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Wickr - is it really that safe?

by /u/boste · 0 votes · 18th March, 2020 20:37

I see many vendors using wickr, is just such a convenient way to communicate, its amazing.

I know they are open source and all that, but are they really safe as to be openly used by vendors?

I have heard that LE cannot intercept a message but that if you get arrested and they get physical access to your phone, then they can forensically extract deleted messages from the app. Anyone knows if this is true?

Most data I can find on the subject is outdated, back when they were not opne-source, etc.

Comments (8)
/u/hellwind · N/A votes · 18th March, 2020 - 22:39 · Link

Wickr is a time bomb. It's laughable that there are so many seller thinking they are safe using wickr. Sure, they are safe as long as they don't reveal any information that helps identifying them, or their region, and they are not using it on phone. Otherwise it's just a matter of time, i am just sitting and waiting to see the biggest worldwide arrest operation ever. - it's closed source, so you don't know if server holds your private keys or not - Servers are located in USA. DEA / LE / Interpol / whoever can either seize or buy the company, change the source code in the way nothing will be sent encrypted anymore, like they did with Hansa market (Seized the servers, changed the source code for addresses auto-encrypting sent in clear text, and kept them running for almost two months, collecting a huge numbers of data and addresses) - If you are using it on your phone and not on a burner phone, if they seize your phone they could proof that the conversation was sent from this phone through IMEI of the phone That's already enough. Like the ridiculous numbers of Discord servers where people are selling RCs. Just use Keybase. Open Source. Simple and easy. Can use your own pgp. If you are truly paranoid, just compile from the sources, and compatible with any device/system. I really don't get why people are still sticking with wickr. Same about thinking protonmail and tutanota are safe.

/u/boste · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 06:47 · Link

Thanks for your reply, - it's closed source, so you don't know if server holds your private keys or not > https://www.zdnet.com/article/wickr-encrypted-messaging-app-goes-open-source/ - Servers are located in USA. DEA / LE / Interpol / whoever can either seize or buy the company, change the source code in the way nothing will be sent encrypted anymore, like they did with Hansa market (Seized the servers, changed the source code for addresses auto-encrypting sent in clear text, and kept them running for almost two months, collecting a huge numbers of data and addresses) Hamsa was an ilegal criminal organisation, with no defense case or rights, completely different purpose and the encryption protocol was merely a simple function within an interface. I don't see the relevance here... Its true that they are in the USA, however, specially so, with such prolonged use of wickr, why have they never done this then? - If you are using it on your phone and not on a burner phone, if they seize your phone they could proof that the conversation was sent from this phone through IMEI of the phone. How so if medata is stripped from messages?

/u/hellwind · N/A votes · 20th March, 2020 - 13:34 · Link

Hi, thanks for your clarifications. Yes I was aware about the fact the encryption they use is open source - but does it really assure servers are not holding private keys? What is servers will be seized or company bought from undercover big company that will share with LE/DEA the access to serves and modify the code? If they never done this, it's because they probably know Sellers should not be so stupid to give out personal information - but you know better than me some sellers are totally ignoring OPsec and could say things that could allow to track them. The cost of operaration if probably too big, they are looking for big fishes, what they will get for sure are buyers addresses, but this won't help to catch sellers, if they didn't said anything compromising. About the IMEI I can't give you further details, I'm no specialist, but I had a long explanation from a guy programming secure phones for a criminal organization in NL, I don't think he was the kind of guy telling BS. But same here - if the app is modified to read the IMEI and stored to server, if the will seize the phone they can proove that messages were sent from this phone. As I said, I just don't get why people should stick with wickr, when there are other IM programs (Jabber, Keybase, maybe Dust) that are a lot safer, and especially keybase is easy to use for any noob even if he doesn't know / want to configure own pgp certificate. Better safe than sorry no?

/u/boste · N/A votes · 22nd March, 2020 - 06:57 · Link

Thanks for the input. Well thats the whole concept, when you have the app, you can only sign in to your account through that same device you installed it in. Because private keys are stored locally and not remotely. If the code was to make an additional copy of the private key and store it in the servers it should of been visible when it was open sourced. Yeah posibly better to run on a burner phone with prepaid 3g and blocked cameras. Its all about convenience and user base, the standard tool seems to be Wickr. Because you can have it on your phone and its practical. I would prefer Jabber with OTC ofcourse for security but this cannot be done on a phone, and needs a certain degree of technical effort. So less convenient. Because everyone uses wickr as its more practical whilst still secure, everyone is forced to use wickr. In the same manner that most users will be on a market which might clearly not be the best, but vendors and further users must go where the major user base is...

/u/hellwind · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2020 - 23:47 · Link

Thanks for you input as well. But what is the reason to prefer wickr over Keybase, that is compatible on any device, with the same features and even more than wickr, and it's crystal clear safe? Or Dust, that is hard-coded 24 hours expire, read or unread, no matters what. Jabber is definitely complicated for a newbie to set it up. Keybase is really simple like wickr, no need to use own certificate, keybase can create them for you automatically and handle in the same way like your own certs, as can be seen in the source.

/u/CANDLE_LIGHT9 · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 06:18 · Link

So I would like to chime in here, I made new account specifically for this post. This is just from a personal experience. Wickr saved me from getting serious time. I was indicted/arrested 3 years ago for selling drugs, USA based. They were able to obtain warrants for just about everything but were unable to open the wickr app, I refused to give up password for obvious reasons. They moved forward to obtain messages/data directly from "wickr", I dont know how they went about contacting them but they did and wickr at that time blocked me from getting into account (suspended account) but when they handed over data/evidence to "LE" all the messages they had ( about 10% or fewer of ALL messages every sent/received looked like "PGP" format text. There was no way to decrypt or see what the actual messages said, a simple "yeah be right there" was 30+ text/number combinations that made no sense. They were pretty pissed about this and then moved forward to state time stamps of "app usage" with other people (customers/partners) who had turned taken plea deals to testify against me saying what "we" used the app for. I know some people are a little skeptical but I have yet to see any case where wickr messages were actually used in court, I have personally read on darknet live about "whats app" turning others over but as for wickr I can personally say I was glad to have used them.

/u/boste · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 06:21 · Link

Thanks for creating the account to post this, very interesting information. This is the thing, whenever I do research on the matter what I find its a lot of people just giving their opinnions. And that is worthless research, what matters is: 1. Have there been any busts where wickr was used to provide evidence? (I cannot find them either) 2. Technical intricalites that someone with knowledge could valuate

/u/TheNerdyAnarchist · N/A votes · 18th March, 2020 - 20:47 · Link

It's actually *not* open source, which is why I *personally* would never use it. That's just me, though. Basically, if high level law enforcement ever gets a hold of your devices, barring some kind of self destruction mechanism, you're basically fucked anyway, but you can make things as difficult as possible by encrypting everything, regularly clearing/shredding, and never use biometrics.

/u/boste · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 06:26 · Link


/u/TheNerdyAnarchist · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 06:29 · Link

If I remember correctly, that was only the protocol for their enterprise version, and they still hadn't either released the consumer version nor moved the consumer version over to that protocol.

/u/boste · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 06:56 · Link

wasnt that before the CEO left the company and they took over and decided to make everything open source?

/u/DanknationLotto · N/A votes · 18th March, 2020 - 21:28 · Link

dont use identifiers and you'll be fine with any messaging app

/u/boste · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 06:28 · Link


/u/THClear1 · N/A votes · 18th March, 2020 - 22:00 · Link

its not open source and its owned in part by Erik Prince, the dark lord of Blackwater. Secretly added to the board of directors by misspelling his name, Wickr is not to be trusted. Their little diagram about how their encryption can't be intercepted is just a litle story. They can put an exploit into the app and sell it if they wanted. And why wouldn't they? They're connected to a mercinary army that is under investiagtion in the U.S. for treason.

/u/boste · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 06:33 · Link

https://www.zdnet.com/article/wickr-encrypted-messaging-app-goes-open-source/ ?? Interesting, I mean the fact he is under investigation by the US for treason makes me trust him more than not. However blackwater/academi is a shady company, however never seen any bust related due to wickr?

/u/THClear1 · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 21:20 · Link

yeah they are playing a long game. I always read articles about what academi is up to. and the treason investigatoin is being squashed, so it's all a black box in the wickr corp. I didn't know they went open source but I've looked at the company pretty thoroughly and it just doesn't look like an app company... or a commnications company. IDK what it is and as they say if you dont understand it, get rid of it ;-)

/u/SteroidWarehouse · N/A votes · 18th March, 2020 - 22:14 · Link

back when they were not opne-source. I thought only the encryption protocol is open-source.

/u/boste · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 06:35 · Link

Please expand

/u/beerglugger1994 · N/A votes · 18th March, 2020 - 22:28 · Link

def wouldnt even matter if u used wickr. hell you see all the telegrams now a days today? u have to be less sketched unless ur pushing weight weight or hard drugs lol. just stick away from meth heroin xanax perc etc, i had pound of wax come to door step with my real name, real address, and i placed it with a real phone number.... and when it got seized unluckily, nothing happened.... this is not that sketchy. You just treat it like it is If youre asking this question you sound like a buyer, and no, the feds arent going to take your phone and forensically extract deleted messages, that is a waste of their time. and if they were on a big big vendors phone, theyd see ur chats and not even care about you. So youre answer is. comm aint gonna be an issue home dawg

/u/boste · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 07:01 · Link

Thanks for your reply, but you are assuming a lot of stuff which you simply do not know about me. Funny you mention that, because in fact it was through a seller friend of mine who told me after he got busted and did time that they retrieved signal messages from his device and used them in court...

/u/1of1Ninja · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 07:09 · Link

can you elaborate on the "signal" part? I thought signal was one of the best open source encrypted msging apps?

/u/HighGradeMasters · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 10:23 · Link

theres an Israeli device developed whcih LE can use & there is an article out there somewhere where they tested this & where able to retrieve deleted Signal messages from phones. Cant remember what this is called though

/u/ChoppedBytes · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 20:17 · Link

If you care about security to the point where Israeli companies are being contracted to catch you, don't use a phone. If you do use a phone, encryption would prevent the type of retrieval you talk about. Signal has also done a lot of work on disappearing messages in the past year.

/u/HighGradeMasters · N/A votes · 20th March, 2020 - 03:53 · Link

im not. im simply referring to /u/boste post above where he mentiions that Signal messages where able to be retrieved

/u/1of1Ninja · N/A votes · 20th March, 2020 - 23:00 · Link

Good to know, lets say signal or app wickr wasnt even on your phone. is there any way they could see that still?

/u/boste · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 07:20 · Link

Me too... I can't really elaborate much more, he just got busted, they took the phone and then in court were using messages from chats he had which had been supposedly deleted. I lack more background information on that story though. I mean, i am no expert, but think about it, signal is linked to a phone number. You get a phone number, and then you can trace that back to a device, install malware like a keylogger that monitors screen use and fetch all data without having to take part in any of the communications encryption process hacking.

/u/1of1Ninja · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 07:29 · Link

What if the number linked to signal was from a text free app. And wouldn't all communications be encrypted? I have to do more research myself. Any help would be appreciated.

/u/boste · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 07:58 · Link

Then you would be cutting out that possibility, unless they have some other way to identify target phone. Think about it like when you need support for something and what they do is remotely use your computer, you can be using tor and pgp and what not, but if they are seeing your screen the same way you are seeing it, then they are seeing that information same as you are.

/u/1of1Ninja · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 08:10 · Link

very interesting...I've also read that wickr had a case with uber and none of its info could be retraced?

/u/boste · N/A votes · 20th March, 2020 - 08:35 · Link

Thanks for bringing that too light, wickr is growing on me

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM · N/A votes · 18th March, 2020 - 22:38 · Link

OpSec, Never thought about using Wickr why would you its not safe. Buy a encro phone.

/u/boste · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 06:37 · Link

Any actual evidence or explanation? Encrophone is amazing, specially when you are carrying it and police wonders why the fuck you have an 800euro phone known to be owned only by drug dealers. And if I recall correctly, you can only talk to people that have also spent 800 euros on that same phone right? Where they not also hacked? something about a backdoor and a strange explanation..

/u/DarkSupport · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 19:02 · Link

You can make almost ANY phone into a device just as protected if not more so than Encrophone. For starters they essentially remarket PGP that can be faciliated by ANY email client or used with a mobile by using OpenKeychain They use outdated hardware that does NOT use a secure enclave meaning your device will still be vulnerable to physical attacks. Never trust a service that offers a Remote Wipe option. You do not know how this has been implemented and in most cases will only agitate LE as they will most likely have imaged the device depending on the jurisdiction you may as well have signed your sentence. You can easily purchase a Pixel 3 or the cheaper 3a and flash Graphene OS onto it. It will provide an open source platform that will still be cheaper and arguably more effective than Encrophone.

/u/boste · N/A votes · 20th March, 2020 - 08:40 · Link

Never liked that encro phone... Thanks, some valuable information here

/u/DarkSupport · N/A votes · 21st March, 2020 - 04:45 · Link

No problem, I setup devices for clients of mine with similar use cases so I figured I would put forward my input. Graphene OS is a great project, I hope they are able to keep improving on the project; I'd hate if it ended up like its predecessor Copperhead OS