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🤡 🤡 🎪Another 20 oz GIVEAWAY because FUCK EXIT SCAMS - by PrettyPacks 🎪 🤡 🤡
- /u/Cryptobender999 6th March, 2024 - 03:24 The dingo ate my baby and then I adopted the Dingo and it became my baby. Then we rolled up 3.5 of that KryptoChronic and went on a walkabout in the land down under. /u/prettypacksmedia (I'm US based even though it's a story about a dingo, literally that was the best thing that happened to me since fire was invented)

by /u/prettypacksmedia · 6th March, 2024 00:57 in /d/PrettyPacks

0 votes · 108 comments

did whm retired or exit scammed?
- /u/Cryptobender999 6th March, 2024 - 21:21 They left peacefully and gave a date an amount of time to make a last tranaction please ignore anything on DNL as he's spreading fud to try and still get deposits into Incog

by /u/atlasnewworker · 6th March, 2024 21:03 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 7 comments

I think i fucked up
- /u/Cryptobender999 18th March, 2024 - 19:37 If it's personal /u/cocojojo1889 you should be fine don't ever check tracking again though. Also use tailsOS moving forward or qubes. Tails is very noob friendly

by /u/cocojojo1889 · 18th March, 2024 19:29 in /d/DarknetMarketsNoobs

0 votes · 14 comments

Rush Rush Brick 1G Review
- /u/Cryptobender999 30th April, 2024 - 08:37 Excellent review /u/prettydoggy Also if you trust your vendor and it's domestic /u/CholoPhilosopher26896 you should have no problem ordering a brick or 2. It's when vendors get comfortable and lazy it may be an issue

by /u/prettydoggy · 2024-04-30 03:17:00 in /d/coke

0 votes · 13 comments

Feather Wallet Bug
- /u/Cryptobender999 28th April, 2024 - 22:38 Are we good to go now?

by /u/zappa · 2024-04-28 19:17:00 in /d/Monero

0 votes · 25 comments