
N/A subscribers


We dont sell longer on Icarus

by /u/wochris · 0 votes · 3rd September, 2020 20:16


Comments (5)
/u/AANVOER · N/A votes · 3rd September, 2020 - 22:52 · Link

if I dont get FE rights Iam also leaving ! you find me on WHM & neptune links are up

/u/stufff · N/A votes · 3rd September, 2020 - 20:39 · Link

oh, why did you choose to leave Icarus?

/u/alicebaker · N/A votes · 3rd September, 2020 - 20:40 · Link

Have fun missing the gold rush.

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM · N/A votes · 3rd September, 2020 - 21:09 · Link

/u/wochris Wickr good Opsec bro! Good luck.... /u/AANVOER One link works fine. icaruhkb6sndpg.........

/u/LaRouge · N/A votes · 3rd September, 2020 - 21:40 · Link

You started getting too many negative feedbacks so we disabled your withdrawals, instead of waiting to resolve this you decided to spam all your customers with your direct contacts and other markets you are selling at

/u/wochris · N/A votes · 3rd September, 2020 - 21:51 · Link

Blocking withdraws without a message is a no go its our money not yours .... and yes of course we warn our customers and not spam thats a difference ...