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A message from Blitzversand

by /u/Blitzversand_Support · 6th June, 2023 13:39 in /d/TheGoodSpeedGuide

0 votes · 11 comments

Comments by User

A message from Blitzversand
- /u/Blitzversand_Support 📢 9th June, 2023 - 12:43 Thank you for your reply! If we come accross any fud or vote manipulation we will contact you, but we hope this isn't needed. Again, thanks for taking your time to clear things up.

by /u/Blitzversand_Support · 6th June, 2023 13:39 in /d/TheGoodSpeedGuide

0 votes · 11 comments

A message from Blitzversand
- /u/Blitzversand_Support 📢 9th June, 2023 - 12:39 No problemo. Yes, we will only post 1 ad a month.

by /u/Blitzversand_Support · 6th June, 2023 13:39 in /d/TheGoodSpeedGuide

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A message from Blitzversand
- /u/Blitzversand_Support 📢 7th June, 2023 - 13:51 I've got a message from /u/Shakybeats

I have unbanned /u/Blitzversand I don't think you meant anything malicious, and you did own up to everything very quickly which I give you credit for. A lot of people will just argue with us and try to say it wasn't them.

You and speedlab were both hit with a lot of fud, and vote manipulation. I do understand it's important for vendors to be able to defend themselves and have a platform to speak on. Just please keep in mind, if we let fud, and vote manipulation go on this platform would turn into a shit hole filled with chaos.
We did purge a lot of the accounts spreading fud and even corrected a lot of the scores. If you see more fud being spread, or vote manipulation going on please send us a message in modmail so that we can handle it.

You said:
I also didn't like the fact you had banned a respected member of this community and a friend of mine /u/newbieforever2018 from your subdread when he hadnt even been in there before based on assumptions.

We might have accidentally thought that he was also in on the fud campain, if we were wrong, we are sorry for this.
But have a look at this evidence, we are being banned from subs and targetted from the same accounts with all one motive: trying to destroy our reputation with baseless lies and accusations.


by /u/Blitzversand_Support · 6th June, 2023 13:39 in /d/TheGoodSpeedGuide

0 votes · 11 comments