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by /u/Biggie · 0 votes · 28th February, 2021 09:23

If dread could create a Darknet Insurance Platform which helps users of different markets not to loose their funds when a market exit scam or maybe leave peacefully.

I see a subdread (/u/BlackArk) here trying to offer such a service but i do think they are still trying to make it function the right way, But i feel like Dread Admins as intelligent as /u/HugBunter, /u/Shakybeats and /u/Paris are they are able to figure this out and go around a method on how to get this done.

Its Something i think should be implemented, it can help out alot of people from Loosing their Funds from Exits and the rest.

This is just a point of View, If It makes sense Please just say something here with your ideas so maybe the admins can see and think about this, My fight here is to make sure we reduce the rate at which we loose money to markets. Even though we cant stop it 100%, atleast we can do alot of harm reduction.


Comments (7)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 28th February, 2021 - 09:28 · Link

This isn't like buying a car. It's not possible to insure anything against exit scams. People need to understand to never put in more than they are willing to lose, because it does happen and it can happen to them. It's apart of the game so making sure you don't over commit is very important.

/u/Biggie · N/A votes · 28th February, 2021 - 09:37 · Link

Ok, sure i get your point of view, I just saw this subdread today and i was juust thinking, if it was possible why isnt something done like that to get some people to atleast feel relieved when buying on markets. anyway thanks!

/u/drkox · N/A votes · 28th February, 2021 - 15:21 · Link

Yes, it is possible. It is just an incredible undertaking that requires bulletproof methods in order to not get fucked. We did that back in 2020 (see my other post below) and had numerous solutions for that. For exit scams we used a system called DrKox Trusted Market, where DNMs could apply to become Trusted Markets and once they became Trusted Market they had to implement an API that shares the User Balance on the Market as well as some information on previous orders (only users that linked the trusted market to the DrKox account) that we could crawl every 24hrs. We had many many mechanisms that made the service sustainable and even more profitable than today's markets are. The site is coded from scratch. We had four different policies (plans), ranging from $14.99 per month to $499.99 - having different max. payout limits, the ability to submit "urgent" claims, different available periods of time for consulting, the 100 and 500 dollar plan even had pentesting included. We even had a fucking No-Claim-Discount (bonus-malus) system that was all automatic. I tried contacting you and HugBunter about 10 months ago, but no one cared because times were good back then, or whatever reason. Also, numerous requests to create a subdread or a Announcement postings on dread were under "review" for a fucking long time only to get ignored in the end. The service was active for ~6 months and we became frustrated because user trust was very low. We are now a market trying to grow user trust in order to implement the insurance service once again. The admin of DiDW (largest forum in the German community) was interested and excited about this potentially revolutionary step for the DN and therefore became our partner to push user trust. If you (or anyone else) are/is still interested, contact me. [email protected] Months of risk assesment and calculations as well as thinking through every possible scenario went into a fully functional and secure .onion. You won't find anything better and better thought through DNM Insurance company than DrKox at the time. The service was not only for DNM Buyers and Vendors but also for other criminals (many risks covered - all with exact documentation)

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 28th February, 2021 - 18:06 · Link

Hey mate, very interesting concept. inserting yourself as a third party, how do you the 'insurance broker' create a trust value? I don't understand from what you've outlined how you would create any more trust than a marketplace. As soon as there is $ and darkweb services connected there is always going to be the potential to run off with them. maybe blockchain or a dapp layer of some sort would work. Can't see a service really working without some way of creating trust through decentralized consensus.

/u/drkox · N/A votes · 28th February, 2021 - 19:23 · Link

hi /u/dontlaugh. the missing trust value was what eventually broke our neck of some sorts. One way we tried achieving trust was to create partnerships and public relations with already trusted services. Until the very end (the temp. stop of our service) we were partnered with the best known hidden service in the German community, DiDW. The admin and one other market admin, whose market became a Dr.Kox Trusted Market, were very interested and believed that we would pave the way for stopping the fucking scams in the future. Another thing we hoped for backing our reputation was that we not only covered DNM parcels, but various things like fines for fare dodging, getting busted as Staff/Admin of a market, drug possession in selected countries, ... The idea was to widen our offer not only to regulars of DNMs but also bring in a huge quantity of new users, that were previously unbeknownst to the DN. Another approach was decentralizing the review process of the claims onto different trusted entities, with implementation of multisig, but markets & community platforms were so frightened of the concept they did not even bother to answer. If you ask me, I'd love to see a decentralized market ( a proper one ) that works alongside an insurance company - every dispute review process, transaction, claim review process split upon individuals in the community that get trusted over time. If you're able and would like to work on that please reach out to me.

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 28th February, 2021 - 22:22 · Link

Your methods are ripe to be abused. Like a market a third party can't truly know if an order was properly sent. In the case where the market decides to deny the dispute and release the funds to the vendors, in your case you will do exactly the same because that is what the market did. However if per say a vendor wants to steal from you guys he can stage for both the vendor and the user without you even knowing. Making a circumstance where you will pay out even more to the exact same person. They can't really lose that. There is no trust in it, because like why would users trust you? Trust is build with the systems in place that incentivizes all parties to uphold their end of the deal. Your offer is insurance on those funds. Which is fucking crazy. In the case of a market wanting to exit scam they can just return invalid information to your API without you knowing on accounts they control. You have no way to verify the truth of this information. Much like guns. Most people need to understand just because someone is trusted now doesn't mean they are trusted in the future. The truth is, there shouldn't be any trust at all. The systems in place need to provide the incentives for all parties to do their part. The moment you put profit in the equalization on a completely anonymous platform where anyone can be anyone, people will game the system.

/u/Blue_PR · N/A votes · 28th February, 2021 - 09:28 · Link

what would happen is all that money would be taken in for "insurance" and when its time to come pay on an exit. the person is supposed to pay out.. will be gone. double exit scam.

/u/Biggie · N/A votes · 28th February, 2021 - 09:40 · Link

Lol, Yea it makes sense that was why i trust just the dread admins to handle something of that sort, nobody else, but since as paris says its impossible then I do not think its an option, I am just trying as much as i can to device a method to reduce the rate at which markets exit and even steal users funds when they are still running.

/u/Blue_PR · N/A votes · 28th February, 2021 - 09:43 · Link

They are way to busy to being doing that anyways.

/u/Biggie · N/A votes · 28th February, 2021 - 09:46 · Link

OK Yea thats right

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 28th February, 2021 - 09:44 · Link

Insurance premiums and payouts are based on risk assessments... no payout or premium based on the risk assessment of a DNM exiting would make sense for any party involved. On a personal level, you could just pay 10% on top of any of your purchases in to an 'insurance' wallet for such an incident :)

/u/Biggie · N/A votes · 28th February, 2021 - 09:49 · Link

Thats what i was thinking, cus thats what the subdread i found proposes and its what they do. if you want to buy from a vendor you do not trust, you take a picture of the order and send to them and pay your 10% if that order doesnt gets delivered they pay the complete total of your order. It sounds strange to me, but everything is possible.

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 28th February, 2021 - 10:20 · Link

I'd be doing it myself rather than sending to someone else . Don't trust some other geezer on the DN. Insurance relies on a trusted third party(the insurer), that can't exist in an anonymous setting.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 28th February, 2021 - 23:49 · Link

In its core its pretty flawed as you would just be giving money to another party on the Darknet. Its up to markets to just do an ethical exit and let people withdraw their funds, if the market is good and the staff works hard enough there is definitely enough revenue to be made without having to scam thousands of people out of their money. And we can all go to bed at night with a clear mind, that's worth more than any amount of money in the world.

/u/Biggie · N/A votes · 1st March, 2021 - 00:53 · Link

Yea, But i believe you will not EXIT ETHICALLY, You will EXIT like Empire, You stole from a Helpless person because he couldn't do anything to defend himself, I'm making this post in regards to Market Like yours, I made a post on your sub dread, which you people you know you where lying, but you still lied until the end, Just to still from a kid who is trying to make ends meet. I assure everyone, we will hear your exit, Trust me your exit will be dramatic, Do not preach what you can not do. I know its coming sooner or later, just from your reaction towards that situation I brought up on your subdread, you deleted the Description of the Post and left people just to comment on the title and finally you blocked me from commenting on the post, because you know what you where saying there are all lies and you didn't want me to continue exposing you and showing more proves under the post. I know you people are out to gather enough money and run away like empire, and i think thats what you will obviously do, This is NO FUD, Im saying this out loud with proof that you scammed a kid i know and you vehemently refused returning their money, claiming the vendor withdrew the money which is a very big lie, because the vendor provided proof of his wallet, going to old used wallet to show the wallet address he used to request a withdrawal of that fund, and went ahead to show his transaction history to show that no amount close to $400 was sent to him within the period of 1 month and you knew you where lying you still made that statement saying he withdrew the money and it was received, I will say every market admin start their session by checking messages on market tickets, they respond to market tickets to make sure they dont approve a withdrawal transaction which someone has complained about it being a scam, so they go through messages first, next is Disputes, Before they start Approving withdrawals, So you cant stand there lying that You approved the transaction before going through messages, You didnt Approve his withdrawal request and you banned him because he sent you multiple messages that night, saying that he tried to make a withdrawal, nothing appears under withdrawal history, but his funds are all gone. Markets Like /u/Dark0deReborn and /d/BigBlueMarket should be stoned disgracefully out of the darkweb, Right now Big Blue has started stealing users funds, Vendors are complaining of Funds Being stolen from their accounts and all big blue could tell them is that they had a data loss in January, so its affecting every member now, Whose fault is it? did your buyers and sellers make you loose your data? why are they the ones to pay for your foolishness? Why do you take off money from People's account and when they ask you to give back their money you have virtually no tangible answer to give them? Im waiting On My few sources to give me a go ahead in a few days from now and you /d/BigBlueMarket Will go viral on dread, Im waiting on them to send me alot more proves, I have some but more is coming, The earlier you refund people's Money you got off their Accounts the better for you, Or else I will make you a star which you are not. This is really funny, How some markets will take advantage of their users. its poor. I will fight this fight, for all these markets scamming users, even if im alone, i know some people will see the information i spread and will learn to stay clear or deal with caution on some markets like yours, what ever I post about any market from now on i will Attach links of proves with photos and videos, so everybody should see that what im saying is not just some FUD but real info. /d/BigBlueMarket is currently showing several signs of a market which is about to exit scam, These are the first signs, People start loosing money from their accounts, Next people are unable to withdrawal, then admins stop responding to tickets then boom, they are gone. I personally think /d/BigBlueMarket is trying to an exit soon, if not, how can make users loose funds from their accounts simultaneously. And the funny part is, if A place an order with vendor B, it will stay there, when it is about 1 hour to finalize, The order disappears from the Vendors account, he doesn't see any sign like Buyer A has ever made an order with him and no funds deposited, In the other hand, Buyer A still has the order showing in his order history as finalized but no funds came back to him, Then A and B are blocked from communicating with each other, its Like they delete every chat A has had with B and vice versa, What does this mean? They do not want the 2 of them to communicate about the funds. #WARTOALLSCAMMERS

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 2nd March, 2021 - 02:03 · Link

FUD but I'm glad you think that way. Nobody lied to you. You gave completely wrong information and usernames to us and then got angry when you received the wrong answer. And you lied to support staff about who you are. Good luck there buddy. *Long reply incoming*

/u/Biggie · N/A votes · 2nd March, 2021 - 05:53 · Link

You keep lying, nobody can see your Server so we cant tell if you are telling the truth and the info provided are lies, you see this fight, All of you will face it, Trust my words.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 2nd March, 2021 - 21:56 · Link

Keep on fighting that fight brother, whichever one that may because you lost me at ' Yea' .

/u/auspride · N/A votes · 3rd March, 2021 - 07:42 · Link

Possible to tie up with crypto insurance platforms but just guise what you are insuring mate LOL

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 3rd March, 2021 - 15:40 · Link

Multisig is the only insurance. Just like WHM enforced Monero for OpSec after Bitcoin was shown repeatedly to be weak for OpSec, eventually exit scams will prompt a market to enforce multisig - if you cannot figure it out, go be scammed somewhere else. My guess is mr_white will jump on this once Monero multisig proves viable. WHM enforces PGP without exception, and it's not convenient at all, but necessary for OpSec, so I can see them enforcing multisig when available. Edit: As /u/WilliamGibson explained, Versus is a forced multisig market, currently only Bitcoin, but will do so for Monero once a workable solution is found. So go here if you want insurance against exit scams (more so assurance since the money you get in case of an exit scam isn't indemnification - it's just your money).

/u/drkox · N/A votes · 28th February, 2021 - 15:04 · Link

There was a platform like that, but users didn't trust it - it was thoroughly discussed and solutions for many situations were found. It was established in the German community, below is the link to the thread for anyone interested. We didn't make it because big hidden services (like Dread) thought it was a scam, although there was an endless documentation on the site providing information for every risk covered. We started in early 2020, later we became a market that hopes to implement DNM Insurance policies again once we have a solid userbase and big trust we also offered consultation sessions and pentesting back then trying to win user trust (german) germany2igel45jbmjdipfbzdswjcpjqzqozxt4l33452kzrrda2rbid onion/thread-7220.html