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Ungreatful little SHITS!!!!
- /u/QuickieFlippie 📢 22nd January, 2021 - 00:55 These guys don't understand that if you actually respond to them and do your job that you are probably not trying to screw them over...Im not a vendor but at this point I would just tell the customer that he is free to dispute but you are at the post office mercy and that if he does not understand that then to not order from you anymore. Im gonna go out on a limb and guess that his order was less than $500?

by /u/QuickieFlippie · 20th January, 2021 00:33 in /d/WhiteHouseMarket

0 votes · 80 comments

Ungreatful little SHITS!!!!
- /u/QuickieFlippie 📢 21st January, 2021 - 05:19 I swear if I see one more post about OC not responding LOL

by /u/QuickieFlippie · 20th January, 2021 00:33 in /d/WhiteHouseMarket

0 votes · 80 comments

Ungreatful little SHITS!!!!
- /u/QuickieFlippie 📢 20th January, 2021 - 07:28 maaaaaan shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit...

by /u/QuickieFlippie · 20th January, 2021 00:33 in /d/WhiteHouseMarket

0 votes · 80 comments