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PSA: Localmonero & Agoradesk are shutting down

by /u/Hourglass · 2024-05-07 21:21:00 in /d/OpSec

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🎉 2 Weeks of Amphora - Updates and Status of Project

by /u/Amphora · 2024-05-02 22:39:00 in /d/Amphora

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💚 Euphoria Marketplace is now live on Amphora!

by /u/Amphora · 2024-05-04 02:50:00 in /d/Amphora

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🏺 Amphora - One stop for all your dark web needs!

by /u/Amphora · 2024-04-17 20:55:00 in /d/CafeDread

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how to create a software dead mans switch?
- /u/Amphora 17th March, 2024 - 17:56 By black van with sirens, I think you realized that I meant special coppers for intervention, ready to bust your door at 4 in the morning.

by /u/eternal · 16th March, 2024 00:59 in /d/OpSec

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how to create a software dead mans switch?
- /u/Amphora 16th March, 2024 - 19:35 Physical switches, sure we can talk, but software ones need to be kept private, otherwise you'd be compromising your own safety mechanisms. For OP, just to answer the question, your family would know you were "compromised" when they see your face on the news or when you get picked up by a black van with sirens.

by /u/eternal · 16th March, 2024 00:59 in /d/OpSec

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how to create a software dead mans switch?
- /u/Amphora 16th March, 2024 - 19:31 True that, well thought. However the idea itself stands, it is a good way to implement it using an off-shore VPS, running a time-based script. Unless you log in there to kill it and restart it, it will do whatever you decided to happen with your dead man switch.

by /u/eternal · 16th March, 2024 00:59 in /d/OpSec

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how to create a software dead mans switch?
- /u/Amphora 16th March, 2024 - 19:26 Alternatively, maybe in the future Dread could have such a feature, that would allow users to, with a specific key, send a request to Dread via Tor, resulting in the trigger of the switch. This could be implemented on a VPS where the person would just have a small bash script ready to send a request to Dread in case of arrest, unless stopped.

by /u/eternal · 16th March, 2024 00:59 in /d/OpSec

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If you have sex with your clone - is it homosexual or masturbation? Poll
- /u/Amphora 1 + 1 = 3.783 26th April, 2024 - 15:12 That's gonna be fire, we finna see fireworks!

by /u/MinusMacher · 2024-04-25 20:11:00 in /d/CafeDread

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