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Six months in business, almost 100% uptime, 60.000 users and some changes
- /u/whitehousemarket 📢 Official Account 24th February, 2020 - 23:48 You most likely read that on who was quoting darknetstats aka GP aka Narco. (A clear case of paranoid schizophrenia who believes ALL markets are connected and owned by HugBunter).

Edit: What was I saying ? Took him long enough: /u/ssccammmarrkkeettss

by /u/whitehousemarket · 24th February, 2020 22:05 in /d/WhiteHouseMarket

0 votes · 89 comments

Six months in business, almost 100% uptime, 60.000 users and some changes
- /u/whitehousemarket 📢 Official Account 26th February, 2020 - 14:26 Sure, just click on vendor name and scroll down. You will see the feedbacks there.

by /u/whitehousemarket · 24th February, 2020 22:05 in /d/WhiteHouseMarket

0 votes · 89 comments

Six months in business, almost 100% uptime, 60.000 users and some changes
- /u/whitehousemarket 📢 Official Account 26th February, 2020 - 02:25 some messages aren't worth encrypting

True. But how can we know which messages are worth encrypting and which aren't? People will send sensitive stuff in plaintext because they don't care or because it's easier.

Deleting multiple messages on one page can be implemented, but accepting multiple orders can't. How can you accept an order without reading the order message ?

by /u/whitehousemarket · 24th February, 2020 22:05 in /d/WhiteHouseMarket

0 votes · 89 comments

Six months in business, almost 100% uptime, 60.000 users and some changes
- /u/whitehousemarket 📢 Official Account 26th February, 2020 - 02:17 We are always open to suggestions, but we won't add autoencrypt. We are working on something else to make vendor's lives much easier. Please use the PM for any ideas you may have.

by /u/whitehousemarket · 24th February, 2020 22:05 in /d/WhiteHouseMarket

0 votes · 89 comments

Six months in business, almost 100% uptime, 60.000 users and some changes
- /u/whitehousemarket 📢 Official Account 25th February, 2020 - 21:56 We do not have autoencrypt, users have to encrypt by themselves and it's up to them what software they are using. Messages have to be encrypted before being pasted into the browser window.
When you get the "Force decryption" error try using GPA or the console, those usually are able to open those messages.

Inactive vendors are put to vacation mode indeed, but they don't have to contact support to end vacation mode, where did you get that from ? You just need to go to your account and hit "Enable all listings", that's all. We had lots of canceled orders because vendors would not log in, so setting them on vacation when they are awol makes sense.

We are working on a tool that will greatly help vendors answer messages and manage their orders, there is no ETA yet but it won't be long. We also agree there is room for improvements.

Thanks for your feedback!

by /u/whitehousemarket · 24th February, 2020 22:05 in /d/WhiteHouseMarket

0 votes · 89 comments