
N/A subscribers


WeAreAmsterdam - shilling and scamming!

by /u/SamCulper · 0 votes · 12th June, 2020 03:07


Check these accounts, see how they are all linked to WeAreAmsterdam. And these are just a few of them. /u/Paris Another biting the dust it seems. U will see more connections than 5g.

No wonder Whitehouse banned you.

Comments (11)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 19:52 · Link

What you have provided isn't enough for a ban from my end and allow me to explain why. From all these provided accounts there are no hard links between these account and /u/WeAreAMSTERDAM. There are soft links but that overall is just because of their account activity (they mostly are used for one day and posted a single thing on his subdread). I'm not sure if /u/WeAreAMSTERDAM are incentivizing people to post positive reviews on dread but from what I see they are regular users simply posting about their experience. There is no evidence of fowl play. I'll be honest though, it definitely doesn't look that good from a regular user looking in but understand just because an account is posting positive things about a vendor doesn't make them automatically a shill or an alt created by a vendor. Let's not start witch hunts here.

/u/topdown4 · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 21:05 · Link

Well, In this case you're wrong my guy, Simply because I've been watching this vendor for the past 3 weeks and fully understands the scams he pulls,First off look at this https://linx.li/o7sa9300.png -context he got angry because I made a post on /d/mdma calling him dishonest because on his listing it's listed as MDMA ROCKS, then he tells me in PM he's sending mdma dust because "I didn't order 500g" Actually I'm sure you can view the messages on user accounts right? have a look yourself between him and I Anyways, I don't really care for BANNING this user atleast not rn, I want my refund for my order of "250g of MDMA" and I want it today simply because I've waited 4 weeks now for this pack from this vendor and he keeps pushing it to the next week, I understand COVID 19 is fucking with alot of things but America imo is back open now, everything is literally running and people even stopped wearing mask, during this whole pandemic actually I haven't had a pack late.. But 4 weeks? You all do understand that's a month and a week right? I've waited long enough, I want my refund /u/WeAreAmsterdam /u/Paris

/u/SamCulper · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 21:47 · Link

Sorry, i was going after him cuz ive seen dread pm's of him threathening to shoot his customers if they didnt remove negative reviews.... I lost my temper once I see vendors threathening customers with death on the dread platform. I confess I believe he is now banned from white house, empire and versus?!?

/u/v0id0ne · N/A votes · 30th June, 2020 - 21:56 · Link

*foul play "Fowl" play would involve birds. LOL. ;)

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 23:07 · Link

But /u/WeAreAMSTERDAM in what situation is this acceptable behavior within the community? What gives you the right to say these kinds of things and think everything will be okay. Though I cannot verify the Dread-account claims this type of behavior towards anyone is UN-acceptable. /u/paris please consider doing something as to set an example for future vendors who think it is okay to throw around death threats to there loyal customers who have gone out of there way to purchase from such vendor.

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 23:09 · Link

Dread is not a market. We have a no transaction rule for a reason. Can't help you man. Edit: I'm not saying what he has done is right. I don't want anyone to threaten to be killed. However he didn't discuss it publicly he sent it in a PM. Blocking that kind of interaction prevents people from seeing their true colors. People need to be able to be as blunt and honest as possible.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 23:14 · Link

I understand at least you are very un-bias.

/u/topdown4 · N/A votes · 13th June, 2020 - 00:06 · Link

Understandable I guess, Do understand though that this opens doors for vendors to do this via dread to new time buyers though, Especially now knowing basically dread doesn't do anything about that happening. Paris my point is he did all that over me making a simple post about him saying he's dishonest in a mature way which he is. and /u/WeAreAmsterdam until my refund is issued I wont be letting up on you bro you did me wrong

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 13th June, 2020 - 05:36 · Link

If a vendor does a transaction on dread and we are aware of it we ban the vendor for breaking our no transaction rule. In this case there is no information that shows he did the transaction on dread itself.

/u/topdown4 · N/A votes · 13th June, 2020 - 06:34 · Link

The OFFICAL transaction wasn't indeed on dread however it was setup on dread only reason I didn't DD was because I didn't have enough for the 500gr and I wanted something to have proof incase he did scam me like an order ID or something. I'm curious though why are the DMs between me and him gone? Also I'm sure going through his DMs there's atleast 5+ DDs that he's done while advertising his scam listings of molly. /u/WeAreAmsterdam I want my BTC back asap Ik you're seeing my messages if not then I know you've seen this. /u/Natsuko

/u/SamCulper · N/A votes · 13th June, 2020 - 00:14 · Link

I always thought it was against the rules to conduct deals as a vendor through dread? Isn't that was has just happened? He directed a deal through this forum.. And if nothing is done about that, wouldnt that make that kinda of a direct deal market place? Im just seriously curious here. because I used to ban a lot of vendors from dread just for doing deals on this platform. If things have changed, let me know, than I will stop the anti scam effort an witch hunts

/u/WeDoWork · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 03:20 · Link


/u/SamCulper · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 03:41 · Link

Appreciate that mate! You be safe and healthy bruv.

/u/MrsSmith · N/A votes · 19th September, 2020 - 15:14 · Link

Amazone and Teamharibo are also his alts. Paris won't ban him, since he is paying ads.

/u/vibecheck · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 04:49 · Link

Not defending anyone here, but WeAreAmsterdam gave away 10x xtc pills for everyone who left a review of their order. This might explain some of the posts

/u/SamCulper · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 05:10 · Link

That's what they often do, make some legit and fake the others. Its classic shilling.

/u/mor1s · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 09:01 · Link


/u/orangesunshine · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 17:13 · Link


/u/mor1s · N/A votes · 13th June, 2020 - 01:24 · Link

I don't understand

/u/MarqueeMo0n · N/A votes · 10th July, 2020 - 18:36 · Link

OpSec, do not give any kind of personal data, any kind. and I hope your nick doesn't have anything to do with ur real name

/u/mor1s · N/A votes · 18th July, 2020 - 04:43 · Link

Thnx bro

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 19:28 · Link

/u/Paris Please comment on these hatefull post of /u/SamCulper

/u/TheAntichrist · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 20:39 · Link

let's not act like a saint here you're extremely rude and have a history of scamming you only join markets that allow you to suck their dick for FE rights.

/u/SamCulper · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 21:48 · Link

Bro i got a screenshot of your dumbass in dread PM threathening that you want to kill the customer for posting negative reviews.

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 19:47 · Link

Hello bro, Thanks for ordering. We ship today, if you have any questions please ask. Please visit our community at dread http://dreadditevelidot.onion/d/WeAreAMSTERDAM Post a comment to review our product and receive 10x xtc 280mg for free.

/u/topdown4 · N/A votes · 14th June, 2020 - 01:28 · Link

/u/WeAreAmsterdam check dm since im banned from your sub

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM · N/A votes · 15th June, 2020 - 18:36 · Link

We gonna refund ( deleted if he just send a message on the site he ordered how hard can it be?

/u/SamCulper · N/A votes · 15th June, 2020 - 18:42 · Link

unban the user from ur sub.

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM · N/A votes · 15th June, 2020 - 18:42 · Link

Isn't he deleted on dread?

/u/SamCulper · N/A votes · 15th June, 2020 - 18:49 · Link

no he isnt.

/u/crackadoodlefuckadoo · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 03:50 · Link

no offense but someone like samculper shouldn't be calling anyone out for shilling especially not running a sub for that matter. Go look at his first posts they're literally him talking to his alt.

/u/deleted · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 11:10 · Link

Account created 7 hours ago. You don't even have the balls to post with your main account. Why should anyone listen to whatever you have to say?

/u/crackheaddom101 · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 03:56 · Link

Whos his alt account lol?

/u/SamCulper · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 03:58 · Link

Haha, shit buddy, did i call u out sometime in the past? Or banned u from some market? When have i ever been caught shilling? Please link me alll the posts where I am shilling.

/u/crackadoodlefuckadoo · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 03:51 · Link

p.s get a fucking life, jesus.

/u/SamCulper · N/A votes · 12th June, 2020 - 03:59 · Link

the fact that you created this brand new account just to come and say this, says enough about. Grow a pair lil boy... Or maybe read my history as timothyleary. I was cleaning out dread like it was cleaning the hospitals from corona.