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Yet another attack on the monero network. 10 hour backlog due to Large transaction sizes. Don't send anything without fee increases.
- /u/Mobus 🍼 16th April, 2024 - 14:33 I totally agree to this, I feel like LE don't realize that they will never win the war on drugs.

by /u/socat2me · 2024-04-16 04:31:00 in /d/Monero

0 votes · 16 comments

Questions regarding addresses and fees
- /u/Mobus 🍼 16th April, 2024 - 14:31 I would personally recommend using the monero gui software from getmonero[.]org it doesn't automatically generate subadresses/multible accounts & it's a really nice piece of software to use!

Your fee is deducted from your main remaining balance, although there is a feature in the monero gui wallet to send everything in ur wallet and it'll count in the fees. Ensuring that monero reaches its endpoint is done by simply checking the transactions tab. And seeing if it has fully been sent. Although I am not sure about that maybe someone else could clarify this.

To check if adresses are valid you can simply do the good ol' send one dollar and see what happens, I don't know any other way although there probably is another way. Hopefully i could have atleast helped u out a bit, i hope u have a good day mate!

by /u/frairos · 2024-04-16 12:27:00 in /d/Monero

0 votes · 4 comments

What would be a good OS for my situation
- /u/Mobus 🍼 12th April, 2024 - 22:49 Is there an exact reason kali isn't good? i mean it is debian based, i guess you just have alot of bloat in the hacking tools added to it

by /u/boogoojak · 2024-04-12 17:12:00 in /d/OpSec

0 votes · 7 comments

Silent Mining XMR & Tails
- /u/Mobus 🍼 12th April, 2024 - 22:47 I am sure there are some random xmr miners on github which you can change the code of or configure to make it silent
I know you are a noob, but just try it. Maybe you succeed? Otherwise I could do it for you but you'll have to pay.

by /u/capnshroom · 2024-04-12 20:00:00 in /d/hacking

0 votes · 3 comments

market that i can sell anything and get menero
- /u/Mobus 🍼 13th April, 2024 - 15:41 Create your own hidden service, use escrow. If u need help making a hidden service, i can help u set it up on a vps for a small fee in monero. Let me know!

by /u/kontolpecah123 · 2024-04-13 14:56:00 in /d/Monero

0 votes · 6 comments