the dread community. I agree with dontlaugh and samwhiskey, we should not set aside our principles even in an extreme case like this. Once that door is opened, closing it is going to be very difficult. Someone will always come up with a reason why "we did it for pharoah, we should do it for xxxxxxx". Plus, as samwhiskey points out, a lot people, vendors and users alike, will use the opportunity to falsely accuse competitors or just people they don't like. Hug and Paris will have the final say on this. I hope they remain true to dread's founding principles, and I believe they will.

/u/letsdigaletterdeeper4-inc · N/A votes · 12th March, 2024 - 02:50 · Link

This is a tough one but in my opinion DOXING ANYONE IS A NO GO, Please /u/HugBunter and /u/Paris can I ask that you don't allow promotion of fund raising to DOX anyone. TBH as I read some posts I feel like I am in a discussion with a bunch of FBI agents rather then an underworld community. Don't take that the wrong way as there is a strong argument that "doxing pharoah is justified to stop the users/vendor being dox" which I dont agree in my opinion DOXIN this dog will just 100% DOX all the users and the vendors PLUS pharoah. Would i pay him his extortion money .. LOL fuck no - he aint gonna delete any of the database of this I am certain so I would avoid doxxin him because if he gets doxed LE will go after him and he will have that database, make no mistake. /u/HugBunter if you have laws in place and rules set out which users agree to upon signing up and then if you don't enforce them will takeaway from a lot of Dreads credibility. SO MY SUGGESTION? /u/HugBunter I did read a few comments you made which sorta may have suggested you were working and getting closer to discovering Pharoahs identity if this is the case dont DOX him just use his trick and extort him... what do i mean? send him a message like "Hello Pharoah or should i say JOHN DOE, as you can see you challenged someone who is way out of your range and I know your real identity so to avoid being doxed return the stolen money, write a pgp signed letter stating you are sorry and that you agree if you ever are found as a market admin again I will be doxxing you cock sucker... love /u/HugBunter

/u/letsdigaletterdeeper4-inc · N/A votes · 12th March, 2024 - 03:07 · Link

MOST IMPORTANTLY, Im not convinced he actually has any data at all... FACT IS he posted a threat and provided nothing, why would you do this for? ITS JUST STUPID... He basically is saying "im going to do this by this date" and the date passed and he provided nothing... Im calling BULLSHIT, if he were serious he wouldn't have to try to convince people how much data he has and he diffidently wouldn't need to write several comments to convince you that LE would use this data against you.. Whats that Snoop Dogg song say "anyone who is weak will always have to speak, anyone who's quite will always cause a riot" As for the TX iD that is just the most retarded thing I have heard, as the only common trace will be to himself so you can be sure he is not that stupid... 100%

/u/PelicanVendor · N/A votes · 30th March, 2024 - 17:12 · Link

tbh a dust attack was already done to a their wallets. 99% sure because who the fuck wouldn't cashing out their coin through traditional means in bulk is never going to happen. It took us years to develop a method to get cash in hand in bulk and even then cashing out 500k takes months. That being said they will probably fuck up at some point. If people had clues and enough examples of their writing there are a few interesting things we could do but tbh us talking about anything in public is probably only going to help them. Also I am not vigilante just a business bird. A lot of these guys get caught years down the line making a slip up with btc transaction like the bitfinex guys even did. tbh if they gust busted they will strike a deal and give a bunch of customer data. They will still be fucked and rot away for ages but the end customers with leak data probably just going to make it on a list. Getting drugs mailed to you doesn't mean you ordered it deny deny deny! lastly he didn't cross me I haven't had to use markets in sometime and my alts never used that market. Guy's... It's a game lots of people playing checkers they are playing chess. I hope they pm me for advice now lmao