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el_contrabandista 2cb lsd giveaway review

by /u/lsdmushroomtea · 2024-04-23 04:14:00 in /d/Reviews

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Posts by User

When will Recon return?

by /u/el_contrabandista · 5th May, 2023 21:28 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 6 comments

Canadian 2C-B HBr

by /u/el_contrabandista · 2024-04-27 22:58:00 in /d/Archetyp

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Canadian 2C-B HBr

by /u/el_contrabandista · 2024-04-27 23:06:00 in /d/DNMAds

0 votes · 1 comments

Canadian 2CB

by /u/el_contrabandista · 2024-04-27 23:38:00 in /d/DrugHub

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Canadian 2C-B

by /u/el_contrabandista · 2024-04-27 23:41:00 in /d/DNMCanada

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Comments by User

When will Recon return?
- /u/el_contrabandista 📢 6th May, 2023 - 16:28 Thank you for the reply. This is about what I expected unfortunately. I appreciate the position the Dread team is in, so I will not press further. Hope to see PoW come sooner rather than later.
Have a great day!

by /u/el_contrabandista · 5th May, 2023 21:28 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 6 comments

Hug = busted?
- /u/el_contrabandista Will Work For Flair 4th February, 2024 - 02:42 Reddit is one that comes to mind, but I'm assuming that hug's opsec is sufficient.

by /u/hello098765 · 30th October, 2023 17:54 in /d/CafeDread

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Hug = busted?
- /u/el_contrabandista Will Work For Flair 31st October, 2023 - 13:52 Honestly his threat model is really high up there...I agree he can stay under the radar though.
Regardless of whether he is running a market, he has provided ad-services to every major market, offered private vendor-stores for large vendors, been in very close contact with the admins of all markets, contact with the major DDOS'ers of TOR.

Not to mention in the past before he was as famous as today he was able to crack into an active market-place to do damage-control during exit-scams.
Running a platform like Dread where so much illegal information is exchanged through PMs, many of them being unencrypted would likely be a gold-mine of intelligence for 3-letter agencies. They would likely love to compromise Dread's security (with humans usually being the weakest link).

I'm not sure it's fair to say "IDK if he has a high enough profile"

by /u/hello098765 · 30th October, 2023 17:54 in /d/CafeDread

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Hug = busted?
- /u/el_contrabandista Will Work For Flair 31st October, 2023 - 13:48 Such an obvious troll. Your name is endgame which is the captcha system created for Dread and implemented by most markets and forums. Stating the captcha is the same as proof is just really funny.

by /u/hello098765 · 30th October, 2023 17:54 in /d/CafeDread

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What's Happened vs What's Happening
- /u/el_contrabandista 20th November, 2023 - 09:07 Okay, I've kept an open mind. Your explanation does a good job of explaining the withdrawal issues. But unfortunately you do not mention Cannabia once as if you did not own that site also. Next, this post also does not take any responsibility for seemingly covering up this situation for so long with mentions of corrupted infrastructure and DDOS issues. Tickets wait times are endless.

by /u/Bohemia · 19th November, 2023 22:11 in /d/Bohemia

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