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FENTANYL: It's Time for A REAL Discussion W/ /u/Paris and /u/hugbunter Poll
- /u/BRITSHEROIN_LOVER 29th February, 2024 - 20:33 mate, im all for against fentanyl, nitazenes and xylaine sorry bro. its all bout saving lives out there!. i certainly never knew arcetyp allows fentanyl sales because there is no doubt that by now, L.E will target archetyp as no.1 list market to take down..... abcaus, nemesis, drughub and other ALL banned any kinds of fentanyl! so archetyp will be first to go! so thank you OP for pointing out that because i never knew this. so nice 1 for saving my ass! to archetyp, you better get wise and start ban fentanyl or your gonna get taken down by LE sooner rather than later!

by /u/b0b4f3ttyw4p · 29th February, 2024 19:50 in /d/Opiates

0 votes · 15 comments

Idea for privacy coin with escrow feature by design Poll
- /u/BRITSHEROIN_LOVER 23rd March, 2024 - 08:21 hahaha what u said there about us being lazy fucks are soo TRUE!!

by /u/nightisdark2 · 23rd March, 2024 03:18 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 12 comments

Archet yp is down currently?
- /u/BRITSHEROIN_LOVER 28th December, 2023 - 15:30 yeah and yosteghostwrite is banned here from dred? why?

by /u/BusinessClass · 28th December, 2023 11:32 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 20 comments

Archet yp is down currently?
- /u/BRITSHEROIN_LOVER 28th December, 2023 - 15:37 no cc still work. i just check them just now. i wanna mention how strange this event happened, because a vendor i paced an order at archetyp on 13th december and just before xmas 2th dec, this vendor withdrew all listings at store and disappeared to other market. dunno why? but i found out this vendor was banned by yosteghostwrite for appaently unknown reason. AND NOW yosteghostwrite is banned from dred. somethng weird is happening do u not think?? it may be nothing as i might be overthink too much?

by /u/BusinessClass · 28th December, 2023 11:32 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 20 comments pgp message problem
- /u/BRITSHEROIN_LOVER 22nd February, 2024 - 00:12 archetype are well known most phished link on dn. im so sorry u have lost money but i sure hope it not over 1k euro/pounds/dollars!

by /u/JohnyBGood54321 · 21st February, 2024 23:10 in /d/Archetyp

0 votes · 7 comments