Search results


Concerns about the manager API

by /u/WhmManagerApiQ · 13th January, 2021 15:06 in /d/WhiteHouseMarket

0 votes · 7 comments


by /u/playingwithfire · 25th January, 2021 21:03 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 7 comments

McDrugs marketplace banned for spam? Is it the right move?

by /u/Paris · 26th January, 2021 00:28 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 70 comments

A poem inspired by recent events on Dread

by /u/Mauritzio1738 · 29th January, 2021 12:00 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 7 comments

/u/ParisAdmin works with COPS!!

by /u/MrBan · 1st February, 2021 03:23 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 25 comments

Posts by User

Tits get clicks

by /u/Paris · 18th September, 2023 17:27 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 21 comments

We control the majority of moderatorship on Dread. Internet AMA

by /u/Paris · 29th December, 2020 03:53 in /d/IAmA

0 votes · 20 comments

Well I'm going to make it offical.

by /u/Paris · 27th December, 2020 23:30 in /d/NeptuneMarket

0 votes · 5 comments

McDrugs marketplace banned for spam? Is it the right move?

by /u/Paris · 26th January, 2021 00:28 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 70 comments

Comments by User

WeAreAmsterdam - shilling and scamming!
- /u/Paris A 13th June, 2020 - 05:36 If a vendor does a transaction on dread and we are aware of it we ban the vendor for breaking our no transaction rule. In this case there is no information that shows he did the transaction on dread itself.

by /u/SamCulper · 12th June, 2020 03:07 in /d/ScamReports

0 votes · 36 comments

WeAreAmsterdam - shilling and scamming!
- /u/Paris A 12th June, 2020 - 23:09 Dread is not a market. We have a no transaction rule for a reason. Can't help you man.

Edit: I'm not saying what he has done is right. I don't want anyone to threaten to be killed. However he didn't discuss it publicly he sent it in a PM. Blocking that kind of interaction prevents people from seeing their true colors. People need to be able to be as blunt and honest as possible.

by /u/SamCulper · 12th June, 2020 03:07 in /d/ScamReports

0 votes · 36 comments

WeAreAmsterdam - shilling and scamming!
- /u/Paris A 12th June, 2020 - 19:52 What you have provided isn't enough for a ban from my end and allow me to explain why. From all these provided accounts there are no hard links between these account and /u/WeAreAMSTERDAM. There are soft links but that overall is just because of their account activity (they mostly are used for one day and posted a single thing on his subdread). I'm not sure if /u/WeAreAMSTERDAM are incentivizing people to post positive reviews on dread but from what I see they are regular users simply posting about their experience.

There is no evidence of fowl play. I'll be honest though, it definitely doesn't look that good from a regular user looking in but understand just because an account is posting positive things about a vendor doesn't make them automatically a shill or an alt created by a vendor. Let's not start witch hunts here.

by /u/SamCulper · 12th June, 2020 03:07 in /d/ScamReports

0 votes · 36 comments

- /u/Paris A 31st August, 2020 - 10:34 Endgame is released for public use at /d/endgame and has been for awhile now.

by /u/IcarusMarket · 30th August, 2020 12:31 in /d/Icarus

0 votes · 14 comments

Need some help!
- /u/Paris A 17th May, 2020 - 17:35 Yep this attack isn't automated. We would be seeing far more requests. That isn't to say he is not automated the captcha pull up and making the answering as quick as possible.

by /u/Phuck · 2020-05-17 08:39:00 in /d/Monopoly

0 votes · 2 comments