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by /u/BrohanSantana · 2024-04-17 18:33:00 in /d/MGMGrand

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FREE Samples!

by /u/BrohanSantana · 2024-04-18 03:04:00 in /d/Xanax

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5 Free Samples Holistic Benzo Capsules

by /u/BrohanSantana · 2024-04-18 17:41:00 in /d/FreeSamples

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Posts by User

Alp Stiizy

by /u/BrohanSantana · 2024-04-22 02:46:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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Mushroom Powder

by /u/BrohanSantana · 2024-04-22 03:07:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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by /u/BrohanSantana · 2024-04-17 18:33:00 in /d/MGMGrand

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FREE Samples!

by /u/BrohanSantana · 2024-04-18 03:04:00 in /d/Xanax

0 votes · 23 comments


by /u/BrohanSantana · 2024-04-18 11:54:00 in /d/MGMGrand

0 votes · 3 comments

Comments by User

Ugh I Hate This Feeling :/ Poll
- /u/BrohanSantana 🍼 22nd April, 2024 - 14:43 Well if you start feeling too bad you can take a shot of something. It is going to hit the same central nervous system receptors and you'll be safe of having a seizure until they come. If you're in the 48 hour range without any besides the little you found, then talking safety I would have one drink.

by /u/Odlyevenrecover · 2024-04-21 20:59:00 in /d/Xanax

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Ugh I Hate This Feeling :/ Poll
- /u/BrohanSantana 🍼 22nd April, 2024 - 00:51 Nothing, and I mean nothing touches benzo withdrawal (except maybe methadone I've heard that's terrible). I got out of rehab about 3 months ago and it was a 30 year old rehab and I broke the detox record by four days because my benzo tolerance was so high. I mean I seriously wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Now I have a 30,000 ml bottle with a dropper that I dissolved 42 mg's in and disolved it in vg and alcohol and I have it sealed up and put away because I'm never going through that again. I've been to rehab 9 times so probably like 20 detoxes and they were all for alcohol. This last one was the only one for flual/alp/brom and I thought alcohol withdrawals were bad. They don't even touch this. Anyways I feel good having that emergency liquid with a dropper now because it gives me peace of mind that I can slowly get back down if I need to.

by /u/Odlyevenrecover · 2024-04-21 20:59:00 in /d/Xanax

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Mushroom Powder
- /u/BrohanSantana 📢 🍼 22nd April, 2024 - 03:59 haha for real is that it? Do you use a food dehydrator before?

by /u/BrohanSantana · 2024-04-22 03:07:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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Onion Down
- /u/BrohanSantana 🍼 22nd April, 2024 - 14:50 Use the link on the side of dread here. That's what I've been using lately because it's the only one that will work for me also. Cheers

by /u/Grownwithlove · 2024-04-22 13:49:00 in /d/MGMGrand

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