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Tribe Seuss shipping times?

by /u/RedDread_Redemption · 2024-04-25 16:38:00 in /d/LSD

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Best US Domestic DMT?

by /u/RedDread_Redemption · 2024-04-22 23:49:00 in /d/DMT

0 votes · 1 comments

Epigram resellers?

by /u/RedDread_Redemption · 2024-04-19 01:58:00 in /d/Mdma

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Comments by User

- /u/RedDread_Redemption 📢 15th January, 2024 - 01:11 Yeah I'd recently heard that ChampagnePink uses the same supplier as Scotch did! I just don't understand why ChampagnePink isn't talked about more or recommended more for being the best. Becuase it was very well known in the community that Scotch was a very well established, top ketamine vendor, the best basically. So if CP uses the same supplier, why aren't people just naturally going to them for the ketamine needs? I feel like it would be an extremely easy choice to just always get it from them. But yet it seems most people are haven't found a reliable consistent ketamine vendor. Is CP just not well known enough yet?

So far the only reason I personally haven't looked into CP is because I only have used Archetype so far so I haven't been on Incognito. I'm still just surprised that I don't hear very much about them if they are supplying the same exact stuff that Scotch was supplying! Anyways, thanks for the recommendation and perhaps I will have to make an account on incognito and give them a try!

by /u/RedDread_Redemption · 14th January, 2024 18:11 in /d/ketamine

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- /u/RedDread_Redemption 📢 14th January, 2024 - 23:01 I appreciate your response and to anybody reading this: In my original post before I edited it, I had said that last year I chose to go with Ketakingdom over YourPharm because I had made a note that YourPharm was "sketchy". I have just now gone back to read the note I made from a year ago and I didn't actually say they were sketchy or that there was anything sketchy about them, I simply made the note to "avoid them at that particular time" as I believe there was some speculation of an off batch or something like that. There was only a period of one week where I was doing research before making an order so I'm not sure how that whole thing played out and it's very possible that they did nothing wrong at all. I simply don't have enough information to say that they were sketchy. All I know is that for a span of one week, something in my mind told me to order elsewhere and I am a very picky person so I could've been scared off by even one innacurate review bashing their product or it could've even been a competitor saying something bad about them, I honestly don't know (and after I made an order with someone else I didn't stick arouind long enough to see anything unfold), I just know that it was noted in my brain (and my notebook) to try a vendor who didn't have anything like that going on around them. So basically I did not intend to make a statement about YourPharm when I didn't have nearly enough information to go off of in that one small week in search of a vendor.

YourPharm has been very kind to me in trying to make this right to me even tho I basically made a claim about them without anything to back it up and I respect that they have so kindly reached out to me to try to resolve something that only exists because of my poor memory and wording. I'm sorry for my wording in my original post and I do look forward to giving your product a try! Thanks again for being so kind and understanding

by /u/RedDread_Redemption · 14th January, 2024 18:11 in /d/ketamine

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- /u/RedDread_Redemption 📢 16th January, 2024 - 02:12 Yeah I can't believe it's this hard to find a decent k vendor. At least it seems like there are severeal options for mediocore ket. It's better than nothing but I'd like to find a reliable "best" vendor that's highly vouched for. I still don't know for sure what I'm going to do....

I may try YourPharm, KetaKingdom, and now that I have been informed that ChampagnePink is on Archetype I may give them a try. It's probably between those three for now. I may end up just trying a small amount from each of them. Although I hate the idea of having to make so many small orders. Wish it was easier lol. Keep in touch if you end up trying any and I'll post updates when I make a decision as well!

by /u/RedDread_Redemption · 14th January, 2024 18:11 in /d/ketamine

0 votes · 33 comments

need help with good bars
- /u/RedDread_Redemption 27th April, 2024 - 01:57 Is GrannyXannies or whatever still around? Heard they were one of the only ones selling actual alp presses but haven't really been on here to check stuff out lately. Been wanting to get a stash of benzos to last a while and hoping somebody can say if GrannyXannies is still around and selling alp presses? Also, OP, if you're okay with pure alp powder, Preview Of Freedom is the best I've heard. Haven't gotten around to trying myself as they only ship once a month I think and they don't say when, so I need to find a month where I'll be home all month basically lol but i know there are tons of people who will vouch and say POF is the best for alp powder!

by /u/thewolf707 · 2024-04-27 01:14:00 in /d/Xanax

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Tribe Seuss shipping times?
- /u/RedDread_Redemption 📢 25th April, 2024 - 22:14 Fuck I didn't know USPS was really slow right now. damn. Do you know why or what's going on with USPS?? All of the reviews I've seen recently on markets from vendors I've been interested in buying other stuff from have tons of recent reviews saying the usual "super fast shipping. 3 days T2D. etc."

by /u/RedDread_Redemption · 2024-04-25 16:38:00 in /d/LSD

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