
N/A subscribers


In transit arriving late?

by /u/balla24 · 0 votes · 3rd March, 2020 00:32

So, friday, I had two packages sent. They both hit the regional distribution at same time sunday morning 2 hours apart. They both said that they would arrive today.. One is out for delivery while the other is stuck in transit arriving late at the same spot the two had landed and still says early sunday AM.. Could it be seized you think or just stuck?


Comments (6)
/u/ComradeLenin · N/A votes · 3rd March, 2020 - 00:36 · Link

No, that's not terribly unusual. It wouldn't even be all that weird if it just wasn't scanned and got delivered today. You're fine.

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM · N/A votes · 3rd March, 2020 - 00:51 · Link

Where you ordered and where your from bro.

/u/blahblah810 · N/A votes · 3rd March, 2020 - 01:33 · Link

I'm in the same boat except one is has been stuck in distribution center since last Wednesday/Thursday and i'm shitting bricks. "Your package is moving within the USPS network and is on track to be delivered to its final destination. It is currently in transit to the next facility"

/u/XanaXasshole · N/A votes · 3rd March, 2020 - 03:07 · Link

chill the fuck out. you're fine. the postal system is far from perfect but it is fairly reliable in normal circumstances. you didn't give us any information about the size or contents of these packs, so we have no way of even gauging their risk, but from personal experience i can tell you that as long as the tracking is updating regularly, indicating it's rightful and logical path on it's way to you, a delay of one, or even a few days is not something to get worked up over. trust me. deep breaths, homie!!!

/u/diode · N/A votes · 3rd March, 2020 - 08:21 · Link

I had this occur twice. One time the pack arrived 24 hrs late. The other, the pack went rts and I had to do whats neccessary to create a new, sterile, addy. It sucked when I got my pack rts'd. The vendor did not even attempt to work anything out. This vendor still sells, and I would not use him again. I cannot say who was at fault. I still do not feel it was me. From what I have learned, most of the time these late packs do arrive. If it does not act accordingly. Good luck to you, and I hope you enjoy your order soon.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 3rd March, 2020 - 08:01 · Link

It means that my Man In The Middle attack was a success & I now have in my 9000 hands your illegal drugs!!!! Enjoy my Aunt Sally's homemade sugar cookies!!!! As they are yummylicious!!!!! Me :-)

/u/AppleSauceDNM · N/A votes · 4th March, 2020 - 04:47 · Link

ohhh myyy... that's 9000 hand jobs.....