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Ungreatful little SHITS!!!!
- /u/QuickieFlippie 📢 20th January, 2021 - 20:34 its a game of numbers, they do the little deals to find the big ones, u gotta spend money to make it!

by /u/QuickieFlippie · 20th January, 2021 00:33 in /d/WhiteHouseMarket

0 votes · 80 comments

Ungreatful little SHITS!!!!
- /u/QuickieFlippie 📢 20th January, 2021 - 22:42 Don't worry, their coming LOL

by /u/QuickieFlippie · 20th January, 2021 00:33 in /d/WhiteHouseMarket

0 votes · 80 comments