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Does anyone have access to the remains of Grams?

by /u/Avengerhacks · 0 votes · 26th September, 2018 14:15

Yeah, I heard it was open sourced before shut down, anyone?

Comments (3)
/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 26th September, 2018 - 14:38 · Link

He only released a limited database, not much data which was a pain for me developing recon. The database he released was an XML file just detailing vendors names and PGP keys. I have that if you want it, I also archived I'd like to say, 80%? Of Grams itself so I have that data but it is being compiled in Recon for launch in the next few days.

/u/Avengerhacks · N/A votes · 26th September, 2018 - 14:56 · Link

Yeah that's fine, only need the vendor names and past history. What's Recon?

/u/DutchDrugz · N/A votes · 26th September, 2018 - 14:57 · Link

What a great update to hear. It will be far easier to proove my previous feedback and reputation should they have it available, recon you siad, good to hear!

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 26th September, 2018 - 15:15 · Link

It is a service I am launching as a replacement for Grams with up to date listing search for all current markets and an archive of all vendor feedback etc, lots of other new tools too that weren't available on Grams. Well as I said, the official database export is only of usernames/pgp keys, no feedback or any other data with it. Let me know if that will be of any use for you. I won't be able to provide an export of all vendor data from my own backups just because it will take too much time right now because of the complex storage used for Recon. You can always scrape it once the site launches though.

/u/Avengerhacks · N/A votes · 26th September, 2018 - 15:30 · Link

Sure, check your inbox if you have time too. I'm working on a shop system which will allow vendors to create their own shops (pages). I see you charge a fee for development of shops, but hey, about time someone change that? :-)

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 26th September, 2018 - 15:36 · Link

Ah awesome, yes we need more services to support the community, good to hear! Let me know if you need any help and I can probably provide some sort of integration into Recon to list the vendor's shop URLs etc. I assume you wanted to use the backup for verification? If so, there will be a verification API where you can set minimum sales parameters etc so that may be of interest to you. Will catch up on my inbox later today! Also, the only reason there is a charge on my service is because 500 goes towards hosting of Dread servers, the remaining balance pays off the individual shop servers for up to 4 years. Custom design is an additional $1000 which goes to my designer :)

/u/Avengerhacks · N/A votes · 26th September, 2018 - 15:44 · Link

Yeah well, the goal is to allow the vendors to have their own pages but with a centralized 'marketplace' that collects statistics and lists other metric data. It'll also be a way for vendors to put their voice out there and have it heard. Plan is to make it kind of like Openbazaar, but security wise it'll be a challenge, but I guess it'll all fall into place eventually. Individual shop servers is kind of steep imo. I don't think a vendor shop would require their own server, at least it wouldn't make sense economy wise. There are better ways to spare on the economy and still keep it all intact and secure using a single server.

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 26th September, 2018 - 15:53 · Link

If they were all on one server that would mean if one server was compromized, all the shops are compromized at the same time. I could easily fuck up an update on the server which leaves a vuln, separation is best for this type of thing overall. Also if a shop is DDOS'd that would affect the rest of the shops too being on the same server, they'd all go down.

/u/Avengerhacks · N/A votes · 26th September, 2018 - 16:02 · Link

Compromising a server is quite difficult if the server administrator knows what he's doing. It's not much different from running a marketplace, once their server is compromised they shut down. Same thing here, creating a shop will be 'free' for starters so there isn't any hyper budget available to make a cluster with a server for each shop. That's why you have a test server before you push your updates. I'm looking at stopping the DDoS attacks by having the system check the URL every now and then, if down the shop will have several alternatives generated. Those URLs will also automatically be visible on the 'centralized' space, so users can easily and quickly find their favorite shop.

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 26th September, 2018 - 16:10 · Link

I didn't say it was easy, but could be possible. The server could be identified with the best security out there, it means nothing if it does happen through some unknown method. Which is why it is best in my use case to ensure there is separation, so these could run even if I was gone. And of course you use a test server, doesn't mean you'll always pick up on everything and you're underestimating the DDOS attacks massively, Dread is under attack right now and has been for the best part of 2 months.

/u/Avengerhacks · N/A votes · 26th September, 2018 - 16:45 · Link

It could. Well, separate is always going to be better, I guess we could probably make that as a paid service to have it setup on a separate machine. Run failsafe a few times to ensure you don't miss out on anything. But of course, there may be times something bad could happen, best you can do is ensure it doesn't. I'm not all that deep into DDoS preventions on darkweb to be honest, but since it's a hobby project I guess we'll have to live to learn, meaning we'll see what happens and if it isn't enough we'll find a solution.

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 26th September, 2018 - 16:48 · Link

Let me know if you ever experience an attack, I've put a good few weeks of work into resolving it as best as possible in my current infrastructure. I do need to horizontally scale soon however.

/u/Avengerhacks · N/A votes · 26th September, 2018 - 17:05 · Link

Sure, if you could simply navigate to the inbox in the right hand corner, and check my message there we could have a pint together over how purple darkweb has become. :-)

/u/drumrollpls · N/A votes · 28th September, 2018 - 02:39 · Link

hi /u/HugBunter is this database publicly available? I've been creating an addon that will prevent people from being phished and communicating with compromised vendors. Just as a personal hobby more than anything but it could be quite useful to the community in the future. this database could save me a decent amount of work

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 28th September, 2018 - 03:53 · Link

I'll be sharing a few resources including this shortly, keep an eye out for the Recon announcement I guess :)

/u/drumrollpls · N/A votes · 28th September, 2018 - 04:10 · Link

Excellent thank you. I had been searching if there were any grams databases when I saw this thread.

/u/Avengerhacks · N/A votes · 26th September, 2018 - 15:12 · Link

Also does anyone know the 'news' site that Dream market launched/endorsed on darkweb?

/u/kamesenin · N/A votes · 26th September, 2018 - 22:46 · Link

deleted.. clearnet link and arbitrary

/u/TheARK · N/A votes · 2nd October, 2018 - 02:42 · Link

Hi Avengerhacks, You can download the simple Vendor name + PGP database from here and open with notepad++. CLEARNET ----> https://the-ark.info/grams.php <----- CLEARNET The file signature is also there. I've uploaded it directly on the Ark as soon as I had received the database from Grams. I'm also looking for the dump with the reviews. I will let you know if I have it.

/u/Blight · N/A votes · 6th October, 2018 - 19:19 · Link

Download an untrusted file and open it with a program that was actively being exploited by the NSA? No thanks.