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A line needs to be drawn with Incognito-They have taken this TOO FAR-lmk your thoughts on this proposal

by /u/QuickieFlippie · 0 votes · 2024-03-10 07:44:00

Someone knows who these motherfuckers are, a bounty needs to be placed on finding them. I say we start a dn gofundme that whoever can provide absolute proof who where he is should get the funds. I know doxxing is illegal on dread but this one is different...there are exceptions to every rule. its one thing to rob half a million people of their money, we have seen this show more times to count, But now they are threatening half a million people's freedom by doxxing and its not right. What they are doing is pure evil. Is it right to dox 1-4 people to stop half a million people from getting doxxed? I think it is.

How about the rest of our community here? Please share your thoughts on this one exception to the sitewide rules of dread. I am asking moderators of this sub to leave this post up at least until /u/hugbuner and /u/paris chime in as well as other leaders of the community. If there are no repercussions then what will stop the next market that exitscams from doing the same thing? We can't let this one go guys. we have to draw the line with this.

So what are we going to do? this is not some vendor trying to dox a few of their douchebag customers, this is a huge market that has access to huge bulk buyers and vendors that I'm sure would be happy to fund a project like this to save their freedoms. So like I said before, should we make an exception to the doxxing rule with everything that is at stake right now? If we do nothing whether he is bluffing or not if he's not bluffing then people that depend on these drugs will be at risk the most, the vendors that use this way of life will not be able to take care of their families.

If the biggest, best, and most trusted vendors with integrity are sitting in a cell who will take their place? More scammers, untrustworthy vendors, and more markets that pull the same shit incognito staff is doing. We must catch and expose him and make an example out him of what happens when you mess with more then just people's money. We all can replace money, we can't replace the time spent in a cell.

The end buyer will be forced to source their products on the street, and put their irl safety at risk in so many ways. The DN will lose more trust because if he actually goes through with this shit the good ones will either retire or be rotting in a cell. I think you guys can figure where I stand on this but I wanna know everyone's thoughts whether your a baby bottle account or someone with 7 years and 12k dread points. I will tag some users/vendors/mods/and admins that I have respect for, some I know well, some not so much, some that I think are assholes and some that I love but if I tagged you here then it means that I thnk they have something to offer in getting this resolved and know what their contributions to dread have been. A

re we really gonna let this happen? This is one of those times where we all need to set aside our difference till we resolve this. But maybe im wrong and this is the darknet and shit happens. either way please give us your feedback whether you are for or aginast this idea, have something to add, or something that maybe we should subtract. Let us solve this together so that anyone else with this kind of power will think twice before trying to do the same. LETS CATCH THE GREEDY EVIL MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!

The list below are some people I think may be able to contribute in some way whether though wisdon, resources or financials. This list is in No particular order, just people I have known and seen over the years and believe can contribute in some way. A while back I thnk I saw that dread only lets you tag 10 people per post, I don't know if that is still the case but if it is then I will do continuous posts that will have all of the tags and post them, not to spam but just to make sure everyone gets a chance to give feedback, the extra posts I will lock, if /d/dread or /d/darknetmarkets lets this post stand please try to keep comments on /d/darknetmarkets, if not I guess its gonna be /d/cafedread. If I left any out I'm sorry but feel free to add your input as well and the input of anyone else you want to tag. This is not a joke so lets not just turn it into a bitchfest about incognito, lets share ideas and information to get these pieces of shit! And if anyone's tag is wrong lmk and i'll get it updated!

/u/densake-we know you have an opinion and connections that can help us whether you fucked us over or not, heres a chance to make some more money from us. This makes what you did forgettable and be a real DN here. /u/desnake, I never really liked you much but I do know you have reach that can help us. Please com out of the shadows and help us, we did after make you rich! do this one solid
/u/mr_white-if you are watching rn, we need you! /d/drughubstaff if you are in contact with him please, at least get us his pgp signed feedback

Comments (12)
/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 08:36 · Link

i'll wait for /u/HugBunter and /u/Paris to chime in - but imo doxxing isn't a line to cross. what we all really should be focusing on as a community is getting markets to instill better security for users and vendors so that this is either less likely to happen, or is mostly mitigated. as it stands the community needs to demand these higher standards in order to protect themselves. choose the markets with the features that mitigate an exit - not the ones that use BTC and bypass safety in order to cater to those that aren't interested in taking the time needed to keep themselves safe during DNM transactions. i think as an independent body the DNM team(/u/samwhiskey myself and /u/HumanPie) have never wanted to push our own values on to markets or the community where security and safety is concerned too forcefully - maybe it was simply the hope that users and vendors will vote with their feet, but it really seems we've gone backwards from the forward steps of markets like WHM(forced monero and PGP) and versus(Multisig) who made some forward steps. especially with teaching a whole load of people to use XMR and PGP(myself included). obviously all markets(including those two) had their issues, but ultimately they were progressive when it came to security/safety. see what the others have to say.

/u/samwhiskey · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 15:00 · Link

Reddit's Boston marathon bomber (or whatever it was) fiasco comes to mind where they fingered the wrong guy. What we'll have is people doxxing others saying they are pharaoh just to 'swat' an enemy. A mob is still a mob and usually mindless.

/u/clockwerk · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 13:02 · Link

very Well said. Yes they did cross A line where its Not just moneys, They are trying to hurt ppl's Lives. We deal With and Come to except DDoS and exit as Part of the Territory, But this a Bad look for Pharo and firm.

/u/ElCaptinoJackarino · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 13:33 · Link

Is it possible smart contacts could be utilized to bypass the middleman for escrow? I know XMR couldn't do it but many crypto can (ADA, SOL, etc). Problem is they don't have the anonymity. But perhaps a solution could be found. Idk how but programmers could look into it, ya know? Necessity is the mother of invention. We need an anonymous coin with smart contracts, do we not? Cut out the middleman for escrow, thereby eliminating the market's ability to exit scam with user/vendor funds. The markets could simply facilitate the transactions for a fee. Is such a thing possible? Idk. But if you/whoever knows any crypto developers perhaps you could reach out and ask if it's even feasible theoretically, and if so, what would it take to implement, and THAT could be crowdfunded. Could research Beam, Discreet Network, Secret Monero Bridge, or check out privacy coins one by one for anonymous contracts coinmarketcap dot com /view/privacy/ on clearnet has a list. I'm not knowledgeable enough but surely some are. This would revolutionize markets if some way to bypass the middleman for escrow was found.

/u/Xanitforthecash · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 17:51 · Link

really if you cant do your own encryption you probably shouldnt even be on a market

/u/QuickieFlippie · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 08:53 · Link

I appreciate you giving this one a chance man. I never thought I would be in favor of a dox unless it was for a pedo...but this situation, idk man, this affects a lot of people and their families and while its still not at the pedo level its still pretty low of them and sets a very bad precedent if there are no consequences and good people really do lose their freedoms because of incognitos greed. not to mention, knowing where the community stands on this I feel is important as well

/u/ElCaptinoJackarino · N/A votes · 12th March, 2024 - 02:47 · Link

I've thought about this more, and read some responses that had me really pondering the right answer to this... "but imo doxxing isn't a line to cross" And yet they've chosen to cross it. At which point the question must be asked. Should they be preemptively doxxed to prevent it, or as a retaliatory measure to incentivize against the next would-be scammer/doxxer? Some here believe in the code and sticking to it no matter what. Personally I feel those ppl have been brainwashed from an early age and aren't using critical thinking- they're just automatically rejecting the idea because it's been drilled into their head since a child. If you are TRULY against snitching, like genuinely against it and the repercussions that follow, then how can you stand idly by and say to NOT fight fire with fire if there's a chance it could PREVENT tens of thousands of people from being snitched on. To sit idly by and allow thousands of ppl to be snitched on, but stroke your own ego about how upright your moral convictions are with regard to not snitching yourself, that tells me such a person isn't REALLY against snitching, nor do they REALLY despise it, they just love the admiration they get from the pedestal they put themselves proclaiming no exceptions. Well, your (not YOU you, I mean the collective you) choice to not support doxxing in return very well may result in thousands of ppl getting doxxed. But at least you can pat yourself on the back about what an upstanding person you are adhering to the code. Much good that did everyone. When adhering to the code results in thousands of ppl getting doxxed, vs breaking the code preventing thousands of ppl getting doxxed, what do you REALLY value more- preventing this horrid action from occurring? Or boasting about how you won't partake in it, even as thousands burn in the fire. Anyone who genuinely abhors snitching and despises it, MUST support doxxing this person. To do otherwise would be to cosign thousands of ppl being snitched on. What's worth more- your self pride? Or their lives? Food for thought for everyone.

/u/ElCaptinoJackarino · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 14:02 · Link

I feel doxxing is a line never to be crossed, slippery slope and all that. But at the same time, exit scams have to be stopped. And we need to find a way to provide a compelling disincentive for future would-be exit scammers. Something that would make them pause and think, "Idk, if I do this I could be screwing myself for life" Perhaps this is a situation where an exception needs to be made for doxxing. A one-time exception the community agrees upon. The line must never be pushed further. But for exit scams that are confirmed beyond reasonable doubt, perhaps it should be allowed and supported. Just throwing the idea out there. At the same time, that's not enough. We should approve doxxing exit scammers while at the same time finding a solution moving forward that eliminates the markets' ability to exit scam. Anonymous smart contract crypto. Or direct payment to eatablished, trusted long time vendors with a fee set aside to market for facilitating the transaction (maybe vendor has to pay a percentage of what they receive to cover the fee, and if they don't their vendor privilege is revoked). For vendors not meeting that criteria, perhaps users pay up front still but the vendor is only allowed 3 sales in limbo at once. If a user contests the transaction like the vendor scammed them, their status is revoked until investigation can confirm one way or the other, accounting for buyer's reputation and history as well as the vendor's. 3 sales at a time max ensures if they do scam the amount of money they have at once is limited. Could also add a 1% fee for all transactions that goes into a community fund to cover any buyers scammed. Kinda like insurance, if you will. Since the market won't be a middleman, this fund could cover those scammed. And perhaps the keys to release funds are set up as needing 3 different keys simultaneously. One the market owner holds, and the other two are held by 2 other trusted individuals working for the market. That way it would take all 3 conspiring to scam the fund. Which, while not impossible would make it far less likely. Or maybe the 3 key approach could be used with the current system as is. So if the owner wants to exit scam they'd need to convince two others to get on board. Which judging by the Incog scam, the other refused to be bribed. People do have integrity. At least it would minimize the probability of an exit scam, even though it couldn't eliminate it entirely. All just brainstorming ideas to consider.

/u/PorkDaddy · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 14:47 · Link

But is it okay to doxx the doxxers? Incog is threatening to doxx everyone who didn't encrypt their info.

/u/ElCaptinoJackarino · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 23:25 · Link

Fair. Absolutely fair. You're right. They're the ones threatening to doxx. Not us. Once they cross that line, you fight fire with fire.

/u/biscuitofeternalcrunch · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 14:42 · Link

In my opinion the best thing that can come out of this is a push to move everyone over to XMR and PGP. This is the darkweb, not the street. We protect ourselves largely through our own security measures (having an active and engaged community is useful too). The risk is never going to be 0%, but the aim is always going to be to bring it as close as possible to that. What pharaoh is doing is (obviously) shitty. People like this are a stain on the community and it's likely a not insignificant amount of people will be physically harmed as a result of debt incurred by his actions. So yes, I would get some satisfaction out of some terrible misfortune coming his way, and I would probably have a good chuckle if he ends up doxxed. But I question the benefit to the community of doing so, beyond satiating a desire for vengeance. In terms of deterrence, I don't see how it adds anything. Ross Ulbricht is in jail without the chance of parole, forever. The stakes don't really get any higher than that. Market admins understand the importance of not revealing their identity, and will act as though there is an extremely well-funded campaign to deanonymise them at all times (because there likely is, by LE). It's extremely unlikely that anybody capable of doing this would do so if they thought there was a chance they could get caught by LE/doxxed. Of course they may turn out to be wrong about that, but the point stands. Someone might say "well, certain insiders may know more than LE". True, but an act of extortion like this is highly likely to have been planned a long time ago, not opportunistic, so you would expect anyone doing it to make sure no one would be able to do dox them when the time comes. Again, it's possible pharaoh fucked up and doxxing becomes an option, but again, no would-be extorter who thinks there's a chance of this happening to them would do this, whether pharaoh gets doxxed or not. The whole point of the DNMs is that we are anonymous and can't be found. If that wasn't the case, then there would be no DNMs. Security measures (simple ones that exist and are easy to implement and indeed have been implemented before by other markets) that prohibit this from happening in the future are the solution here, not continuing as we have been and hoping that whoever tries this next can be doxxed. As well as (in my view) a lack of upsides (beyond vengeance), there are some downsides to this. A firm no doxxing rule will have been broken, and a precedent set. A potentially very dangerous precedent. Also, what happens when he's doxxed? Is the hope here that some particularly violent organised crime crew are going to go and kill him? There's a comment on the TorTimes article by (what I assume is) a vendor saying if they find him they will kill him and his loved ones, his family. That's likely just talk, sure, but who knows what happens - we expect SOMETHING to happen if we think it's worth doxxing him right, so who's to say what that might be? At the risk of sounding melodramatic, MAYBE innocent people (children?) will be murdered. Or maybe we should just use XMR and PGP from now on and signfiicantly reduce the threat posed by people like pharaoh, and more importantly, LE.

/u/metalgeardonkey · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 17:11 · Link

upvoted fuck pharoah he aint got no pyramids imma say that much

/u/lionsexpress · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 12:14 · Link

I'm careful saying this but he has a point "What they are doing is pure evil. Is it right to dox 1-4 people to stop half a million people from getting doxxed? I think it is." I agree but at the same time i'm not in favour of a worldwide search... As i also with /u/samwhiskey saying that that will only lead to false allegations and mob vs mob mentality. What are the chances though that even if there is a search that he will be caught? Incognito wasn't the most UI/UX friendly market out there but they still kept to their best practices so i don't think he will go down that easily.

/u/PorkDaddy · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 14:58 · Link

I agree here. While I would be in support of doxxing the person who is trying to doxx thousands (+++), I think it may result in a lot of wasted effort and potentially getting the wrong person which would have terrible consequences. Maybe everyone just takes it as a lesson to never trust any market as far as you can throw it, and encrypt all your own shit and always use XMR

/u/ElCaptinoJackarino · N/A votes · 12th March, 2024 - 00:18 · Link

Idk. There's some seriously elite, upper echelon hackers out there, professionals, not these teenage kiddos targeting their local digital newspaper website. They're rare, but they do exist. And best believe they're on the dark web, for one reason or another. I'm in favor of crowdfunding a bounty. But it requires proof beyond reasonable doubt. Has to. Otherwise Witch hunts will ensue. A committee of 12 elected, trusted members should vote on whether the evidence bears the burden of proof (I mean, basically like a real court- there's a reason that system was adopted- it's FAIR, keeps witch hunts at bay, protects the innocent, and ensures the accused are very highly probable of being actually guilty.

/u/lionsexpress · N/A votes · 13th March, 2024 - 22:10 · Link

Exactly, we are already using these best practices and will continue to grow and learn from the Incognito Exit Scam. I wish us all the best and for the vendors/buyers who lost a major bag. I pray for u all.

/u/partytime · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 17:35 · Link

Thank you for tagging me on this. As I wrote in another thread, dread's no-doxxing rule is a foundation of the dread community. I agree with dontlaugh and samwhiskey, we should not set aside our principles even in an extreme case like this. Once that door is opened, closing it is going to be very difficult. Someone will always come up with a reason why "we did it for pharoah, we should do it for xxxxxxx". Plus, as samwhiskey points out, a lot people, vendors and users alike, will use the opportunity to falsely accuse competitors or just people they don't like. Hug and Paris will have the final say on this. I hope they remain true to dread's founding principles, and I believe they will.

/u/ElCaptinoJackarino · N/A votes · 12th March, 2024 - 00:25 · Link

Someone provided me a new perspective that really changed how I view this. We're not the ones doxxing. We follow a code. THEY are the ones doxxing, and threatening to dox. Therefore, a dox in response is not a dox. It's a preemptive measure to prevent the doxxing of tens of thousands of people. One way or another, SOMEONE is getting doxxed. Question is, would you rather it be the one person who exit scammed 50,000 ppl and is now blackmailing and extorting under threat of doxing? Or would you rather it be the 50,000 victims who already got screwed. When I see it like that, it's kind of one of those, "even though you don't believe in murder, would you kill a serial killer if you knew it would prevent countless victims from being murdered? A hard question no doubt. But the answer is yes. It has to be. Because if the answer is no, then we're essentially saying we believe in murder. Because we are allowing it to happen when we could have prevented it. All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. It's time we do something. Extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary measures. And the ONLY reason doxxing is justified is because they are threatening to do it first. So it's a defensive measure Fighting fire with fire. Either the thieving POS who stole millions and is extorting us gets doxxed, or the entire community gets doxxed. If my morals are so inflexible I can't even adjust to a situation like this, then Id argue my morals are just for the sake of having morals, not because I actually value doing what's right.

/u/0verdosed · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 22:12 · Link

Its like a real life "Trolley Problem" Current situation in meme format http://dumpliwoard5qsrrsroni7bdiishealhky4snigbzfmzcquwo3kml4id.onion/image/get/e02acbce89313828.png

/u/AutoModerator · N/A votes · 10th March, 2024 - 22:12 · Link

Posting links of any sort is discouraged. There are ways to shortlist links or just include the information the link provides. If you feel it's completely necessary to post a link, it requires Mod approval to be posted. This comment was posted automatically by a bot. All AutoModerator settings are configured by individual communities. Contact this community's Moderators to have your post approved if you believe this was in error.

/u/kathleenbilly · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 03:55 · Link

Your 100% correct i really hope this gathers monumental. I was only a buyer and lose hundreds. So sorry to the vendors who work so hard provide an excellent service god knows the monies they will of lost shocking.

/u/Epsteinwasgay · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 08:28 · Link

I think this the feds trying to extort us because to risk your own personal safety by doxxing cartel members is completely irrational. You have already run an online drug market now you want to extort gang members and drug dealers? Lol. The only person willing to do this is suicidal. I honestly think this is feds and we should embrace them to drop the data, LE can't prove shit whether they have your address or not. It's still Tor, and you're still anonymous. How can they prove you individually made that order? They can't!

/u/ElCaptinoJackarino · N/A votes · 12th March, 2024 - 00:28 · Link

Motive? I'm all ears to hear out your speculative theories. But I would definitely need to understand motive before I gave this hypothesis any credence.

/u/Epsteinwasgay · N/A votes · 12th March, 2024 - 04:26 · Link


/u/Daisypig3 · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 18:54 · Link

And if you get the wrong person/persons.....easily done.......this is why people call it the dark net....I'm kinda surprised it hasn't happened before...or worse...in my opinion.

/u/BabiesPappy · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 21:03 · Link

Fux anyone even threatening to work with the laws and a super FUCK you to anyone who does point blank street shit right there. Someone needs to merc this dude or any dude on that sorta shit. Thats just me im old. This new wave snitch game this generation has going on is mind boggling and they think its cool? like wtf? where they do that at? do tell so i can steer clear of that shit hole

/u/ElCaptinoJackarino · N/A votes · 12th March, 2024 - 00:35 · Link

Understand, this dude is the snitch. He's extorting thousands of people under direct threat of snitching. The only way to combat that is for the community to discover who this individual is, and the only way that happens is fighting fire with fire. It ain't cool. It ain't cool at all. But it very well may be the only way to protect tens of thousands of victims from being further victimized by this extorting snitch. So if I gotta choose between them, the one person who just robbed tens of thousands of ppl, spat in their face and mocked them as they then threatened to snitch on whoever doesn't pay up, or the tens of thousands of ppl who were just victimized by this POS... You already know which one I'm choosing. It's not something ppl WANT to do. It's not something anyone would ever even REMOTELY consider if not for the fact the person who just robbed the community for millions is now extorting with blackmail under threat of snitching. It's a defensive measure using their own weapon against them. And that is the only scenario I can think of where it's justified. There's always exceptions to rules. And I'd submit to you that someone trying to snitch on 50,000 ppl, deserves a taste of their own medicine. Not because they stole. As bad as that is, we still follow a code. But once THEY crossed that line, all bets are off.

/u/BabiesPappy · N/A votes · 12th March, 2024 - 00:50 · Link

you im reading that and i get to the part its "you already know which one im choosiong" man there was day i could safely assume the correct answer to that but now days i gotta hesitate and ask which one? fucking shameful where we are i cant get over it. No i dont know bro who you choosing? JK sort of. And NO dude are suggesting snitiching? say youre not please for the love of god say youre not suggesting that. Please say you means omething else even more drastic so to speak although not so much to some i guess.

/u/ElCaptinoJackarino · N/A votes · 12th March, 2024 - 01:55 · Link

Suggesting it? We're WAY past suggesting it. Dude is snitching on US. Let that sink in. This ain't about "us snitching". This is about THEM snitching. And the minute someone says they're snitching on US, oh hell no. You open that door, then you've got no one to blame but yourself. I follow a code. No snitching. EVER. But when someone is snitching on me, the rules of the game have changed. THEY are the snitch. THEY have voluntarily chosen to cross that uncrossable line. When that happens, HELL YES get that mf by any means necessary. I'm not specifically saying snitch, but I'm also not saying don't. What I'm saying is, root that punk out of the woodwork and broadcast his name across the Dark web for every cartel member, gang boss, dirty cops moonlighting doing hits on the side, every organized crime member or even just dealers that don't take no shit when it comes to their money and being snitched on, and let whatever happens happen. Let them look over their shoulder the rest of their life. Let them go to bed every night not knowing if some dude in a mask is gonna break his door down with an armed crew. And if LE get his info as a result? Sorry I just don't gaf, because ya know, they crossed that line first. That is the ONE THING you can do that basically nullifies the code. The code is to be followed. But there are always exceptions. Rare exceptions perhaps, but exceptions nonetheless. When someone robs thousands of us then laughs at us while boasting they're going to snitch ON US??? Nah dude, the hell with the code. You just burnt that mf to a crisp. It's to the death now, by any means necessary.

/u/BabiesPappy · N/A votes · 12th March, 2024 - 01:01 · Link

Muddy ass waters we tread here...Another reason Im not feeling this SM deal anymore. I mean yes i hope and always want to beleive ppl are doing the right thing but this place is called "Dread" it live on the "Dark" web, I think just on that alone its understandalbe and nobody should get feelings when someone questions their honesty and moral compass so to speak. Yeah Im frustrated AF about this is and just want something to shake i suppose but i again need to slap myself and just look around and get grounded because facts are facts and it is what it is I just wish ppl were different i guess.

/u/BabiesPappy · N/A votes · 12th March, 2024 - 01:21 · Link

And further more tell me why dread is now deleting my post about how this SM shit is getting to be questionable too? Like for real for real? And i cant manage my subscriptions anymore either. Whats up with that? Im not one to sit by idle waiting for a second to know what s up with my money in RL but im suppose to wait a week for an update to a page with a bug on the Dark web on a forum called dread....Cmon man thats absolutely justifiable and now that my post are being deleted about even more concerning. l Open and transparent they say....Not after today this shit is quesitonable and foggy af. watch your money yall FRFR. Just because i dont talk like my ppl are made of money doesnt mean im an idiot either. Yall be careful these ppl dont play fare they call cops and all kinds of shit.

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 12th March, 2024 - 02:30 · Link

3 days ago was original update - 2 days ago was a further update. not a week. stop spreading FUD.

/u/BabiesPappy · N/A votes · 12th March, 2024 - 02:56 · Link

not for you maybe sorry we dont all see it your way. i never said a week i said two day is too long.FUD what fud you talking about? i could say the same about this site issue til its proven otherwise its all fud i apologize if our feelings are meaniless to you have no baring on your day to day but i dont remember asking you anything either. but this a forum and you do have your place to speak your mind but i ask you why dont I when MY money is involved i most CERTAINLY feel like i have say far as MY money is concerned dont you?