
N/A subscribers


Down With This Sort of Thing !!!

by /u/Nemesys99 · 0 votes · 13th August, 2019 18:20

Careful Now ....

I am sick and tired of those drama queen(s) - because we cannot be sure this is not coming all from 1 person - attacking, insulting and accusing people (namely /u/HugBunter and the new mods /u/PelicanVendor, /u/Greatergood , /u/jesusfaller, /u/majoredinhippy and /u/Churrio).

Men (man?), if you have solid proofs, then post them right away or shut the fuck up !
And stop the "I'll be posting the proofs whithin 24/48/72/1000 ... hours".
You seem more and more suspect of building those proofs (I hope you have a very good grab on photoshop ...).

So far, all I have seen is a capture of an answer (to what?) of /u/HugBunter, which out of it's context, doesn't mean a thing.

What is your problem? Pissed off with not being chosen as MOD(s)?
If not, fucking post or stay silent forever. End of the story.

Comments (5)
/u/Solace · N/A votes · 13th August, 2019 - 19:07 · Link

It was a mistake to make /u/Churrio a mod he acts like a complete sooky la la and is probably 12. The First three selected /u/PelicanVendor, /u/Greatergood and /u/jesusfaller seemed like solid choices, should have stopped there.

/u/TheSubGuy · N/A votes · 13th August, 2019 - 19:42 · Link

Maybe /u/Churrio if you apparently act 12 and are incapable of doing your role I could replace you? The Mod badge looks neat! Haha just joking on a serious note though my comment above stands... I am interested in the process of how I would become a Mod /u/PelicanVendor /u/Greatergood /u/jesusfaller /u/majoredinhippy /u/Churrio

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 10:09 · Link

:( im telling my mum on you

/u/TheSubGuy · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 10:23 · Link

/u/Churrio are you willing to be a FullySickCunt and make me a Mod despite my Vendor status? I bet a true sick cunt would...

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 16:36 · Link

I wish coz youre my fullysickcunt brother from whereever you are you got mdma? :)

/u/TheSubGuy · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 10:46 · Link

If I'm a fullysickcunt and can not get a MOD badge could I at least get a fullysickcunt badge? I do not have MDMA on me right now nor do I sell it but I do not do or have a lot of things However there is a lot of things I could do or have given the right circumstances... cough MOD BADGE cough cough... ;)

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 17:06 · Link

are you sure you want to give up that Vendor flair for the highly rare and limited edition "FullySickCunt" flair? I cannot make you a mod

/u/TheSubGuy · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 21:16 · Link

I do not just want the Vendor badge.. I want the MOD badge too.. AND the "FullySickCunt" flair I WANT IT ALL MAN (But if you look below you can see my dreams have been crushed) /u/HugBunter Please... If there is anyway I can be Fully Sick... Anyway you could make that happen?

/u/auspride · N/A votes · 15th August, 2019 - 08:48 · Link

I can vouch for the following: /majoredinhippy -- Great guy overall! Being mod gives him the rep he deserves for all the hardwork he has done. Keep it up! /u/Churrio -- "fullysickcunt" nails it. This guy is as real as can be. LE better watch out this guy means business! I am sure the others are good as well. I just hope we learn from the recent issues that happened and grow stronger. Overall, its time to make some cashola! Auspride Store on Empire Market! /store/auspride Auspride Store on Berlusconi Market! /index.php?c=listings&a=vendor&v_id=77fb827efef34bca077a5e38cf81d594 Auspride Store on Cryptonia Market! /products/auspride

/u/majoredinhippy · N/A votes · 13th August, 2019 - 18:31 · Link

Sadly I had to ban two accounts from this subdread already for this behaviour. I've been asking for this so called dox to be sent to me.

/u/Nemesys99 · N/A votes · 13th August, 2019 - 18:39 · Link

Well I'm pretty sure that's one pissed off kid - because he wanted so hard to be a MOD (like it's a dream job!) ... ;-)

/u/Fangs_DNM · N/A votes · 13th August, 2019 - 18:55 · Link

I can picture the perpetrator as we speak. They're some lonely, meth-smoking nerd and this is the most excitement that they've had all year. I'm sure right now they're twirling the pipe and creating new Dread accounts, hoping for more FUD to spread to come to mind. Sad cunt lmao.

/u/TheSubGuy · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 10:42 · Link

Sounds like fun having 12 year old hackers threatening to DOX me... What are the requirements for MOD status? Can I seriously not be a MOD whilst being a Vendor? I have to give back to the Community in at least one way or another... I'm not paying taxes and am technically jobless!

/u/Fangs_DNM · N/A votes · 13th August, 2019 - 18:52 · Link

Why are you assuming their gender? Why men/man and not woman/women? I empathize and feel all the pain of the Aussie females out there being excluded from hypothetically being the FUD-mastermind of /d/DarkNetAustralia.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 10:51 · Link

Rule 16 Rule 16 states that there are no females on the internet Expanded Rule 16 states that: a) All internet men are men b) All internet women are really men b) All internet children are police

/u/Nemesys99 · N/A votes · 13th August, 2019 - 18:55 · Link

Because I'm a woman and this way of doing things are not ours ...

/u/Fangs_DNM · N/A votes · 13th August, 2019 - 18:58 · Link

Fair call in retrospect!

/u/goddamnit · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 03:14 · Link

Funny how the default is male, the amount of times I get called "bro" here cracks me up

/u/TheSubGuy · N/A votes · 13th August, 2019 - 19:00 · Link

I am curious How would one become a MOD of Dread? What would be the benefit(s) if any? Maybe I can be the new kid that has the Dream Job of becoming a MOD here because I'm technically unemployed and do not pay Taxes ;) /d/DarkNetAustralia

/u/Nemesys99 · N/A votes · 13th August, 2019 - 19:04 · Link

And you think you are going to be paid to be a mod? Most mods I know are volunteers and do it for the benefit of the community.

/u/PelicanVendor · N/A votes · 13th August, 2019 - 22:53 · Link

No benefit, No pay, just headache

/u/target2020 · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 01:10 · Link

on that doll though

/u/TheSubGuy · N/A votes · 13th August, 2019 - 19:40 · Link

I never said that I wanted to be paid... I said What would be the benefit(s) if any? I was just joking about the being technically unemployed and not paying Taxes side of things I'd be happy to become a Mod here which is why I asked the question, how does one become one?

/u/Nemesys99 · N/A votes · 13th August, 2019 - 19:55 · Link

Good question ... but I'm not the right person to answer - try /u/HugBunter What would be the benefit : try to ask a teen (with high testosterone) who is thinking that's the best thing in the world ... to be someone/powerfull ? Ho, and I've got 2 sons (teens).

/u/TheSubGuy · N/A votes · 13th August, 2019 - 20:03 · Link

Haha what do you say /u/HugBunter? I did not tag you before because I thought the other mods may be able to answer my question or it could be a flat no and know you are a busy guy so did not want to waste any of your time but at the same time if this is actually possible I would not mind giving it a go? I'm not so sure of the benefit(s) so far but it will increase my knowledge around certain things whist helping the community out a little bit so I can not see it doing any harm to others and it could definitely help me one way or another and as for Nemesys99 thank you for the tag I would not have thought to do that myself, I think if I was made a Mod I would be most interested in spreading around information that keeps people safe both in real life and online to start with and go from there, I'm sure there are plenty of noobs that are still trying to make that first BTC deposit among other things, haha

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 16:06 · Link

There's no real benefit to it if you don't have an interest in managing a community of course as for deciding on who is added, I guess the current mods or if /u/Paris is still handling this

/u/TheSubGuy · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 16:37 · Link

I wouldn't actually mind belonging to the DarkNetAustralia Community and would like to become a Mod... I'm not sure if the rumors are true though that because I am a Vendor I am not actually eligible to become a Mod for Dread anyhow? /u/HugBunter

/u/TheSubGuy · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 16:45 · Link

Maybe /u/Paris can clear this one up for me? If I cannot be a Mod it will be upsetting but I'll be able to live with it

/u/MortyC-137 · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 17:40 · Link

maaaaaaateeeeeeee if you look on the frontpage of the sub the third sticky post it says all the rules there. but since you clearly cant read i will provide assistance. >No Mods? Let us fix that. Read this ASAP > To prevent curruption, censorships, and to keep moderators as neutral as possible; to be eligible to run you can't be: A Vendor (that operates directly or through resellers to Australia) A Market Admin A New Account (you must have at least some of not plenty of posts on this sub before this message has been made) so there you go mate no foul play here no fancy rumors written in plain text and presented just for people wishing to become mod. funny how reading the one big fuck off post about becoming a mod actually provides the answers you are seeking

/u/TheSubGuy · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 20:56 · Link

Aggressive much? Do you feel like a big man now for reading a few of the rules I missed out on..? Ultimately the decision is up to the MODS or HugBunter anyhow so please get off of your high horse You make my request to become a MOD sound like SUCH a bad thing... Literally was contemplating seeing what it would be like and if I would enjoy it hence why I asked... You act like such a child /u/Mortyc-137

/u/MortyC-137 · N/A votes · 15th August, 2019 - 04:07 · Link

nah its the fact you were told several times that your not eligible but you kept pushing it

/u/TheSubGuy · N/A votes · 15th August, 2019 - 05:43 · Link

Sorry internet Police it will not happen again, please do not dispatch special forces internet warriors on me

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 18:38 · Link

Sure mate I'll clear it up for ya. To prevent corruption, censorship, and to keep moderators as neutral as possible for moderation elections like this sub; I have prohibited vendors (that operates directly or through resellers to Australia), market admins, and new accounts. The reasoning for vendors is pretty simple. If they operate in Australia they would have an incentive to remove posts or comments about themselves which show them in a negative light. As such they shouldn't be moderators.

/u/TheSubGuy · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 21:03 · Link

Thank you for the quick response and no problems I was curious and wanted to see what it would be like It makes complete sense that you would want to avoid Vendors becoming MODS to avoid these things I'm happy to just stay with Vendor status anyhow after dealing with the rude person above me I've decided that it probably would not be for me anyhow... There is only so much I can take of childish morons /u/MortyC-137

/u/TheSubGuy · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 10:25 · Link

Sign me up baby!

/u/MortyC-137 · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 10:49 · Link

you are a vendor so you cant be a mod

/u/TheSubGuy · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 16:40 · Link

As your local Vendor I may be able to give you something for that headache? Joking I would like to become a part of the Headache team! (I guess the headache comment is not entirely a joke... I wouldn't want to just sit by and let another fellow human suffer, aha) /u/PelicanVendor

/u/PelicanVendor · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 16:54 · Link

The aussies probably wouldn't want a vendor cuz you could censor shit even though I would see if you did but would be drama

/u/TheSubGuy · N/A votes · 14th August, 2019 - 21:07 · Link

Fair enough, I can obviously say I have no reason to Censor anything and nothing to hide But that is exactly what someone who had something to Censor or hide would say, haha! It is a little disappointing I will not lie but I already had my first drama above before getting the status... So perhaps dealing with peoples attitude problems is not my strong point anyhow and I would not make a good MOD ;) Regardless thank you for the quick response and although a little disappointing nothing I cannot handle!

/u/TheSubGuy · N/A votes · 16th August, 2019 - 17:56 · Link

Not paying taxes and unemployed and still not on the doll... Look at me go!