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Flair Requests taking weeks to months.

by /u/el_contrabandista · 0 votes · 2024-04-16 05:20:00

Hello, I just wanted to express a bit of frustration with how it goes trying to secure vendor flairs on popular subs.

Submitted modmail 4 weeks ago, received no response.
Two weeks ago, I sent a direct message to one of the mods: QuickieFlippie, and receieved no response. The mods have not been active for 1-2 months each.
I assume they will come back but this is significant downtime for such a huge sub of 35k subscribers.

/d/2CB & /d/LSD:
Received a response from TTTz and we exchanged a back and forth. I was eventually told that I would be flaired on both subs within 24 hours.
My last message receieved was two weeks ago, and I've messaged them twice more since that time.
After 4 weeks from initial request, I still have no flair on either sub. This moderator is fairly active but I suppose just way too busy.

Submitted modmail 4 weeks ago, received no response.
Two of the moderators are inactive for 7+ months. The third moderator is QuickieFlippie who has not responded to my other request.
This one is likely a writeoff as well.

This isn't a shaming post, just wanted to give insight into why many vendors advertise without flairs.
Getting the flairs can take weeks to months depending on the sub and the users who moderate the sub. A "hands-off" approach is generally fine but when you implement a flair requirement it makes this confusing all around.

Hope everyone had a good Monday. Stay safe!

Contrabandista Team

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