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Yet another attack on the monero network. 10 hour backlog due to Large transaction sizes. Don't send anything without fee increases.

by /u/socat2me · 0 votes · 2024-04-16 04:31:00

First black marble. Now this. An attacker is using large transactions that are a few hundred kilobytes each with ~150inputs and 2 outputs each and have a $1 fee making it to where there's only around 3-4 transactions in a block.

There's a 10-12 hour backlog unless you increase your fee enough. Multiple different kinds of attacks within the same week is pretty concerning especially since they are all extremely easy to perform.

The default fees really need to be increased.

Comments (9)
/u/DigitalShaman · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 04:38 · Link

There was an announcement from someone a few months back that supposedly Interpol was starting some big investigation. I suspect this is in conjunction with being delisted and is part of a multi-nation attempt to "shut down" XMR and our markets. As with most everything they do, they will mostly fail because they forget that people are everything including the government agencies themselves but anyways I would look to see if you can find that thread where someone claimed Interpol was announcing some big upcoming operation. I suspect this is a phase of that operation and they're likely going after markets, the big dogs, and trying to shit on XMR as much as possible. As always, stand strong, be extra vigilant and resist the bullshit. The people always win. EDIT: possibly this post? /post/84361de70e30b0f39ad7/#c-dec50004d274b412ed

/u/starboy84 · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 11:19 · Link

i dont understand the need to go after markets for substances that people are gonna use either way, there's so many other actual important things that could be targeted but they're dead set on this

/u/Mobus · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 14:33 · Link

I totally agree to this, I feel like LE don't realize that they will never win the war on drugs.

/u/DigitalShaman · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 15:00 · Link

I don't think they want to "win" it - they want to "control" it - they want certain players to pull in all the cash becuase they're connected to certain players, they need off the books cash to install their third world dictators in south america and the middle east to control entire countries, and the way they fund a lot of this is via the drug money. But they need to control the system a bit to make sure the majority of it funnels through THEIR players, and that somebody they don't like doesn't inadvetently become powerful enough to become a genuine threat to them. That's why they go so hard after certain people and work hand in hand with others, think Noriega and the nicaraguan contra scandal, etc. At one point, I believe I read that they intentionally prolonged the "war in vietnam" with an entire fake village massacre that never happened just to get a couple more plane loads of cocaine out. As shocking as it may be, our government does lots of off the book stuff and we (The "public") don't find out until 50+ years later when it's declassified and nobody really cares anymore becuase entire generations have gone by and people are more wrapped up in the current scandals. At least that's my opinion.

/u/ReptilianOverlord · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 19:32 · Link

It's the system we are under. They know societal drop outs and enemies of the state will try and make they're own economy and since drugs are popular and illegal that is based on drug dealing. And then they have this whole global apparatus employing allot of government people focused on scooping these people up and putting them in jail where they make more money off them through the taxpayers. Having drugs illegal helps them identify and lock up subversives.

/u/bingobangobongo · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 11:21 · Link

changing the default fee option or an increase in fees overall could help. should we start thinking about creating some kind of back up option if the enemy is successful and xmr is disabled somehow?

/u/johnshade · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 04:58 · Link

How and where can you increase the fee you pay? Is the fee dynamic such that it's not set at a static amount by the seller?

/u/SurplusNug · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 05:38 · Link

In Monero gui you can change the fee from automatic to high.

/u/johnshade · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 06:13 · Link

Ah. I just looked it up in Feather and see that function is not currently available.

/u/miner21 · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 06:13 · Link

These attacks are getting kind of ridiculous

/u/CYBERCHAD · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 07:25 · Link

>~150inputs and 2 outputs I am seeing at most 3 of such large transactions, per block in the past hour. Is this still going on?

/u/hydronerd · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 07:29 · Link

Thanks for the update

/u/Cryptobender999 · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 09:13 · Link

Took me about 10hrs to send one transacgtion shit just cleared minutes ago. Im hoping we stay safe.

/u/MadHatterExpressed · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 11:54 · Link

If everyone uses high fee it'll be all fine and dandy. It'll cost more then a few cents now. But a few dollars to get them to stop isn't harmful

/u/Eccies · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 15:07 · Link

What should we be doing for, say Archetyp? Where you only get 3 hours to fund your orders?

/u/Eccies · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 15:08 · Link

Hey /u/socat2me, What should we be doing for, say Archetyp? Where you only get 3 hours to fund your orders? How long did it take for yours to send in total?