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DutchDrugz || Special Promo Listing || 5 XTC Pills = $12,-(!) || 235 (!) mg MDMA || Limited Offer
- /u/DutchDrugz 📢 2nd September, 2019 - 11:36 Thanks for your extensive reply, please disregard the last message I sent to you in admin chat on Monopoly :). It can create some confusion for customers if they wish to order more, (they now have to select the 5 XTC option, and multiply it, else no discount), but your arguments are all valid indeed.


by /u/DutchDrugz · 2019-09-01 16:25:00 in /d/Monopoly

0 votes · 3 comments

Does anyone have access to the remains of Grams?
- /u/DutchDrugz 26th September, 2018 - 14:57 What a great update to hear. It will be far easier to proove my previous feedback and reputation should they have it available, recon you siad, good to hear!

by /u/Avengerhacks · 26th September, 2018 14:15 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 20 comments

Any idea when Recon will launch?
- /u/DutchDrugz 2nd October, 2018 - 09:05 Could you please finish our business so we can move on with other activities :). Before the add can start, I really need a SubDread :)

Really great about RECON BTW, can't wait!

by /u/SnoopDoggSmoker · 29th September, 2018 06:04 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 22 comments

Sorry for the outage!
- /u/DutchDrugz 4th February, 2019 - 13:24 DDOS has become waaaaaaaaay to cheap, any idiot with an oversized ego can fuck shit up pretty bad for a lot of people with a few bucks, it's starting to become ridiculous :)

by /u/HugBunter · 4th February, 2019 10:02 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 29 comments

Samsara is spreading FUD, check how this post will be downvoted xD
- /u/DutchDrugz 13th August, 2019 - 11:32 They all are, every single one except for acropolis & agora, all the rest scammed us or handed data to police, you were so smart to only have used those 2 ;). Would be long periods of nothing then ;)

by /u/elpistolero · 12th August, 2019 11:44 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

0 votes · 80 comments