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Wickr - is it really that safe?
- /u/hellwind 23rd March, 2020 - 23:47 Thanks for you input as well.
But what is the reason to prefer wickr over Keybase, that is compatible on any device, with the same features and even more than wickr, and it's crystal clear safe?
Or Dust, that is hard-coded 24 hours expire, read or unread, no matters what.
Jabber is definitely complicated for a newbie to set it up. Keybase is really simple like wickr, no need to use own certificate, keybase can create them for you automatically and handle in the same way like your own certs, as can be seen in the source.

by /u/boste · 18th March, 2020 20:37 in /d/OpSec

0 votes · 35 comments

Wickr - is it really that safe?
- /u/hellwind 20th March, 2020 - 13:34 Hi,

thanks for your clarifications.

Yes I was aware about the fact the encryption they use is open source - but does it really assure servers are not holding private keys?

What is servers will be seized or company bought from undercover big company that will share with LE/DEA the access to serves and modify the code?
If they never done this, it's because they probably know Sellers should not be so stupid to give out personal information - but you know better than me some sellers are totally ignoring OPsec and could say things that could allow to track them. The cost of operaration if probably too big, they are looking for big fishes, what they will get for sure are buyers addresses, but this won't help to catch sellers, if they didn't said anything compromising.

About the IMEI I can't give you further details, I'm no specialist, but I had a long explanation from a guy programming secure phones for a criminal organization in NL, I don't think he was the kind of guy telling BS. But same here - if the app is modified to read the IMEI and stored to server, if the will seize the phone they can proove that messages were sent from this phone.

As I said, I just don't get why people should stick with wickr, when there are other IM programs (Jabber, Keybase, maybe Dust) that are a lot safer, and especially keybase is easy to use for any noob even if he doesn't know / want to configure own pgp certificate. Better safe than sorry no?

by /u/boste · 18th March, 2020 20:37 in /d/OpSec

0 votes · 35 comments

Wickr - is it really that safe?
- /u/hellwind 18th March, 2020 - 22:39 Wickr is a time bomb. It's laughable that there are so many seller thinking they are safe using wickr.
Sure, they are safe as long as they don't reveal any information that helps identifying them, or their region, and they are not using it on phone.
Otherwise it's just a matter of time, i am just sitting and waiting to see the biggest worldwide arrest operation ever.

- it's closed source, so you don't know if server holds your private keys or not
- Servers are located in USA. DEA / LE / Interpol / whoever can either seize or buy the company, change the source code in the way nothing will be sent encrypted anymore, like they did with Hansa market (Seized the servers, changed the source code for addresses auto-encrypting sent in clear text, and kept them running for almost two months, collecting a huge numbers of data and addresses)
- If you are using it on your phone and not on a burner phone, if they seize your phone they could proof that the conversation was sent from this phone through IMEI of the phone

That's already enough. Like the ridiculous numbers of Discord servers where people are selling RCs.

Just use Keybase. Open Source. Simple and easy. Can use your own pgp. If you are truly paranoid, just compile from the sources, and compatible with any device/system.
I really don't get why people are still sticking with wickr. Same about thinking protonmail and tutanota are safe.

by /u/boste · 18th March, 2020 20:37 in /d/OpSec

0 votes · 35 comments

✅ Dark0de is now also on
- /u/hellwind 4th December, 2020 - 21:58 Congrats. Darknod is really an innovaive market, where you can find hidden gem, precursors, and other stuff normally not to be seen on mainstream markets.
And they have some perks and features that are conceptually great. I hope this market will get more attention and they will keep up the good job.

by /u/[deleted] · 4th December, 2020 17:05 in /d/Dark0deReborn

0 votes · 22 comments

Newbie Appreciation
- /u/hellwind Heed his warnings 7th June, 2023 - 22:47 Upvoted, he's not only a great mod, but as well a very kind person, believing in the value of helping the community and the scene genuinely.

by /u/bernercookies · 7th June, 2023 19:34 in /d/Xanax

0 votes · 47 comments