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A line needs to be drawn with Incognito-They have taken this TOO FAR-lmk your thoughts on this proposal
- /u/Succinimide 10th March, 2024 - 13:44 We don't think this is the solution. The real solution is sadly much more simple and mundane.
Exit scams are an inherent risk of this business as it is currently built. Accordingly, the old adage has always applied..."act as if.."

So, when vendors and customers act as if a market is already compromised and protect their data accordingly, extortion attempts like this will merely cause an eye roll and folks will carry on. If all addresses, sensitive communication, and cryptocurrencies were handled appropriately per the DNM Bible and other sources, no one will care if you leak that shit.

Until a fully trustless market exists, this is the way.

by /u/QuickieFlippie · 10th March, 2024 08:06 in /d/CafeDread

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Earliest known date Incognito started scamming?
- /u/Succinimide 16th March, 2024 - 12:21 We joined the market around November 2023. Chatter started among vendors in the jabber chat room near the end of December concerning withdrawal delays. At the time, previous withdrawal issues had been addressed so it was believed to be a temporary hiccup. However, this appeared to be the beginning of the end from what we can tell.

by /u/FullSemiAuto77 · 14th March, 2024 23:11 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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Earliest known date Incognito started scamming?
- /u/Succinimide 16th March, 2024 - 12:25 We agree that this was likely their tactic toward the end of incognito's "honest" operations. However we will never really know when or if they selectively scammed folks along the way. They may have taken coins from buyers or sellers, and locked them out of their accounts so that they couldn't even warn others or submit tickets for support.

And if you think about it, unless a customer or vendor is aware and active on a forum like Dread, it's unlikely anyone would ever catch wind that an issue had arisen. Similar to how many unsuspecting buyers CONITNUE to place orders for our listings even with a banner saying not to order.

by /u/FullSemiAuto77 · 14th March, 2024 23:11 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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Possible investigation from Wise
- /u/Succinimide 15th April, 2024 - 15:01 Just to be clear, the absolute worst thing that will happen if you tell them that you use it for crypto is that they close your account because they may view the activity as an undesirable risk or just a customer they don't want to deal with. You're not at risk of investigation for money laundering or criminal activity because there's no evidence of that.

As others have said, you're not doing anything illegal by trading crypto and there's nothing suspicious about you using the features of their service to deal with multiple people or internationally. That's the whole marketed benefit of their service anyway.

Also, it makes perfect sense that you would need a service like Wise when transacting XMR because many of the centralized exchanges stopped offering it which forced you to P2P exchanges like localmonero. Perfectly valid.

As long as you don't make it sound sketchy, they won't be sketched.

by /u/monzomero · 2024-04-15 12:57:00 in /d/Monero

0 votes · 21 comments

Missing withdrawals
- /u/Succinimide 11th April, 2024 - 13:23 Can confirm we have missing withdrawals as well.

Posting for visibility, hopefully just delayed. But we are concerned as the multisig wallet outputs for our orders look strange...

by /u/Coyote · 2024-04-11 07:54:00 in /d/Cypher

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