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WARNING ! We are removing our AVARIS shop.

by /u/AppleSauceDNM · 0 votes · 3rd March, 2020 21:07

Hello and good day to all,

This is a message pertaining to our /d/Avaris market SHOP.

Within the next 24hours we will have our Avaris SHOP removed due to several issues with the avaris dread mods, not the avaris market itself. The Avaris Dread is '' run by different ppl to protect '' their OPSEC.

Again, no issues with Avaris Market, but the Avaris dread. We hope they do well.
Though sadly we lost our 750$ vendor bond.

Any orders that are made VIA Avaris will not be fulfilled and you're at risk of losing your money.

ALL orders will be taken ONLY on /d/Versus market.
WE are OFFICALY on /d/Versus.

Versus is a MULTI sig market ONLY and is super easy to set up :).



'' An apple a day keeps a scammer away ''.

User: /u/AppleSauceDNM

Ya probably but they insist they are diff ppl lol '' we pay a guy to mod our dread . he has not direct connection to us '' If they were the same then why didn't they block, delete or give my avaris account a warning for w.e reason they blcoked me on the avaris market. They never stated a reason. Probably diff ppl. The avaris mod seems to be a crack head. He tried to get me to chat on Jabber about " what are the mods saying about me ". This MF tried to get me on Jabber to chat about what others were saying about him hahahahah Either they're really hsutling/hiding the fact that they're the same people or truly this Avaris dread mod is a crack head. AppleSauce