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Looking for the best/highest quality US Domestic DMT

by /u/RedDread_Redemption · 0 votes · 2024-04-23 00:01:00

After doing a bunch of research I'm unable to find a vendor mentioned enough to be 100% sure about placing an order. I'd prefer powder but if there are high quality carts I would be okay with that too. Must be US Domestic. Ideally I'd like to stick to Archetyp unless there is someone out there elsewhere who's highly vouched for. It should be noted that I am looking for N,N-DMT (NOT 5-meo-dmt).

Soooo, who do ya'll go to for the highest quality, most trusted DMT?

Thanks so much in advance!

Comments (6)
/u/Kilobaby · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 08:24 · Link


/u/bonefire · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 09:18 · Link

Hard to go wrong with SimpleSupplements. They have crystal and carts.

/u/btl22 · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 12:54 · Link

[removed by moderators]

/u/Valleylow · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 13:17 · Link

Simplesuppliment or dmteam

/u/simplejohnny · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 16:41 · Link

Is this another one of your plans dutch

/u/wormslut · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 16:43 · Link

i bought from simple supplement and would definitely buy again for freebase. i'm likely going to buy some carts from DMTeam soon as well