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McDrugs marketplace banned for spam? Is it the right move?

by /u/Paris · 0 votes · 26th January, 2021 00:28

Hello everyone. Lovely Paris here to give a little breakdown on a decision I need to make and I thought us as a community should make it together.

There is this new market that has spammed dread. It's called McDrugs and they are... how can I say... different from other markets. Their style is different, their words are different, and honestly I thought it was a joke. However the persistence of their staff caused me to reconsider just downright banning them. They apologized for the spam, said they wouldn't spam again, learned their lesson and they will be better. Being that they sent the apology, it seemed fine, people make mistakes.

However they kept spamming. This time with crossposts. So I banned their ass and subdread. Almost immediately they messaged back asking why they were banned. I said they spammed and that mass cross posting is spam. They said that they didn't know that by fucking spamming cross posts that it would be counted as spam even though it does the same fucking thing.

I said too bad. Hope this all was a joke and they were only having fun. But they plead that they have learned their lesson and they won't spam at all. Like they did last time.

Community what is your verdict? Shall I unban them, trusting that they won't do the exact same thing they apologized for... twice or shall we just keep them banned and tell them to hit the road because they pissed too many people off.

Comment below explaining why or why not. The best explainer gets the "star trophie" badge which removes all captchas on the site after sign in. If you already got one you can give it to another person.

edit: /u/wherethefuckismycake won the trophie because like this post and McDrugs, true explanation was a joke. McBanned!

User: /u/Biggie

I didnt say it is, I said it might be, that means a totally different thing. You cant actually disagree because we do not know whats true here, i only made a point, so some people can look into it, to see if what im saying is close to the truth, when things like these happen and people are called to look into the issue, we all bring up Ideas and see how we can come up with an answer to the problem, I just thought it might still be him because i know of someone who has 10 accounts on dread, i met him on dread and he contacted me and wanted to play me with his fake bitcoin LOTTO SITE, called LOTTOR, his accounts where created months apart, he uses them to give himself points, I thought i reported him to The admin. So anything is possible, when they say STOP SPAMMING its simple, you STOP SPAMMING, yea we all make mistakes everyday, but when you are warned the first time and you go back to doing thesame thing the second time, then You actually know what you are doing and if you are given another chance, you will still do thesame thing. Just my own point.