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Yet another attack on the monero network. 10 hour backlog due to Large transaction sizes. Don't send anything without fee increases.

by /u/socat2me · 0 votes · 2024-04-16 04:31:00

First black marble. Now this. An attacker is using large transactions that are a few hundred kilobytes each with ~150inputs and 2 outputs each and have a $1 fee making it to where there's only around 3-4 transactions in a block.

There's a 10-12 hour backlog unless you increase your fee enough. Multiple different kinds of attacks within the same week is pretty concerning especially since they are all extremely easy to perform.

The default fees really need to be increased.

User: /u/DigitalShaman

There was an announcement from someone a few months back that supposedly Interpol was starting some big investigation. I suspect this is in conjunction with being delisted and is part of a multi-nation attempt to "shut down" XMR and our markets. As with most everything they do, they will mostly fail because they forget that people are everything including the government agencies themselves but anyways I would look to see if you can find that thread where someone claimed Interpol was announcing some big upcoming operation. I suspect this is a phase of that operation and they're likely going after markets, the big dogs, and trying to shit on XMR as much as possible. As always, stand strong, be extra vigilant and resist the bullshit. The people always win. EDIT: possibly this post? /post/84361de70e30b0f39ad7/#c-dec50004d274b412ed