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🤡 🤡 🎪Another 20 oz GIVEAWAY because FUCK EXIT SCAMS - by PrettyPacks 🎪 🤡 🤡
- /u/Reveal1119 6th March, 2024 - 23:38 yaaaa... no kidding exactly what i thought...

cause i was like... hell??? where is it not? when i was a kid...

cause thought this is IT... bleh... born into hellfire period.

knew from day one of memory

by /u/prettypacksmedia · 6th March, 2024 00:57 in /d/PrettyPacks

0 votes · 108 comments

🤡 🤡 🎪Another 20 oz GIVEAWAY because FUCK EXIT SCAMS - by PrettyPacks 🎪 🤡 🤡
- /u/Reveal1119 6th March, 2024 - 23:36 is that your year of birth?


medical code?

no idea... guess i should google...

by /u/prettypacksmedia · 6th March, 2024 00:57 in /d/PrettyPacks

0 votes · 108 comments

🤡 🤡 🎪Another 20 oz GIVEAWAY because FUCK EXIT SCAMS - by PrettyPacks 🎪 🤡 🤡
- /u/Reveal1119 6th March, 2024 - 02:46 whoa... that blew my mind completely...

im not aware of anyone who would say being born is best thing ever happened to them... frankly want cement shoes most days here

secrets to share?

by /u/prettypacksmedia · 6th March, 2024 00:57 in /d/PrettyPacks

0 votes · 108 comments

🤡 🤡 🎪Another 20 oz GIVEAWAY because FUCK EXIT SCAMS - by PrettyPacks 🎪 🤡 🤡
- /u/Reveal1119 6th March, 2024 - 23:35 i think its called "bear baiting" lol... im studying 70s truckerlingo online so this is funny tooooo meeeee!~

if your intersted go to truckercountry dot

go to cb terminology

all "bear" terms there... hahah... its actually a tactical move of truckers~!

super interesting... helps me understand old ass movies were always watching...


by /u/prettypacksmedia · 6th March, 2024 00:57 in /d/PrettyPacks

0 votes · 108 comments

🤡 🤡 🎪Another 20 oz GIVEAWAY because FUCK EXIT SCAMS - by PrettyPacks 🎪 🤡 🤡
- /u/Reveal1119 6th March, 2024 - 03:01 omg... i swear this is a scene in 'smoky and the bandit' at least several times... pretty sure there is a ten-code for it


by /u/prettypacksmedia · 6th March, 2024 00:57 in /d/PrettyPacks

0 votes · 108 comments