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DutchDrugz || New @ Monopoly || Promo's Soon || Psychedelic Specialist || Veteran Vendor

by /u/DutchDrugz · 0 votes · 2019-08-11 15:40:00

Fellow Psychonauts and other Rebels,

We hope to have a warm welcome on Monopoly. It seems already so because today we found our first open order on Monopoly! After all the recent DNM drama, from DDW to WSM, we're all in this together. As soon as we have more time, promotions as an introduction will follow, eventhough our prices are already quite low :). We really like the concept of Monopoly, especially that it gives other vendors with less resources a chance to compete with Vendor Shops, this isn't in my best interest, but I do think it's best for users/psychonauts ;).

I do have 1 tip for staff, I do not see a customers name in the order, so I can never know if someone re-orders, this way I cannot know which buyers deserves something extra, would be a waist :). We do not memorize or save addresses for longer periods ;).

For those who don't know me, founded since 2014, DarkNet Veteran Vendor and a True Psychedelic Specialist with over 15000 sales over the years and a longtime entrepreneur in the offline Dutch drugtrade. I started in this business years ago out of frustration with the poor quality on the streets and the lack of interest in quality, purity and health from my former dealers. I saw the high prices online back in 2014, while the risk is much lower than on the streets. Prices were cut in half for small orders a few months after I got online! I'm a psychonaut myself, and truly believe certain drugs, psychedelics in particular, can make social, cultural and ego paradigms dissapear and make you reconnect with nature, the universe and your true self. Only in moderation, drugs need to be an expander of your brain, not a destroyer! In the Netherlands it's possible for users to test drugs through an official government labtest, thus I know exactly what I sell. Every time I buy a new batch, it will be tested.

Cannabis Oil || THC/CBD rich || 50/50% Indica/Sativa || Medicinal || 200+ cannabinoids.
n,n DMT || Spirit Molecule || n,n DMT the REAL Psychedelic || processed with less chemicals.
Changa || 60% high MAOi || 33% n,n DMT || Spirit Molecule || Quality is unmatched
DPT || N,N-Dipropyltryptamine || The Light || Chaotic Brother of n,n-DMT.
LSD || 200-250 mcg || High dosed || Clean LSD || Artwork varies.
S-Ketamine || Special K, powerfull dissociative || 82% pure.
MDMA Crystal || 84% || Made with PMK oil, the Dutch Way!
XTC Pills || Various Logo's || High Dosage || 170-180+ to 200+ (!) mg labtest.
Kamagra || Generic Viagra || 100 mg sildenafil citrate || officially produced.
Cenforce || Generic Viagra || 100 mg sildenafil citrate || officially produced.


Cannabis Oil - from €35,- down to €30,- per ML. About 16 to 20 drops per ML.
n,n DMT - from €120,- down to €110,- per gram.
Changa - from €80,- to €70,- per gram.
DPT - from €90,- down to €80,- per gram.
LSD - from €6,- per blotter down to €5,- per blotter.
Ketamine - from €35,- down to €30,- per gram.
MDMA - from €10,- down to €8,- per gram.
XTC Pills - from €5,- down to €4,- per pill.
Kamagra - from €10,- down to €8,- per strip of 4 x 100 mg sildenafil citrate (Generic Viagra).
CenForce - from €17,50 down to €15,- per strip of 10 x 100 mg sildenafil citrate (Generic Viagra).

Cannabis Oil - from €30,- down to €25,- (!) per ML. About 16 to 20 drops per ML.
n,n DMT - from €110,- down to €90,- (!) per gram.
Changa - From €70,- down to €40,- (!) per gram.
DPT - from €80,- down to €60,- per gram.
LSD - From €5,- down to €3,50 per blotter.
Ketamine - From €30,- down to €15,- (!) per gram. (Prohibited @ TMG)
MDMA - From €8,- down to €4,- per gram.
XTC Pills - From €4,- down to €1,75 (!) per pill.
Kamagra - From €8,- down to €7,- per strip of 4 x 100 mg sildenafil citrate (Generic Viagra).
Cenforce - from €12,50 down to €11,- per strip of 10 x 100 mg sildenafil citrate (Generic Viagra).

Shipping with orders above €60,- always FREE!

My products are from extraordinary quality, use with care. If you don't feel anything just wait, unless you're VERY experienced and know your limit is high. Please always read the liting carefully and educate yourself on what you put in your body. Cannabis oil is a cure and medicine to many ailments, and it has been used for 1000's of years before us. Recreational drug use can have many positive therapeutic or spiritual effects, but this is nothing recreational, it would be a waist to smoke this beautifull and potent product.

You can find links to my own vendor market at darknetlive or other DNM's in my signature or through various fora and markets. Please always check my pgp code when you think it's me, just in case. If you've never delt with me, do your due dilligence as you always should with any vendor, same applies to every new substance you try! If it hits the fan like EVO, Abraxas or Middle Earth, you can always contact me on various platforms.

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Peace, Happiness and meaningfull trips wished upon everyone!



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