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Gel Tabs USA...

by /u/czechambassador · 2024-05-06 17:37:00 in /d/Tribe_Seuss

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/u/boogieshoes 10x 2mg Farmaprams review!

by /u/Thehighlow · 2024-05-02 14:55:00 in /d/Reviews

0 votes · 1 comments

Launching of Big Brother House Market!

by /u/Biggie · 23rd January, 2021 06:14 in /d/FakeID

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Need advice on IRL operation

by /u/MIgBachine · 18th March, 2024 05:15 in /d/Fraud

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Posts by User

Launching of Big Brother House Market!

by /u/Biggie · 23rd January, 2021 06:14 in /d/FakeID

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by /u/Biggie · 28th February, 2021 09:23 in /d/DarkNetAustralia

0 votes · 21 comments

Hiring someone USA based

by /u/igotbiggied · 2024-04-11 23:46:00 in /d/Fraud

0 votes · 4 comments

Comments by User

McDrugs marketplace banned for spam? Is it the right move?
- /u/Biggie 27th January, 2021 - 00:26 I didnt say you are, I said You might be, Just a suggestion like everyone

by /u/Paris · 26th January, 2021 00:28 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 70 comments

McDrugs marketplace banned for spam? Is it the right move?
- /u/Biggie 26th January, 2021 - 06:15 I didnt say it is, I said it might be, that means a totally different thing. You cant actually disagree because we do not know whats true here,

i only made a point, so some people can look into it, to see if what im saying is close to the truth, when things like these happen and people are called to look into the issue,

we all bring up Ideas and see how we can come up with an answer to the problem, I just thought it might still be him because i know of someone who has 10 accounts on dread,

i met him on dread and he contacted me and wanted to play me with his fake bitcoin LOTTO SITE, called LOTTOR, his accounts where created months apart,

he uses them to give himself points, I thought i reported him to The admin. So anything is possible, when they say STOP SPAMMING its simple, you STOP SPAMMING, yea we all make mistakes everyday,

but when you are warned the first time and you go back to doing thesame thing the second time,

then You actually know what you are doing and if you are given another chance, you will still do thesame thing. Just my own point.

by /u/Paris · 26th January, 2021 00:28 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 70 comments

McDrugs marketplace banned for spam? Is it the right move?
- /u/Biggie 26th January, 2021 - 04:06 I think /u/robertcuz is still thesame PERSON as /u/McdAdmin, The rate at which he explained all this just to end up supporting the fact that this people have been warned before, but keep doing same thing in another method, It sounds fishy to me, What he is doing or what he said in this his comment, makes me come to a conclusion, The /u/McdAdmin has created a new account called /u/robertcuz and he is currently using this account to back up himself. If i was banned once and warned to stop doing something, then i was unbanned, if i go back to doing same thing over again and i get banned i wont come back pleading, I will just forget about it. I lost the fight, I really wanted to see the Market so I make some evaluations on it to see how Legit and how tight the security it, How safe the users might be, Because if the market is not safe enough and the market IP is exposed, all the users Might loose their funds or be at risk. can someone show me the link, This way i can help safe a lot of people from getting themselves into a shitty market or put themselves at risk. Yea we know the /u/robertcuz account has been here for 9 months, But the way he defends these people, just make me think alot. he might not be one of them and he might be.

by /u/Paris · 26th January, 2021 00:28 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 70 comments

- /u/Biggie 📢 2nd March, 2021 - 05:53 You keep lying, nobody can see your Server so we cant tell if you are telling the truth and the info provided are lies, you see this fight, All of you will face it, Trust my words.

by /u/Biggie · 28th February, 2021 09:23 in /d/DarkNetAustralia

0 votes · 21 comments

- /u/Biggie 📢 1st March, 2021 - 00:53 Yea, But i believe you will not EXIT ETHICALLY, You will EXIT like Empire, You stole from a Helpless person because he couldn't do anything to defend himself, I'm making this post in regards to Market Like yours, I made a post on your sub dread, which you people you know you where lying, but you still lied until the end, Just to still from a kid who is trying to make ends meet. I assure everyone, we will hear your exit, Trust me your exit will be dramatic,

Do not preach what you can not do. I know its coming sooner or later, just from your reaction towards that situation I brought up on your subdread, you deleted the Description of the Post and left people just to comment on the title and finally you blocked me from commenting on the post, because you know what you where saying there are all lies and you didn't want me to continue exposing you and showing more proves under the post.

I know you people are out to gather enough money and run away like empire, and i think thats what you will obviously do, This is NO FUD, Im saying this out loud with proof that you scammed a kid i know and you vehemently refused returning their money, claiming the vendor withdrew the money which is a very big lie,

because the vendor provided proof of his wallet, going to old used wallet to show the wallet address he used to request a withdrawal of that fund, and went ahead to show his transaction history to show that no amount close to $400 was sent to him within the period of 1 month and you knew you where lying you still made that statement saying he withdrew the money and it was received,

I will say every market admin start their session by checking messages on market tickets, they respond to market tickets to make sure they dont approve a withdrawal transaction which someone has complained about it being a scam, so they go through messages first, next is Disputes, Before they start Approving withdrawals,

So you cant stand there lying that You approved the transaction before going through messages, You didnt Approve his withdrawal request and you banned him because he sent you multiple messages that night, saying that he tried to make a withdrawal, nothing appears under withdrawal history, but his funds are all gone. Markets Like /u/Dark0deReborn and /d/BigBlueMarket should be stoned disgracefully out of the darkweb,

Right now Big Blue has started stealing users funds, Vendors are complaining of Funds Being stolen from their accounts and all big blue could tell them is that they had a data loss in January, so its affecting every member now, Whose fault is it? did your buyers and sellers make you loose your data? why are they the ones to pay for your foolishness?

Why do you take off money from People's account and when they ask you to give back their money you have virtually no tangible answer to give them? Im waiting On My few sources to give me a go ahead in a few days from now and you /d/BigBlueMarket Will go viral on dread, Im waiting on them to send me alot more proves, I have some but more is coming,

The earlier you refund people's Money you got off their Accounts the better for you, Or else I will make you a star which you are not. This is really funny, How some markets will take advantage of their users. its poor.

I will fight this fight, for all these markets scamming users, even if im alone, i know some people will see the information i spread and will learn to stay clear or deal with caution on some markets like yours, what ever I post about any market from now on i will Attach links of proves with photos and videos, so everybody should see that what im saying is not just some FUD but real info.

/d/BigBlueMarket is currently showing several signs of a market which is about to exit scam, These are the first signs, People start loosing money from their accounts, Next people are unable to withdrawal, then admins stop responding to tickets then boom, they are gone. I personally think /d/BigBlueMarket is trying to an exit soon, if not, how can make users loose funds from their accounts simultaneously.

And the funny part is, if A place an order with vendor B, it will stay there, when it is about 1 hour to finalize, The order disappears from the Vendors account, he doesn't see any sign like Buyer A has ever made an order with him and no funds deposited, In the other hand,

Buyer A still has the order showing in his order history as finalized but no funds came back to him, Then A and B are blocked from communicating with each other, its Like they delete every chat A has had with B and vice versa, What does this mean? They do not want the 2 of them to communicate about the funds.


by /u/Biggie · 28th February, 2021 09:23 in /d/DarkNetAustralia

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