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Mushroom Powder

by /u/BrohanSantana · 0 votes · 2024-04-22 03:07:00

Geez sorry I'm blowing up this sub I didn't realize this is the third time I've posted on here I must be in a chemistry mood. This is probably a stupid question, but I don't trip shrooms that often. I do like once every couple of months though, because I swear it like resets my dopamine and I just feel level and good for the next few weeks. Anyways when people make mushroom power and put them in capsules for microdosing is there anything special they do to make it so powdery? I'd like to microdose them for like a month and see how I do with that and I have some but I didn't know exactly how the powder was made if anyone has experience with that. Thanks

User: /u/BrohanSantana

Thanks guys