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Six months in business, almost 100% uptime, 60.000 users and some changes

by /u/whitehousemarket · 0 votes · 24th February, 2020 22:05

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* We have reached 6 months (with almost 100% uptime) and 60.000 users!

* Users can now change their PGP keys by themselves. Access to old key is required
before changes. Back up your PGP key and do not lose it. Treat it with the same
respect you treat your cryptocurrency wallets (or real wallets for that matter).
Except under very special circumstances if you lose access to your PGP key you lose
access to your account. If your key expired you won't be able to log in, however
you can contact us, sign a message with your old key and we will restore access.

Speaking of PGP: STOP using Igolder! You are basically GIVING your address to a
third party. If you don't care about that maybe you care about the fact that some
vendors cannot decrypt Igolder messages. Use a modern PGP client, most of them are
point and click.

* Order payment window has been increased to 120 minutes (two hours). That is more
then enough to make a payment. Payments received after the order is canceled may be
lost, so if paying by Bitcoin make sure you use a decent transaction fee. Stop paying
your orders from online wallets / exchanges. Send the coin to your local wallet first
because paying from online wallets / exchanges:
- - Is dangerous for your privacy.
- - Some of them add extra verification/delays and you won't make the 2 hour window.
- - Some use a ridiculously low transaction fee and the transaction will be delayed.
Transfer to your local wallet first and don't be cheap on the transaction fee. Late
payments create unnecessary support work and you may lose your coins.

* Order history and messages are now deleted after 45 days instead of 30.

* Users can edit feedbacks for 30 days after an order is finalized (escrow released).

* Added "Top 20 Vendors" based on number of sales and feedback.

* Added random sort to "Search".

* On "Your orders" page we added the exact time when the auto finalize can be extended
or the order can be disputed. On the order tab you will find a yellow box showing the
exact date and time when Dispute and Extend AF buttons will be available. 
Eg: "You can dispute/extend AF between 2020-02-28 18:44:51 and 2020-02-29 18:44:51 (UTC)"

* Added two new V3 mirrors:

* Bug fixes and stability improvements.

Thank you all for your business and support!


User: /u/whitehousemarket

We are always open to suggestions, but we won't add autoencrypt. We are working on something else to make vendor's lives much easier. Please use the PM for any ideas you may have.