Search results


3G Wochris Deluxe SANDROKAN / Hybrid / THC 28%

by /u/wochris · 2019-09-06 15:41:00 in /d/Monopoly

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==== We have a lot Medical Cannabis Products ====

by /u/wochris · 2019-12-05 10:55:00 in /d/Monopoly

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by /u/wochris · 2020-01-03 11:08:00 in /d/Monopoly

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Posts by User

We dont sell longer on Icarus

by /u/wochris · 3rd September, 2020 20:16 in /d/Icarus

0 votes · 6 comments

3G Wochris Deluxe SANDROKAN / Hybrid / THC 28%

by /u/wochris · 2019-09-06 15:41:00 in /d/Monopoly

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==== We have a lot Medical Cannabis Products ====

by /u/wochris · 2019-12-05 10:55:00 in /d/Monopoly

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by /u/wochris · 2020-01-03 11:08:00 in /d/Monopoly

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Comments by User

We dont sell longer on Icarus
- /u/wochris 📢 Vendor 3rd September, 2020 - 21:51 Blocking withdraws without a message is a no go its our money not yours .... and yes of course we warn our customers and not spam thats a difference ...

by /u/wochris · 3rd September, 2020 20:16 in /d/Icarus

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==== We have a lot Medical Cannabis Products ====
- /u/wochris 📢 5th December, 2019 - 19:45 Thank you Sir .... yes we grow and we are safe .... good luck you too ... nice greetings

by /u/wochris · 2019-12-05 10:55:00 in /d/Monopoly

0 votes · 2 comments

Update corona situation / shipping / orders
- /u/wochris 📢 20th March, 2020 - 21:18 Hello Sir ...try our gummy bears or capsules ...that are the best for sleeping ...nice greetings

by /u/wochris · 2020-03-18 15:14:00 in /d/Monopoly

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WoChris Warning
- /u/wochris 15th June, 2020 - 13:35 Exactly the same scheme as since a few weeks .... creating a brand new account just to make us look bad ....
...ordering in the biggest pandemic ever and then immediately scream we are scammers...
...we see a new pattern here... the lockdown has caused financial losses for many...
... so I guess it is time to play the old "get nothing" game again to refill the wallet ...
we prefer to stick to the facts, please come this way ..:
Lets check what Recon says about us :
(575 results 5 from 5 stars )
Lets check what Dark Net Trust says about us :
92,1% Positive

No more comments on this nonsense .....

by /u/Yojimbo1987 · 2020-06-15 12:19:00 in /d/Monopoly

0 votes · 12 comments

WoChris Warning
- /u/wochris 15th June, 2020 - 17:05 Hello ... we understand your point of view ... and usually we are the last ones who do not contribute to an agreement ...
... but we've had a strange situation for weeks now where some people think they can take advantage of us or the situation ....
surely something can always happen and every now and then no package arrives ... we are in darknet and not at amazon ...
we react like this because we have been receiving more and more of these mails here for a few weeks now .... that's why we have just received this mail
uploaded ...with prove :


this makes it almost impossible for us to verify who is telling the truth and who is not...
it really makes no sense that some packages don't get promoted... but we do not really believe
...that they've been sitting in the post office for so long... we think it's more a tracking problem...
maybe it just won't be or hasn't been updated in a certain period of time...
once again to the explanation we work with tracking without signature ... that means we do not see the exact
location of the letter ...we see only in motion ... confiscated... back to sender or delivered...
for an exact tracking we would have to present an identification document at the post office and the customer would have to sign it ...
exactly what neither we nor the customer wants ... and maybe that is the reason why this is only possible on the original
spanish post homepage can be displayed ... and with this chaos we can already imagine that this time more or
be updated less ...( we think you have already checked our trackings yourself and seen this) ....
affected dogs are just barking and we have to defend ourselves when every few days there is screaming of scamming ...
one thing you can believe us, it hurts us more than you do, because if one is really sent daily it is us ...
we think the situation will improve this week because the border furnaces are ... but we will continue to fight against such
blackmailer resist ... sorry for the inconvenience ....

by /u/Yojimbo1987 · 2020-06-15 12:19:00 in /d/Monopoly

0 votes · 12 comments