Search results


Time to say a big THANK YOU <3

by /u/Chronos · 20th March, 2020 13:21 in /d/Chronos

0 votes · 2 comments

A message from Blitzversand

by /u/Blitzversand_Support · 6th June, 2023 13:39 in /d/TheGoodSpeedGuide

0 votes · 11 comments

Dread's CAPTCHA system is broken.

by /u/AInarchist · 8th June, 2023 07:16 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 13 comments

I aint gon lie

by /u/Playboi-Carti · 23rd August, 2023 13:48 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 9 comments

Posts by User

Clearnet Sync Issues

by /u/HugBunter · 6th March, 2023 18:15 in /d/Daunt

0 votes · 1 comments

July 16th - DDOS attack on-going and updates imminent

by /u/HugBunter · 17th July, 2018 01:06 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 34 comments

July 19th - DDOS Update

by /u/HugBunter · 19th July, 2018 22:51 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 28 comments

Dread scheduled downtime and 20k user announcement!

by /u/HugBunter · 31st July, 2018 03:46 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 61 comments

Hello, is it me you're looking for?

by /u/HugBunter · 21st August, 2018 09:53 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 52 comments

Comments by User

US MDMA Vendor
- /u/HugBunter A 12th July, 2018 - 04:56 Removed. Please post this to a relevant subdread. Thanks!

by /u/guwoppharma · 12th July, 2018 03:55 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 1 comments

Can't search for a three character string?
- /u/HugBunter A 12th July, 2018 - 16:13 4 is the minimum, to reduce broad searches as it will return results for any word that contains that 3 character string. That is an easy way to deplete resources with small queries. I'll reduce it once I have time to further optimize and cache the search results.

by /u/hingebearing · 12th July, 2018 09:51 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 5 comments

Sidebar aka suggestions (pre-login)
- /u/HugBunter A 14th July, 2018 - 03:24 Nothing to monetize, the market subs were the most relevant subs to be following when I originally launched with the idea of being mostly DNM focused. That view has shifted and I will revise the suggestions soon, the idea is to soon try to promote popular but smaller communities, I also need to keep the suggestion list small so there isn't 100's down the sidebar.

by /u/topflight · 13th July, 2018 02:19 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 5 comments

Empire Market source code found
- /u/HugBunter A 14th July, 2018 - 03:29 That code is either the altered Bitwasp source or the Evo source. As far as I can tell Empire is mostly custom developed, especially considering their initial security fuck ups which are not present in the aforementioned available source codes.

by /u/Europa · 10th July, 2018 04:15 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

0 votes · 54 comments

Dread Usernames I'm Selling (LOT!)
- /u/HugBunter A 15th July, 2018 - 19:06 I never agreed to allow it, I told you not to or you would be banned. Final warning.

by /u/Fireman · 11th July, 2018 04:04 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 30 comments