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Can the market stop with shilling us with their obvious DDOS attack?

by /u/[deleted] · 0 votes · 2nd February, 2022 12:31

A 'unknown ' market seems to reaches a new level of FUD, like many major markets being flamed the FUD attacks will occur with fresh new accounts or harvested 1 year old account that weren't active for a while seems to know more better then the vendors and staff about the market.

Don't fall into this, the 'unknown' market is seemingly wasting time on making accounts and writing post and hiring attackers to harm us while their market is dying.

Well, a beautiful world. Even /u/HugBunter sees this obvious way of doing.


We are on top of the issues, withdrawals are always processed as most vendors aren't complaining at all. Only as usual fresh made account..

Again fuck you to the 'unknown' market who is DDOSSING,SHILLING,SPAMMING, lost the middlefinger but a big middlefinger.

Comments (11)
/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 2nd February, 2022 - 13:24 · Link


/u/greenpirate · N/A votes · 2nd February, 2022 - 13:34 · Link

/u/Dark0deReborn thanks for having me as a vendor from the beginning darkode and worldmarket you are the best

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 2nd February, 2022 - 14:02 · Link

Chapeau! We know better and that's above all anything.

/u/greenpirate · N/A votes · 2nd February, 2022 - 12:45 · Link

most of us have big faith in you and your team. its a chilout period and the ddos will stop finaly lovelace weednights and the rest you guys rock

/u/drador342 · N/A votes · 6th February, 2022 - 22:16 · Link

World Working Mirror --> 6qfi6hshhth36xlwkaxi3dx52xpoaioukyxg2ecgqcqg4mj6ejkuz6yd

/u/mysteryyland · N/A votes · 2nd February, 2022 - 15:58 · Link

We at Mysteryland team believe in world market. We have been a vendor on the market from the very beginning! FUCK!! all these attacks keep up the great work in these hard times Yesterday is history. Today is a gift. Tomorrow is a Mystery!! Mysteryland

/u/William1473 · N/A votes · 13th February, 2022 - 15:30 · Link

Place list some links to working mirrors

/u/blackmarket · N/A votes · 2nd February, 2022 - 13:07 · Link

Only a retard would believe that World Market would ddos their own Market. I have read sucha stupid pösts from members losing their funds , claiming ban or whatever. People i have been around since Evolution Market 2013 and i can say WorldMarket is legit and is here to stay. I could withdraw these last weeks funds. Yeah there where some problems but not caused by World Market so people stay calm and yesss the captcha is fucked up , but i will not cry like a little baby. This is darknet and anything can happen. My golden rule is : ONLY INVEST WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOSE.

/u/CLASSIFIED · N/A votes · 2nd February, 2022 - 13:22 · Link

I can t access the market... this is what I get Sorry, page not found Opps. This isn't suppose to happen The little monkeys are working in the background to fix this up. Check back later. I have been trying to access for 3 days and nothing... Sometimes I can access the login page but, it does t show any captcha

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM · N/A votes · 2nd February, 2022 - 13:47 · Link

Yeah fuck of DDOS. World Market is the best market! /u/Lovelace You can handle those little bitches.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 2nd February, 2022 - 14:02 · Link

Ofcourse buddy <'3

/u/ATOC · N/A votes · 2nd February, 2022 - 14:44 · Link

keep the good work ! Now spam attacks are on Versus.. idk who is doing but idk what's the point... Keep the good work against this f***s with ddos/spam attacks

/u/TheFentDoctor · N/A votes · 2nd February, 2022 - 15:55 · Link

Any idea when the marketplace will be back up and online 100%? I need to get into my account and check orders, get money off my account etc. I mean yeah its not a HUGE deal but it would be nice to be able to get on the site sometime soon. This is day 3 of not being able to get online. IDK who has it out for you guys at World Market but they are relentless with the DDOS attacks.. all the strange messages I got about my account being banned in 72 hours and the messages I got about how they are trying to figure out who the admins are and they are close to finding out where they live etc. Someone is after you guys HARD and they are not going to quit until world market is shut down forever.. I thought it was your typical dark web games, people fucking off etc until its gotten to where I can't login to the market for days at a time... ANYWAYS! If you are a customer of mine, message me here until the site comes back up and online. I will be checking my messages on dread every hour on the hour until this is resolved. Thanks. -- To the Admins of World Marketplace -- Thank you for everything you do. I truly mean that. It's not often you find a marketplace like World. You guys allow me to sale my products without any issues and I appreciate that MORE THAN YOU KNOW. I truly hope World Marketplace stays up FOREVER. I was a top vendor on Cartel when they did an "Exit Scam" so I can only hope and pray you guys will keep the marketplace up for as long as you can. I will be checking back here to see what's going on regularly. Once again, thank you guys, forreal.

/u/ATOC · N/A votes · 2nd February, 2022 - 16:01 · Link

you can login now.. the market is under ddos.. but you can login to check your orders etc

/u/HofmanncrewPR · N/A votes · 2nd February, 2022 - 15:40 · Link

Fuck them... We know, we will wait till we got access to your market :). Nothing to worry about this. I suggest for other vendors and customer to take a small holiday break, during this DDOSS attacks XD /u/Lovelance, beat them :)

/u/Richard · N/A votes · 2nd February, 2022 - 13:00 · Link

for start you have to pay back money you stole from people on your previous exit scams

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 2nd February, 2022 - 13:17 · Link

I'm truly amazed, a account of 10 months old is suddenly alive and talking about World Market. Gtfo.

/u/greenpirate · N/A votes · 2nd February, 2022 - 13:07 · Link

stop this bullshit