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馃嵓 The War of Baby Bottles and Sleeper Accounts - Abacus Marketplace Edition

by /u/Amphora 路 0 votes 路 2024-04-29 00:01:00

So, you're casually browsing Dread and you come across this shit /post/e19592392dd4dc72d7a5 saying Abacus is missing deposits and they're abandoned marketplace.

I don't think anyone should trust money in a nearly abandoned market like them. Be smart.

/u/plokm098 - 1 hour old account, 1 post (Which got deleted eventually).

Fun, right? Now let's see some of the comments...

They are a good market. "Missing deposits" is FUD.

1 year old account, 3 comments. One from a year ago, one yesterday saying Archetyp and Abacus are the best marketplaces now, and the one I quoted.

They are the best market there is, not abandoned and no missing deposits.

Use your fast link from your dashboard, and zoom in on catpchas. It works great.

1 hour old account, 2 comments all about how Abacus is the best marketplace... I get it, ok?

Works good for me.

4 year old account that only gets online every few months to say how amazing Abacus is, and how shit ASAP was.

I made a large deposit to Abacus market 48 hours+ ago, and can't log in since. Panic time?

Edit - Thank you /u/sesquipedalian for identifying another 1 day old account spreading this information.

Are we in the age of AI Dread accounts automatically logging in to shill or shit on marketplaces or am I seeing things?

Comments (2)
/u/sesquipedalian 路 N/A votes 路 29th April, 2024 - 01:29 Link

It's most likely sleeper accounts. I'm more inclined to believe the new accounts because it's not unusual for people to create brand new accounts to say things anonymously. But whatever, it's all bullshit anyway.

/u/Amphora 路 N/A votes 路 29th April, 2024 - 01:33 Link

That's basically my guess too - a new account comes to say something and sleeper accounts immediately dismiss everything within minutes of the post being up.

/u/realrichnigga 路 N/A votes 路 29th April, 2024 - 02:51 Link

id imagine its all the same person too, niggas would rather create a bunch of accounts to spread lies about a market other then getting some money lol

/u/Amphora 路 N/A votes 路 29th April, 2024 - 19:56 Link

Lmao and they are downvoting hard!