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WARNING ! We are removing our AVARIS shop.

by /u/AppleSauceDNM · 3rd March, 2020 21:07 in /d/DarknetMarketsIndia

0 votes · 27 comments

Comments by User

In transit arriving late?
- /u/AppleSauceDNM 4th March, 2020 - 04:47 ohhh myyy...

that's 9000 hand jobs.....

by /u/balla24 · 3rd March, 2020 00:32 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

0 votes · 7 comments

WARNING ! We are removing our AVARIS shop.
- /u/AppleSauceDNM 📢 Vendor 4th March, 2020 - 07:05 Already left. No longer a vendor with Avaris.
However, my bad though Avaris is poorly made and does not function well.
I couldn't leave as a vendor by myself, had to msg the mod to remove me.

Thanks for the input,


'' An apple a day keeps a scammer away ''

by /u/AppleSauceDNM · 3rd March, 2020 21:07 in /d/DarknetMarketsIndia

0 votes · 27 comments

WARNING ! We are removing our AVARIS shop.
- /u/AppleSauceDNM 📢 Vendor 4th March, 2020 - 07:02 Not too sure, what's the requirements or bond ?

I'm tired of bonds with wank ass markets.
I would join Empire but theyre down half the time and it is itchy for an exit scam..



'' An apple a day keeps a scammer away ''

by /u/AppleSauceDNM · 3rd March, 2020 21:07 in /d/DarknetMarketsIndia

0 votes · 27 comments

WARNING ! We are removing our AVARIS shop.
- /u/AppleSauceDNM 📢 Vendor 3rd March, 2020 - 23:19 Ya probably but they insist they are diff ppl lol

'' we pay a guy to mod our dread . he has not direct connection to us ''

If they were the same then why didn't they block, delete or give my avaris account a warning for w.e reason they blcoked me on the avaris market. They never stated a reason. Probably diff ppl. The avaris mod seems to be a crack head.
He tried to get me to chat on Jabber about " what are the mods saying about me ". This MF tried to get me on Jabber to chat about what others were saying about him hahahahah

Either they're really hsutling/hiding the fact that they're the same people or truly this Avaris dread mod is a crack head.


by /u/AppleSauceDNM · 3rd March, 2020 21:07 in /d/DarknetMarketsIndia

0 votes · 27 comments

WARNING ! We are removing our AVARIS shop.
- /u/AppleSauceDNM 📢 Vendor 3rd March, 2020 - 22:30 This was to inform any of my clients that go through avaris to purchase.

No, not scammed maybe robbed ? lol
Avaris Market treated me decently. no bad blood. but yup 750$ then they dropped their bond early Jan.

Avaris Dread is where I had my issues. Doesn't matter as I'm still with a market and my direct buyers receive paks...


by /u/AppleSauceDNM · 3rd March, 2020 21:07 in /d/DarknetMarketsIndia

0 votes · 27 comments